Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill


“All federal acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders, court orders, rules, and regulations, whether past, present, or future, which infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States I and Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution shall be invalid in this state, shall not be recognized by this state, shall be specifically rejected by this state, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.”

Who else /political Balkanization/ here?

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Only people with small penises own ak-15s

They are looking for a Supreme Court case to lead to the Repeal of the National Firearms Act of 1934.

ak-15 sucks anyways

>Repeal of the National Firearms Act of 1934
Probably won't happen but a man can dream. Unregulated full autos would be a dream come true. Hell, even unregistered SBS, SBRs and suppressors would be amazing.

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I can dream

Are you leafs really that fucking stupid? ak-15's hun. You shot an ak-15 lately?

Wow, this is great!!!
I predict that crime in this state will drop down to 0 pretty soon.

Oy vey! Guns are racist and antisemitic!
Shut it down!

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does this effect felons?
I just want to go hunting like a normal person without having to pay some kike 10k to get my 30+yo record expunged and my rights restored by the court

Shouldn't have been a nigger m8

>T. Ak-15 owner with a smol pp

Fully automatic ar15 here I come

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soon itll be legal to gun down students. another backwoods red neck bible thumping retard state

If you could afford a grenade launcher why in the fuck would you buy a Hi-Point with a fucking suppressor that is like 2k itself.

This is like the ricers who tune up Honda Civics.

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Multiple blue states are flouting federal law with sanctuary cities and there has been zero federal response. So naturally red states should flout federal law too, especially when it’s backed by the 2nd amendment.

Is. is that fox from a North Korean childs cartoon?

Don't ask how I know that.

>Unregulated full autos would be a dream come true

This, I've wanted a real tommygun ever since I was 12

Yes the faggot leafs from east of Manitoba I can confirm are legit mentally retarded.

I'm a felon because I beat a nigger over the head with a 2"pipe after he groped my GF at the time inside a home depot in 1996
he deserved it

holy shit


also marijuana legalization

It is still against federal law. Individual states have chosen to effectively nullify these federal laws in their territories. The federal government has shown no push back to sanctuary cities or state drug legalization. It has shown itself to be weak, so more and more states will start nullifying federal laws that they disagree with in their territories. The results are going to be a mixed bag, but the laws enforced in each state will be a better reflection of the people in that state.

Dick Tracy?


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Yes, its her.
>Don't ask how I know that.
Probably e621.net

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God bless Misery.

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This. Glow niggers BTFO'd.
more people will move to these states because they line up with their beliefs

Hm...my penis is huge but I own an AR-15 “Saint”...guess that explains it huh?


We all know who has the small penis now.

How did you get these? It's obviously not a wrap. Is there some company that prints it on there?

Awesome! Moving to Mizzou asap!

How does that work? Like I can buy or make a full-auto and the NFA laws no longer apply?

Does this put full autos in wallmart?

The error you're making is that you think unwillingness/incompetence is universal. The feds absolutely WILL do everything in their power to still fuck you on things like their bullshit gun laws. They don't bother inforcing things like immigration or drug laws in states that reject them because they actually just don't give a shit. But you can rest assured that the ATF glowniggers will still do everything they can to fuck you

This is my favorite part
"Here’s where things get interesting. The Missouri bill also includes criminal charges for any federal agent who violates SB367. As per the new law, state and local (municipal & county) law enforcement officers would be given “discretionary power” to determine if they will press criminal charges against federal agents who break the law by enforcing the now nullified federal gun control measures."

I didn't quote you in time, but read

My state is pretty based. It's okay to be jealous.

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Bro you can have all that shit now. Just depends how many felonies you're willing to commit.

Missouri based as fuck lately.

>shall be invalid in this state, shall not be recognized by this state, shall be specifically rejected by this state, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.”


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>Who else /political Balkanization/ here?
Already passed and signed into law in Alaska. We will even arrest the fuckers who try and take away our rights.

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I didn't realize they made an AK-12 chambered for 7.62, neat

I wonder if the real divider is just how easy they think it'll be to enforce whatever. They might view this as easier since gun owners tend to be more law-abiding. Illegal immigration is much harder to handle.

>does this effect felons?
Very unlikely.

Noob Tubes for everyone!!!!!

Damn son. One would think that sexual assault on your girl would be enough provocation to get your head cave in. That's a raw deal brej.

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Aren't suppressors already legal in every state? I walked into a gun shop in NY and saw one.

>state finally gets its sovereignty back

Not in NY you wouldn't have. Most states allow class 3 weapons, cucked states do not.

Srsly, do you faggots need more evidence that we are the greatest state in the union?

That is weird, I might need to browse Jow Forums more because my local range literally requires you use them for some guns.

$200 tax stamp and you're waiting for a bit until the ATF decides to process the paperwork. If the '34 NFA were lifted you could buy them like any other gun accessory.

God damn i hope this happens


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>that last sentence
Genuinely triggered me when there are people out there who think citizens shouldn’t have more power over the feds.


You just upload your own image.

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If Missouri seems so based. Why does it act so homosexually during elections & go blue all the fucking time.

it already passed the state house. it was going to pass the senate but they made 1 small change so it got sent back to the house to get the change approved. it will pass


Now THAT is quite interesting. Can't say I'm sure what the overall effect would be. Sounds based, but I'm a pessimist so in almost all cases they'd just allow the ATF glowniggers do their thing anyway.

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is it me or there are states preparing for the Civil War?
Like "Missouri here, i know Dems want to destroy us all... so let's be prepared"

What's the first thing you cunts are gonna buy? I'm gonna get a lightning link and a suppressor.

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Guys... guys...

>Finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the United states.This conflict over the 2nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.

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>if they will press criminal charges against federal agents who break the law
Citizen arrests??

St Louis City and the County, basically. Well, and I'd bet the MO half of Kansas City went that way too.

According to the article, our law does this too; it gives state troopers discretionary powers to press charges against any Fed who attempts to enforce the nullified laws in our state.

Not only that, but any Fed who violates this law will be forever banned from public service in Missouri.

Take that back, faggot. We voted GEOTUS!

if this happens I'm moving there for sure, FULL AUTO PLINKERS HERE I COME

lawsuits for violating constitutional rights

If you’re in a blue state, you should be ignoring their guns laws. Also, what does it take to declare a state to be in rebellion? Is congress needed for that?

it goes back n fourth

>red states are stupid and are uneducated
>but somehow there’s still students in those uneducated states that will be shot

Is a saint 5.56 or .223? Or both?

I'm in the same boat and there's not shit that can be done about it because all the sheep like think only criminals get a felony on their record. How naive.


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Making enforcement of nullified federal law a state crime also gives a legal defence to citizens using necessary force to prevent that crime. With Feds, ANY force could be argued to be necessary. Even preemptive assassinations, with the right jury of course.

Missouri here...it doesn’t faggot. KC, St Louis & Columbia are blue...everything else is red.

I must get one.

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I think the federales don't want to fuck with the legalized pot states because it could create a court challenge they may very well lose that could make pot legal nationwide, barring any state restrictions. The feds have the constitutional right to regulate interstate commerce. If the weed is grown, sold and harvested within a single state's boundaries, no interstate commerce.
In Wyoming they had(passed?) a similar bill for guns, saying that if a gun is manufactured within the state and sold to a citizen of the state, no federal background check is required because no interstate commerce.

I love Missouri

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>Illinois is shit
Illinois is cursed land.


Sheeeit. You niggas couldn't get enough of Obama's cock when he ran.

I apologize if what i asked was vague i know its pretty much the same round but i meant 5.56x45


It's only the major cities that vote blue.

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Yeah...5.56 x 45mm...great rifle. I have the latest generation with all the improvements.

hell yes

Pretty much all AR-15s are compatible with 5.56x45 and .223 Remington. There are a few .223 only ARs out there meant for markets that explicitly ban military calibers.

Can you alternate between the rounds without damaging the barrell or messing up your headspace


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Yeah, it’s good with either round

If only the state wasn't cucked by niggers.

Missouri finally doin something good
God I hope this passes

Dies this mean I can buy full autos?

technically federal law supersedes state law so even if they pass this if the feds wanted they could enforce it in that state