So what has caused Trump's complete melt down on Twitter this week?

So what has caused Trump's complete melt down on Twitter this week?

Something must be up - he seems tense.

Attached: 1548266863516.jpg (636x631, 45K)

Haven't you been saying this for over 100 weeks now?

Always the worst week with you weak minded shills.

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You only tweet like that when you feel the walls closing in.

Why what he say?

Every week is worse than the last for Trump

He accused Comey of being a dirty cop and he has been humiliating Kelly Ann by cutting down her husband. There were like 60 tweets over the past few days so it's hard to recap it all.

Just keep choking on that Israeli cock, MIGAtard.

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why did you need to post a picture of a girl who likely doesn't even remember hearing about this website on the news?

>so triggered by the "D*scord T*anny" meme that you sperg out immediately when someone challenges your point of view


Why haven't you subscribed to pewdiepie yet?

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you understand that people would like trump more if he looked like a gremlin creature, right?
he so cute

absolutely fucking BASED

Leftists """"''''''''''''''''''''''''’'""""""""""""memes"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" are so fucking unfunny

Do you think Comey isn't dirty?

Attached: comey.jpg (1170x756, 232K)

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I don't think he ever lied about his deal to build a tower in Moscow while running for president, if that's what you mean.

All our leaders have been behaving like that the last couple of days

>I don't think he ever lied about his deal to build a tower in Moscow while running for president, if that's what you mean.
What does that have to do with Comey being a dirty weasel?

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>implying that the mouthbreathing boomers who accuse everything of being shills because they don't buy trump's bullshit are any less cancerous
>muh left can't meme
Ah because Right-Wing Pepe Rehash #694,091,354 is so much better. When was the last time a Jow Forums had a breakout meme that wasn't a derivative of Pepe, Wojak or other such glorified templates?

Attached: clownfrog.png (680x680, 221K)

It's called whataboutism. I assumed all trumpfags were familiar with the technique.

Whataboutism is newspeak for 'precedence'
>lol you're comparing the current president to the old one? nice whataboutism!
So what does Trump, an international real estate developer, talking about developing real estate internationally have to do with Comey being a weasel?

>Trump's meltdown
Keep living in fantasy of it keeps you from using power tools, OP.

He was running for president and he was offering Putin a $50 million condo at the same time Russia was using bots and trolls to support Trump's campaign.

Think mother fucker. Think.

You give these people too much credit.


So was that what started the illegal spying operation against Trump? Because I still don't think Comey's been able to provide a solid answer

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What specific event triggered the illegal spying operation in to candidate Trump? Remember, the topic is how Comey isn't a weasel for some reason

Imagine being this anally devastated.

Voting is fake and gay

Attached: Trump the entertainer.jpg (833x500, 108K)

What specific event triggered the illegal spying operation in to candidate Trump?

Or when you’re absolutely free to do what you want, ie Trump has seen Mueller report.

What specific event triggered the illegal spying operation in to candidate Trump?

Seemed a normal week for Trump and Twitter.

Das Right shill faggot run away

That mole is disgusting.

All the million Christchurch memes, for one

> imagine if a leftist had the (now removed) balls to shoot up a central bank or a board meeting