Thanks Brenton!

Just got approval to bring my family and wife's family over from Pakistan. Application has been delayed for so long but now it got approved real quick. Thanks Brenton, just helped bring 10 more Muslims into NZ.

Attached: C3B40C2B-C371-4D52-8F40-CEE0FFF4AE11.jpg (2640x2992, 2.82M)

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Lol can’t believe that retard actually took 2 years to plan that shit out. I could plan it on less than 2 months. Sterile snow nigger gonna rot

You're welcome here friend

Show your flag, leaf

Attached: effortpost.jpg (1440x2072, 248K)

Allah bless you, brother
>t. muslim conquering USA

Larping OP doesn't know what accelerationism is. Instead of slowly being out bred and destroyed slowly, the whole point is to get the Jews to push too hard & too fast with their Muslim invaders, causing white Christians to chimp out.

What happens when whites chimp out, btw?

no flag larping

if your gonna give away your life for something might as well plan it right

No, you couldnt plan an ass wipe actually.

You wish, paki