How do we fix the white people problem, Jow Forums?
How do we fix the white people problem, Jow Forums?
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WW3 gone nuclear.
Start by peeling the skin off Tim Wise and throwing him in a salt bath.
We got to de radicalize them. The white people are becoming more and more radical by the day and dangerous.
I think it's probably safe to say that Tim Wise's slimy anti-white polemic has done more to reinforce white ethnocentrism than undermine it
Can't stop what is coming.
Lobotomise em
is tim wise a troll?
Oy vey, goyim! Jew gotta understand that the moshiaching thing about all of these happenings, is that we're just an innocent menorahty. It's anudda shoah! SHUT IT DOWN!!
>Donald Trump was an inspiration.
Fucking lugenpresse. Tarrant picked the wrong targets.
>1 post by this ID
sage you idiots, sage.
>collective nervous breakdown of white people
i'm afraid that hasn't come close to happening yet.
The rest of the world better hope it never gets to that point
based jew
That's pretty brutal, user
>How do we fix the white people problem, Jow Forums?
Stop attacking them.
>is tim wise a troll?
He is the vanguard of anti-White devilry in Academia.
What an interesting selection of areas you've picked.
You as well.
My jewdar detected something. I think it's the eyes. Bulbous, jewish exes
kill all white people
This century's jew cycle is almost complete.
Will it be the final one or will the kikes flee to China?
>Tel Aviv survives
With love and vengeance.
>Israel survives
You wish kike.
How do these kikes intend to stop us?
Their propaganda is 20th century faggotry created by low-IQ niggers and women.
Oh no, write another piece in the New York Times, you cocksucking faggots. That's really going to dial down what's coming for you.
The left can't meme.
I think we've hit the point of no return.
I love how Israel survives. fuck off outta here with your kike bullshit if anything the nuke should be dropped right on top of jerusalem
you still have 30 million diaspora jews.