How bad things really are

Attached: man-freak.jpg (1300x1109, 265K)

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What exactly is Jacinda Ardern hiding in her panties?

Attached: 1553104584552.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

Jews transformed society in such a way that things like this became possible. Never forget who did this.

It's just where she keeps her loose change.

NZ has a bunch of these sickos.

Its to stop her from being raped.

I've spent all day trying on my mothers and sisters dresses and I still can't replicate this even with an actual bulge.

Attached: image.png (437x294, 81K)

>I've spent all day trying on my mothers and sisters dresses

Attached: smirking chimp.jpg (600x526, 74K)

>Her [Annette King]'s first husband was transgender
So Jacinda Ardern's close pal was married to a transgender too? that ups the chances Ardern is a one.

Attached: download (2).jpg (668x417, 41K)

>" The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." Deuteronomy 22:5

>Flag checks out

Attached: 32523523.jpg (380x380, 11K)

That would be pretty ironic.

It seems aware of it’s appearance in that dress. Fake and very gay.


More circumstantial evidence, there's a bunch of sex perverts and transgenderates in NZ politics - Helen Clark etc

Attached: HelenClarkRTa1200.jpg (461x307, 25K)

it's most likely a state issued weapon that isn't
public knowledge. the lady in red fears for her

Its got bounce and swing going on so it hangs.

Change my mind.

Attached: 1547812558663.jpg (657x527, 32K)

yes it fucking would

Attached: BASmyshitupfam.png (597x577, 217K)

He cute tho

man a woman wearing that would be sexy af

shoot me in the balls if i don't perform why don't cha?


Vagina purse. Its new. Dont you all read cosmo?

Based Jews

she's a milf

a big fat dick obviously

massive lips, clit + bush is ONLY explanation

Based mythbuster. Doing it for science

Attached: cannot_be_unseen.webm (540x720, 2.92M)

I want to believe it's the way the fabric moves due to the placard above that point but got damn.
you know those pair of trousers you have that make it look like you have a boner when you're sitting down? like that but got damn. shit has a life of its own

My brother thinks she looks cute

Attached: 1388702605496.gif (350x193, 2.98M)

I wouldn’t be too surprised if it actually was a benis.

you guys know that woman put pieces of paper between their legs right?
do we have to explain this....

now put a pad down the front of your panties, and piss in them, as women who've just gone through childbirth like her are want to do and get back to us. This is whats going on here

do they crumple them up into a ball first?

when they're full of piss they do


(((they))) use these people like this since their job is to lie and their whole life is a lie.

At least she isn't a casual.

Yes, yes you do because why would there be paper there? Are you referring to a tampon or pad?

Cant be a dick because she was pregnant...
So it's probably a giant vibrator or something

This is why whamen shouldn't be world leaders.

There's a lot of great reasons women shouldn't be leaders. And their biological functions are just a small part of them. More than anything it's their emotions and lack of rationality.

Funny how age is a problem when a woman is having her first baby or when someone is running for president but after the fifth baby or fifth presidency nobody cares about the person's age.


Yes, because there's no way she could wear a pregnancy belly.


Some intel for you lads.
NZ was raised LDS (Mormon) there's no chance in hell she was ever a boy.
She left the Mormon church in her 20s after she struggled with the religion's policy on gays. She also house shared with some gay students while at university. She is also belongs to a female Masonic lodge.



Kek. Your gun is digging into my hip

Beat me to it

incontinence pad

she's larping as a tranny cuz she's fucked in the head

Bullshit, it is one of those things that trannys use to hide their dick. You can see the strings over the thighs.

Attached: downloadfile.gif (650x366, 1.21M)

nope the strings are much higher up

This exudes big clit energy