So is Baron half slav?

So is Baron half slav?

Attached: Barron_Trump_in_2015_(2).jpg (604x574, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Soviet_War

He’s a Jew

How retarded can you be lmao
Baron is half Congolese bro

Attached: david duke makes a mistake.jpg (1280x1075, 285K)

yes he is subhuman

>Half Anglo
>Half Slav

That's quite the good mix. Can't beat mine though.
>Half Anglo
>Half Afrikaner
>Both by way of Rhodesia

Attached: Rhodesian Flag.jpg (1024x512, 75K)


Attached: file.png (892x603, 222K)

Slavs are untermensch. Unless you're not in line with Der Führer, you know this.

he is half soulless slav whore half high iq superficial germano-gaelic plutocrat

A Dane should master german dative, user.