Hello anons, I decided to convert to the religion of my Germanic ancestors and abandon the desert cults.
Can someone redpill me on the ancients gods? How can I worship our father Odin?
Converted to Paganism
Hello anons, I decided to convert to the a religion that is so primitive and pointless i literally have to do nothing differently in my life and abandon the proven track record of self betterment, honor, and faithfulness of actual western religion.
Can someone do all my homework for me on the fake gods that lost in history? How can I be anymore of a tryhard, donothing faggot?
Jesus loves you
I don't worship kikes, Sorry
I prefer worshiping the gods of aryan ancestors
You are that faggot who spammed the earlier threads, except now you're on a VPN.
Anyway, Odin is the sum of our ancestors (not yours, you disgusting jew). Not some sky daddy.
loooooooooooooool based
God doesn't exist. Life has no meaning other than consuming for the purpose of life itself.
It's all a lie.
>Talks about VNP and Jews
>Literally has a meme flag
Why do you have to be a faggot
Lazy piece of shit. Fuck yourself. Your fucking ancestors were never gods, go back to worshipping mohammed you cocksucker.
>I'm an atheist and I'm smarter than everyone else!
Odin doesn't hear you mutt non aryan prayers anyway