Bump while watching. But we're basically fucked here. Got a glimpse behind the curtain with the SNC bullshit, and now we're getting the knee jerk reaction. More cover ups, more lies, more bullshit from the media about how it's "all fine". We're all so apathetic in Canada that most people don't even believe that dude weed lamo could be a backstabbing nigger... nuke us southern bros.... please...
Ethan Price
We need a list of resignations, floor-crossings, and 'leaves of absence.' 1. Leona Alleslev (Liberal) -Sept/2017, crossed floor to Conservatives 2. Scott Brison (Treasury President) -resigned in February, implicated in Mark Norman trial 3. Jody Wilson-Raybould (Minister of Justice) -resigned, testified against Trudeau's government 4. Jane Philpott (Minister of Healthy) -resigned, "while costly to live by principle, even more costly to ignore them." 5. Celina Caesar-Chavennes (MP) -resigned from Liberal party 6. Mario Dion (Ethics Commissioner) -2 years into job, taking extended leave for "health reasons"
Jaxon Murphy
have a motherfucking bump
Jayden Flores
>what happening? Canada's Government voting on budget- conservatives has 200 motions they are voting on. Last one went ~30 hours.
What the Conservatives want, IMO, is to mentally break the Liberals- there have already been resignations and much strife.
Daniel Brooks
How did I forget: Gerald Butts and Michael Wernick!
James Parker
Good, as a PPC member I just want to see Trudeau in jail