Why are normies so cringe


god damn fucking normies shake my damn head...

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Self loathing white inferiority complex, and the disconcerting thing is that they blame whites for "making" them feel that way...

Fucking kek pathetic. Are we supposed to be afraid of that girl's contorted face 1:41? I will admit it would weaken me in combat because my sides would be in orbit.

Wrong island but her face like

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Where is a muslim with a hijacked van when you need them

oh God

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Where's a mass shooter when you need one

are they trying to intimidate racists or what?

is this the west we are fighting for

I don't know if shitskins really count as normies.
I feel like you have to be a non redpilled white to be normie.


look at the background

>Performing Haka
You are an idiot if you think this

thats normal people in murica? lmao

who let the normies out of their cages?

nvm, couldnt imagine something so cringy coming from outside of america

weak b8

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It's NZ Maori tradition. How you missed that, I do not know.

Sometimes I forget how different our views on Jow Forums are compared to everyone else, reading some of these comments gave me brain cell loss. They're all like "So strong, salutations from UK"
or Arabic names saying "Much luv".
Shit's fucking gay

Here are lovely sights from Europe

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Those bitches look like they fuck you hard cowgirl style.

Girls performing Haka is so cringe

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Y'know I was just telling myself that what the Maori do is nothing more than a performance art. The Maori warrior is long gone. This is just art. I'm certain Barbarian tribes of central europe did the same thing. Or at least close to this is their cultures. But they gave it up long ago.

it's what crossed my mind.


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There's a lot of irony about preforming a traditional nationalist dance to mourn the deaths of those who would rather see it destroyed.

It's funny how white and (((white))) leftists always in the back while their goblin shock troops do their little haka dance and shuffle around with their brown fists raised, they look absolutely pathetic.

I hope they get better soon.

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is every western country full of mutts lmao, with all the shit in this country atleast people are not ugly like are mutts

Well said, but this is clown world boyo. I'm so fucking tired of this dance of positivity as if it presents a solution to conflict. Sing Imagine. Sing Don't Look Back In Anger. Anything feel-good display will have a positive impact on preventing events like this in the future.

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Is this not a form of cultural appropriation or am I to understand that these kids are Maori warriors?


Who haka’d better?

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cause they thing that they are in THE MOVIE

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Whats the point. If you followed the meme machine's advice and we all did what he wanted, we would have to also destroy all the people like this. There would be nobody left in this country except literally like 300 people, who would get wiped out by another country touching down and refilling the nation with more immigrants immediately.

There's no point in fighting back. The best protest proud white people can have is a mass suicide. We're all going to be imprisoned and then murdered anyway just for being straight white men, and there's no way our genetics or Christianity will last another 50 years, our whole nation will be non European, and all Bibles will be burnt as Islam becomes not only the dominant religion but the dominant culture and political policy influencer.

There's literally nothing we could do even if we did what the meme machine asked of us. It is over. That is a statistical, mathmatical fact. In 50 years there will be no whites and no Christians. Why would you waste your time trying to fight a literally unwinnable war. It's over.

I'm going to just kill myself, it's better than living as a prisoner and then being killed by them. You should all do the same if you have any honor.

Seppuku is the only way for the white man now.

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the white man does have a lot to answer for

this is what made me post this, was getting extremely "blackpilled" looking at a bunch of mainstream shit videos, and the comments. needed some revitalization in the form of the comments i've been reading in this thread, thanks guys

don't worry user. we eastern euros have experiences already in fighting muslim zerg rush hordes

oh yeah like what?

white americans at least definitely have to answer for their pussification, allowing women to vote, allowing women to be firefighters, front line police officers, etc.

most white european countries have to answer for making sodomy laws obsolete, etc, similar to USA bitch-made culture

Don't go just yet user. Take a few of the invaders with you...

you forgot letting the slaves roam free and becoming politicians

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Yup. Just give up, huh? Do you not understand yet? This is a historical moment to be a white man. It's depressing, but also exciting. It's exciting because we might actually become involved in a world wide historical and cultural struggle that will be remembered for hundreds of years in the history books by our grandchildren. If we win of course.
Listen user, through great despair and great struggle comes an opportunity to TRIUMPH. We will triumph. We will not let the white man go extinct. Do not give up! Be excited! We live in historical times my friend!! Fight your name into the history books!

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haka is cringe now period
they're doing it every 5 minutes these days
nz is being invaded by maoris too

Stinky beaners

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>We will triumph.
nah u won't
governments will double down on the poz now
as if it's not at extreme levels already
pol should've always been civ nat

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Where's the choice for the shooter?

the sticking your tongue out shit is retarded, dumbass savages

Only 250yrs ago they ate human flesh

glow nigger

Solid lawl.

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It's NZ

All nonwhites will jump on any bandwagon to hate white people. We make up 15% of the world population but we are the most hated. If this doesn't put fear inside you then you are retarded.

Don't be weak. Fight back. Hard times create strong men.

says the eurofag lol

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that toe tho

They have no self awareness to realize when they're making idiots out of themselves, and they all just reinforce each other's cringe.

This is literally what happens everytime I hire someone to do my scoffolding senpai. You don't know my pain.

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are they trying to intimidate the victims
i just dont know

If Muslims controlled New Zealand, the Haka would be haram, and all of these idiots would be arrested and/or beheaded for heresy.

Id kill myself


This checks out


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O but I do, chief

this is why you never fuck mud people. this is what your mulatto spawn will become.

Its why I dont care what they say

No, not me.

dumbass that thinks savagery and muh military tattoos are "badass"

savages need to be eradicated asap

Euros did this shit thousands of years ago, not a couple hundred like these throwbacks


Like we arent in the same boat

Thats why cuck fits so well

You bored or what?

I fucking hate when women perform haka

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A lot of effort for not much m8

Like dragging these monkeys to the space age?
Everyone on Earth owes us respect and allegience in perpetuity

Fuck white guilt

Godspeed bro

I see what you did there

I agree 100%

Id die of embarrasment

a literal Muppet

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Civnat cock cage faggot
I dont feel guilty for supporting my people above all others

Its literally been law sunce the stone age
You are the one doing the damage

Its icing on the cake imo
Just hold up a mirror up while they dance around a fire and lmao



weird looking gals


The threat is real
All whites who cuck for the other team are wretched

Lol, the comments...
"This makes me so emotional. Could watch it over and over. So beautiful." - Michelle M

When you're trying to be authentic with your mud dance in the street and the SJW camera steals your soul with a camera for clickbait.

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Its a troll nuqueer


Which would still kinda be funny
Id want it back but Id wait a while to let nature takes its course

Such wow

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This dance was literally the dance they did to scare another tribe before they each beat each other to death with bone clubs, some of which then beheaded and literally ATE their dead enemies.

>mud dance


>when you trying to take a shit but you're constipated

normies glorify and think asinine savage "culture" and "tradition" is cool, makes me sick