How am I supposed to show this to my five-year-old daughter and explain that he did the right thing?

How am I supposed to show this to my five-year-old daughter and explain that he did the right thing?

Attached: 1552636121394.webm (640x356, 1.27M)

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By not saying that. What you'll say instead is that it was a false flag by Mossad!

Show her a picture of Ebba Akerlund's mangled corpse and tell her that those people were responsible. Show her the video of the truck of peace plowing through the crowd of women and children France.

Attached: 2016-07-15T090709Z_1_LYNXNPEC6E0JA_RTROPTP_4_FRANCE-CRASH-1-1024x684.jpg (1024x684, 119K)

In HD obviously.

guess you should just explain why muslims raping native women in the streets is part and parcel of living in a big city, instead
that'll be easier

It's the birthrates.

he was a martyr who commited an instishad attack against the opposing ummah who are kuffar and infidels. There you go ahmed it's in your terms now

Show her this, and see if you--or your daughter--can figure out how a 'dead' man put on socks.

just show this video before that

Attached: 1553126390551.webm (266x480, 1.83M)

because now those men are dead instead of raping her