Where Are They Now?

What happened with these guys? Are they all still friends?


I watched a few of these videos today out of nostalgia/curiosity, picking up things that I missed.
I was genuinely depressed after watching them. Everyone was so happy meeting up and making friends with people who aren't normies.

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Other urls found in this thread:


They all felt normal, sharing a common interest that would ostracize them from their own friend group.
Now I'd be surprised if any of them have spoken to each other in months/years.
In Jackie's video, he says several times that he wants to make the most out of the situation, and turn those short acquaintances into lifelong friendships.
I don't know what's wrong with me, I just feel so damn sad thinking about this.

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Apparently, Mustachio has given up on America and has been traveling eastern Europe. I ripped this from his Instagram before he deleted all of his social media.

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I was there. They still discord, last I checked. It was fucking amazing. really glad I went.

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I was too shy for the museum camera, but they took a pic of me rubbing my hands over the interracial couple ;)

I left the discord a while back. After jackie and jesus left it, I really had no reason to stay. Last I checked the group still hung out with eachother from time to time, but most of the guys you would know have gone their seperate ways.
Luckily I managed to find another group of redpilled friends to hang out with here in leaf land, but I do miss the old crew. If I hadn’t already bankrupted myself with all those trips to new york, I’d probably visit more often. I’ll always look back on those days fondly.

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Oh shit is that you dude? I was just talking about you yesterday! Lol.

Pretty much what everyone else has said. It was quite the trip. Too bad there's nothing like that again. Really wish it didn't stop.

daily reminder: friendship is magic. don't be afraid to socialize irl. it is very healthy and probably needed


Yes, my dude. Glad to see I'm internet famous. p. s. delet all pics of me or I'll tell Soros to flood your country with more immigrants.

jokes aside, i was at the museum, and homeboy says, 'wow I wanna ask britney out, should I? " I told, do it faggot, u got dis bro. he did and soros gave me a bonus because britney is like 1/8 black.

one of them is a fucking pro wrestler now lol

Yeah after we broke up I deleted that pic, which I regret now because it was hilarious. Did you finish your studies? I hope you're doing well.

I wonder what happened to plaidman and spike? Giant enemy crabgot and Cancer Cult are gone...

HWNDU was great, still miss it. What's going on with 4chad youtube.com/watch?v=8JXgXCagdxk

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Yeah, he was very business savvy to use the HWNDU publicity to his advantage.


holy shit its you?? you were the bro with the girl that I rubbed my hands over? big kosher hugs

I'm doing really well. I even quit video games, and I'm now employed and berry happy. wishing you all the best

Dead hopefully

Umm, what?

I haven't heard about him in a while, since the Killstream. He's basically on suicide watch, crying over failing out of college and not gaining muscle despite working out 2hrs every day.

Yeah I was talking about that exact same story too. Small world. Gonna be going to uni soon to study. Glad things are going well for you.

or are you the model who dated brit? the former twitch streamer gril? or the black leaf?

Weird shit, hasn't he heard about being in a cal surplus?

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good luck in school. remember: no drugs or alcohol until after you are gainfully employed, young man. believe in G-d and read Intelligent Design literature before falling for the evolution bs they will preach in college. I throw that crap in the same bin as all the other lefty bs they preach in uni

Nah, I'm the cuck that stayed home.