Golden One

What do all of you on Jow Forums think of this guy? He presents as a white nationalist but has also stated that he is for democracy and considers 1st wave feminists his heroes. Opinions?

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I think you’re a divide and conquer Jew. Fuck off.

He's a literal histrionic faggot


I think the dude would probably swim in puss if he wasn't so distanced from the society around him.

>muh dick
We aren't hedonistic miteralist like you Tyrone

He runs a youtube channel calls himself "The Golden One"

god tier body, absolute shit face. feel kinda bad for him.

Look closely, he has a talmud on his bookshelf.

virgin detected
have sex you loser. you're just jealous because you're a fat NEET who can't get pussy

Not really, I simply think Men can't only live off ideals. I am cynical of free will and would go as far as to say that I think ideals can hijack and live a person's life for them if they become dominant of a person's waking existence.

Agreed he looks like a meathead kevin bacon

He is a pawn/tool in my opinion. I doubt he even read 10% of those books.

We know its you faggot stop spamming for traffic. Also you live in a irrelevant country.

Nigger detected
Read some books you loser, you're just jealous because you are a dumb welfare nigger who can't get education.

He is a white knight that doesn't care enough about racial purity

you're a faggy goober

He’s pretty much the perfect human, I think he’s a lot more extreme than he claims, he’s very careful about what he says

>n-no u
>r-read a book
cry more virgin

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True, I didn't bother responding to him

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Anyone who thinks this is a desperate woman or a retard.
t. Wading through women for years, now monk gains.
Wish I hadn't wasted so much time on self-heating fleshlights, but I learned from it.
We first ascend by faith
Then we fall again and ascend by knowledge.

Attached: ten-of-swords.png (323x550, 42K)

Go home Chink

second that.

if the asshole was living in the year 920 he would be swimming in nord-celtic pussy

he still gets more pussy than you ever will

I respect him and support him but I do think he's a bit retarded and not radical enough.

NoFap is a larp. you probably jerk off every single day because you're a virgin and you claim it's hedonism Even though you watch

>White nationalist feminist
Far too many of these scumbags.

>The Juden One

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I thought we were done talking about this guy.

Believe it or not, he is a 4channer for those who don't know. He used to go by Latsbrah on Jow Forums. He has a beard now to cover his ugly face.

It is very interesting watching his descent. He started out as rather apolitical, then became a nationalist pretty quickly at some point.

how is Peterson Jude

I can't tell whether you're trying to make some wider point or are genuinely schizo.

Of all the ones to point out, that's the first one you go for?

he's a good guy

His nickname is literally "Juden Peterstein," is it not?

Literally just drew stars on pics of people without any evidence

tfw when Roosh V names the jew on every stream he makes