geez thanks u hobbit
Semis banned in NZ starting 11 April
Why aren't NZ gun rights groups protesting this, refusing to comply, tying it up in the courts, etc.?
which ones?
Not Americans dont have rights they only can do what their governments let them.
what a fucking joke. that's what we get for putting a woman in charge
That's where you are wrong.
>checks link
I was lied to.
>Why aren't NZ gun rights groups protesting this, refusing to comply, tying it up in the courts, etc.?
We don't have many to begin with, no active gun lobby. BT suggested this would happen, but any eggnog would have guessed that. LIke duh ofc the govt is gonna do that.
Wasn't the 2nd mosque protected by someone carrying?
Should be expanding gun ownership.
there's something repulsive about this woman I can't quite put my finger on, she's not hideously ugly, it's like she's not sentient or lacking a soul
>My cucked government does something cucked in response to something non-cucked
>Non-cucked dude is at fault.
>which ones?
military style, semi-automatic guns is all she has said, the specifics will come soon..
Me and my friends all own crossbows
Why would they let whites have weapons to defend themselves from genocide later?
And Israel laughs... They love it when a plan comes together...
This, women do not belong in positions of power. Throw them out.
>Wasn't the 2nd mosque protected by someone carrying?
>Should be expanding gun ownership.
Nah, no one was carrying - the guy who stopped him had no weapon on him.
seriously i just want to see that phony severe face with a massive blood splattering hole in it. is that so much to ask?
Imagine getting cucked by a dude in a skirt just because some glow niggers made a vidja
Brenton talks about this in his manifesto: gun owners in New Zealand are mostly timid old boomers that probably won't make any fuss about this sort of thing, and may even welcome it with open arms. At any rate, this loss of gun rights was inevitable, and coming sooner or later. This all is pretty much the case with gun ownership in any non-American country, and even in America, a sizable number of gun owners are faggot old fudds that are okay with anything as long as their deer rifles don't get taken away.
Is there a registry for these guns? Obviously dont comply if no registry. If there is then do as you will imo
Grow a pair you kiwi faggots
Sounds like u guys need more tarrants
sucks that New Zealand is apparently a dictatorship where the government makes laws by decree
I guess we will see if NZ has balls in the coming weeks and months
>Is there a registry for these guns? Obviously dont comply if no registry. If there is then do as you will imo
No registry, and yeah obviously.
There was apparently one armed bystander who tried to "assist police", but ended up getting arrested as a suspect.
Please explain what the clown meme is from? I was away for a while fren
I noticed she didn’t try to ban shotguns or ammonium nitrate. What is she going to do when the next shooter blows up a mosque before gunning down survivors in the street with his shotgun?
>please explain the clown meme
>There was apparently one armed bystander who tried to "assist police", but ended up getting arrested as a suspect.
Correct, but they did not get near BT.
Is there an explanation or just a thing we do now? I was gone for a few weeks and now theres clowns i every thread
lol yall are getting disarmed because of a bunch of room-temperature IQ shitskins. and youre gonna let it happen! and a dorky woman who squirted out only one kid at the ripe young age of 37 is leading the charge!
when NZ gets its two-paragraph mention in future history books, this is going to have the school kids laughing their asses off
I think it means you or whoever it’s used against is a clown.
Never hire or elect women.
This. In a few short years a functional AR-15 might be worth $5,000 or more on the black market.
Congratulation, Kiwis. You just graduated to UK levels of Cuckoldry.
holy shit
According to the info in the link, no registry announced yet, but details are expected soon.
it has to do with Samir-al Haidim's reflections on the modern times. Clown world has become so pervasive, even Pepe has fallen victim.
Nah that thing is a tranny
comments disabled
not being a faggot, but what legitimate reason to own a gun is there, I thought self defence is already out the window by law and what is there to hunt in New Zealand that isn't protected? I thought the reason you had the kiwi, a flightless bird was there weren't any predators etc
So there wasnt some sort of clown happening? Its just a new pepe. K fren
are they just going to take them away without re-compensation? I ain't give up my weapon that I've spent 2k+ on including all of the mods that easily
Do you honestly think National wouldn't have done the exact same thing?
>what is there to hunt in New Zealand that isn't protected?
>semi-auto sales have increased since the announcement
Someone legitimately needs to take her and anyone promoting this out. They are taking your god given rights ffs..
even saint kitts and nevis are making fun of these cucks
NZ has british flag as part of their flag. They are literally slaves of UK Monarchs. They probably lasted that long without requiring loicence for a spoon because Queen forgot NZ even existed until recent tour that Charles went on.
No. They're going to be offering compensation during an amnesty period. After that period ends, if you still have your gun, you're a criminal.
Under Islam, she would be beheaded
she has a benis
Think of the muslims, white man. It would be too dangerous for them to rape your daughters if you're armed.
national are faggots too. i guess all government people are traitors
why do I get the feeling they wouldn't have done any of this if the shooter was a mudmutant and the victims white?
Idk, maybe they'd allow weapons so muslims can protect themselves and whites happen to benefit for once.
>Elect woman PM
>Massacre happens
>Investigation into suspect reveals enormous crisis between native and immigrated populations
>Woman instinctively submits herself to the invading force, dons burka, disarms citizens
>Anyone that shares video of shooting is thrown in jail
>Anyone discussing the topic of shooting likely being monitored
I'm sure I left a few steps out but it's incredible how quickly you guys have slid into UK/Swedish level cuckoldry. And everybody knows you won't do a thing to stop it.
Won’t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the New Zealand?
The gun owners of New Zealand are a beaten, miserable bunch of baby boomers, who have long since given up the fight.When was the last time they won increased rights? Their loss was inevitable.I just accelerated things a bit.
They had long since lost their cities, take a look at Auckland. Did you really expect they would not also lose their rights?
straight from the shooters manifesto
>white kids do some racist island dance
>oh wow you are so good thank you children for doing this
That will stop people from hurting people for sure.
>Semis banned in NZ starting 11 April
What does this mean? Is NZ govmint saying shoot as many muzzrats as you can thru 10 April? Anyone got an explanation for this aggression?
Most Fuddds I know own ARs in adition to their Remingtons 30.06s. Also they would go full militia if anybody tried to ban semi-autos.
t., Texas
The guy was right, if white western society is so predictable and pathetic, maybe we do all deserve to be replaced, maybe the west deserves to fucking burn and incinerate the world and all life on it?
I fucking hope so, i hope i live to see the world fucking burn to a a god damn fucking crisp.
itd be just part and parcel. theyd still blow the muslim community though. Must unite to stop hating the bloodthirsty low iq subhuman shits.
>military style, semi-automatic
Which doesn't make sense anyway. All military rifles are select fire. The only "military" weapons that are semi only would be shit like sidearms or select few long guns.
I said apart from protected species....
plz tell me there is a video, THE MEMES OMG THE MEMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People attacking nz you have to understand nz is the equivalent of a backwater rural county in the US.
They lack the power to counter anything forced on them.
>Do you honestly think National wouldn't have done the exact same thing?
ofc they would
How are they supposed to define that?
Also fuck Stuff.
Because eventually leftist tyrants will come for your shit and to kill you. If you knew the history of left wing movements you would know this. It is clockwork with them.
Also, open your eyes to what they are saying in their circles now. They want your shit. They want you dead. This is well documented. They are still figuring out how to do that and are still very cowardly but they will try eventually as they get more desperate
You should have seen the signs
which is strange because apparently you could buy assault rifles over there. fuck mate, we cant get any in our country, yet were no where near as soft as them.
they forgot to protect them the other day
buy 1 3/4" diameter black steel pipe $2
buy 1 1" diameter black steel pipe $2
buy 1 1"diameter black steel pipe end cap $2
buy 1 1" diameter wooden dowel rod $2
buy 1 long metal screw $0.50
buy epoxy $5
buy a round metal file $5
cut a 1" thick slice off the wooden dowel rod
screw the screw through the dowel rod slice till the screw head is flush
epoxy the dowel rod slice into the end cap
screw the endcap onto the 1" black pipe
use the round file on the inside of the 1" black pipe until the 3/4" can easily slide in and out
to all the cia glow niggers this is merely an arts and crafts project for a safe and comfy afternoon at home with the family
>We will ban all high-capacity magazines. We will ban all parts with the ability to convert semiautomatic, or any other type of firearm, into a military-style semi-automatic weapon," the prime minister said.
Hahaha ok, that's only a ban on MILITARY STYLE SEMI AUTOMATIC
It's not a full gun ban. Complete nothing burger
this is what happens when there is no constitution. govt can rush through whatever they want, in times of panic. applying for a green card
What gun rights? New Zealand is not a free country.
Women do not belong anywhere near power. They don't know how to wield it responsibly
So can you only own pump action shotguns and revolvers now?
Oh shit is shooting people going to be illegal too?
Finally, we leafs have a country to look down on.
yet you have gangs with autos room clearing businesses
Shes pretty cute
>People attacking nz you have to understand nz is the equivalent of a backwater rural county in the US.
>They lack the power to counter anything forced on them.
Says the Australian who already lives in a country where semis are banned, stfu dingo faggot
Also dont forget its both moral and legal to let off anyone who breaks laws put in by tyrants, traitors, and morons if you are on a jury. Even if they broke said "law" to a t. Leftist laws are null and void.
>Shes pretty cute
She used to be a dj kek
we should feel,sorry for them its the same deal with sweden etc.
The globalists target the small,countries the hardest.
Other countries like the dance around any and every issue that crops up in American bureaucracy, but they can't see past the massive void of their own rights.
The UK backed the fuck off after they sent a sizeable portion of our men to die on some fucking random hill in Turkey during WW1.
it's not like he's lying
By definition, a fudd is somebody who wouldn't own an AR-15. It's the sort of person who owns a gun only for hunting, and is okay with (and perhaps even encourages) their guns being taken away so long as their deer rifle and double-barrel are left alone. They make up a substantial portion of US gun owners.