>Trump funding his fence by taking money from military children
>Trump funding his fence by taking money from military children
why is the fodder breeding in the first place?
Most of them are anchor babies anyway
Jesus Christ whoevers falls for this shit is retarded.
WALL you don lemon dick sucker. Its a FUCKING WALL
Someone's gotta man the ramparts.
Military families have lots of kids.
Do a little research on how many people die in conflict in the military in modern times.
dude, dont you have anything better to do?
No, none of us care about our own politics, it’s way too cucked.
So is he building the wall or not?
Get your fucking story straight.
When you're sleeping next to an elephant, even the tiniest brap, not matter how careful he is to let it out, feels like a hurricane. Ignoring American politics would be retarded.
I can tell you're a boomer from reddit from how mentally unstable and delusional you are.
No point having the military if they can't defend the border.
And why are there so many Canadians on the internet?
What a idiot
If trump took all the world police funding and used it for Americans instead of Israelis I would support him. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case.
Of course
You probably can't even tell what gender you are.
>fake news
seriously ?????
>The way of the leaf
Act smart say retarded things. Obsessed and jealous of the superior country to the south.
>People defending this shit.
Look in all for Trump in 2020 since half these nitwits are for that climate change crap but you all have to deranged to defend something that very un-American
Trump hates the troops
>Trump hates the troops
Trump hates the troops
>Trump hates the troops
Trump hates the troops
>Trump hates the troops
Trump hates the troops
>Trump hates the troops
How will the boomers cope?
This is very Un-American,
Even our ancestors back in the great Gollden Age Of American will be dissapointed.