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Top Kek
Justin Myers
Other urls found in this thread:
Landon Ramirez
I wonder if the Australian and NZ governments know what VPNs are.
Nathan Roberts
Winning. Fuck down under faggots.
Jeremiah Jones
Normies don’t. That’s what matters.
Elijah Myers
David Evans
Not long now boys, the shit posting will stop
Dominic Miller
Can they still Subscribe to pewdiepie?
Andrew Ramirez
Only the cucked Telcos who are sending their jobs to India in attempts to "Restructure" and blocking it. Stupid lefty losers.
Brandon Robinson
So they can’t post here at all? Meh, our countries will be next.
Ryder Hall
this. it's the same principle the chinks use. they don't block everything and ban vpns. they just make it sufficiently annoying for normies to get through the blockade. normies taking the path of least resistance don't bother and just go to the next domapine inducing activity like scrolling through chinkbook