Iranians are aryan

Iranian conservative, Hanif Baliin, in Sweden wants 0 immigration. He has more followers on Twitter than the Swedish Prime Minister.

Jewish and socialist Jonathan Leman thinks Hanif is an evil nazi.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-21 at 00.48.43.png (476x385, 250K)

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So let me get this straight, he is on foreign land and domes want foreigners to come? How about he leaves and say this in his home country?

Attached: 1543104273254.jpg (700x700, 125K)

Dude looks pretty white to me. Would be considered Greek or Italian here.

Attached: CD4296DC-EA33-4BDB-8AC3-5AF6BD1C72FE.jpg (604x453, 61K)

iranians are pretty based
some are still aryan
alot are mutts from arab/mongols/greek mix

Looks kinda Italian.
There has been a half swedish half iranian 15 year old nationalist girl in Sweden who arranged a nationalist rally with her mother. She spoke against cashless society, that the globalist want it for control. That the globalist want mass surveilance and silencing of dissent and immigration to destroy peoples, cultures and nations. Alot of Iranians are based.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-21 at 01.14.58.png (437x557, 275K)

Izabella Nilsson Jarvandi

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-21 at 01.18.47.png (497x441, 271K)

Less than 1.5% admixture. Recent autosomal DNA tests show.
3-5% admixture. They were the only ones to rape.

There is 90% genetic continuity to Sassanian times.

Attached: Persian_v_03.jpg (4392x4056, 3.94M)

Yeah, he totally looks like a regular Italian.

She looks like a whiter Italian.

Imo, people should not get involved in the politics of their host nations unless they have unbroken patrilineal ancestry going back at least 7-10 generations in that respective country. They should also refrain from having kids, period. Natives should remain 90% demographic majority.