Is this the coding language for cucks?

>>Python does not read slavery

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html is for guys who fuck on the first date and DO NOT pull out.

So cucked. Fuck python .

Yes. White men use Haskell and HolyC(HH) exclusively.

First off shill on Jow Forums because they are smarter than you
Secondly companies use it to compute equtions much faster than languages like C++ Java or JS. I currently study c++ but i liked python for the efficiency of writing programs without certain restrictions. Just because something is made easy doesn't mean it's for losers to enjoy.

Python = interpreted
C++ = compiled

Which means you are fucking retarded.

Python is hundreds if not thousands of times slower / computation

>Yes. White men use Haskell and HolyC(HH) exclusively.
inbred flaggots use LITHP

Amateurs, learn to MACHINE CODE!

Artificial Intelligence is already to the point where it codes itself. It just takes a mouth breather to direct what code to write. Do you think your cis white male bigoted ass will be working that job? Only women and niggers are going to get that cushy job in the future.

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Java, C#, PHP and COBOL are the official languages for cuckorporate wagies.

Depends. It’s not the best at anything but if you’re learning to code for the first time it’s a good starting point to understand the basics. If you’re looking for a personal project that you aren’t trying to scale up then it’ll work fine for some specific use cases. Most guys trash on it because you don’t need to understand anything about coding to start using python, and their bread & butter is knowing the more intense static languages like C++, Java.
Most cars get you from point A to point B, a prius or an 18 wheeler will do the trick if that’s all you need. Different needs call for different cars, and of course everybody has their favorite car. Get it, asshole?

it's what's hot right now.
twenty years ago perl was hot.
ten years before that powerbuilder was hot.
If you want to make your own language and build a community around it, nobody is stopping you.

how is this politics?

>it's what's hot right now.
that would be ruby

Attached: futureAnHero.jpg (675x1200, 132K)

Unlike Java python is the white man's language, you fucking pajeet.

Yes HolyC you glow niggers. Python is for people who are apart of the nigger cattle.

Python is alright. We use it (2.7.11 lol) pretty heavily along with our proprietary and it does the job.

I prefer Java but im still kind of a scrub at programming. People seem to care way too much about their preference.

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that, and javashit, and java, and sepples, and ruby

Posts like this prove Canada is and will always be the land that testosterone forgot

With based visualbasic I write my own calculator. I don't need python to calculate for me

Lisp is the most powerful language.

ruby was hot when linked-in, twitter, and superpages used it. They abandoned it years ago because the interpreter is slow and has a large memory footprint. If you want python, you should use python. If you want perl, you should write a fucking shell script. ruby just wasn't meant for this world you weeb.

html is for me I guess. I came in my first girlfriend during both of our first time. It felt too good to pull out

Ehh, python is a quick and easy tool for many applications. It's kind of like using autopilot while being the captain of a plane or a ship.
Could you do slightly better steering manually? Sure, but you certainly are the retarded kind of elitist if you choose to not use an easy tool just because it's easy to use. There are some legitimate grievances when it comes to the language, but most people hating on it are just contrarian.

Goto /g retarded also python sucks... I rate perl

Python is for feeble-minded pozzed faggots who don't know what a cache line is.

Enforced whitespace is worse than Javascript.

Boomers pissed their antiquated compiled languages are becoming as useless as they are.

Attached: fuck_c++.png (1200x811, 43K)

echo -e "1c\nfuckoff faggot\n.\nw" | ed - yourcomment


If you can code in python, you can code in julia, and can BTFO boomers that wasted 10 years learning c.

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Python is shit tier...and lol especially at TensorFlow...can't wait for that meme market to crash.