> " Do you have what it takes?"
The Call We Answer
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Fuck off
>Whatsa matter Goy? Don't you want to look super COOL playing army and stuff?! You even get to dress up like an action figure xD Become a Zog-Cog now!
In all seriousness, I have been contemplating about this. I love my country and where I come from. I al so understand what goes on in the world, but don't you think the military could use people like us? You know, kind of blend it and if shit really hits the fan, we will have a training and rally up people who we love and protect ourselves and beliefs. Yes I know no country is perfect, but I am just speculating and what other thoughts.
No, you're fucking deluded and sub 90 IQ. Go die for them if you want
anyone else want to partake with this dude and I?
We all die at the end of the day, it matters what you do with your life. Hell, it would be better than to just shitpost on Jow Forums everyday.
>We all die, may as well die for Israel. Hey, come to think of it, why not just die for a third world immigrant too? Dude, like in the movies, die for something
What is there to even discuss? You're not in a situation where you're defending your country or freedom or something, when you join the military you join up to serve as a soldier pushing whatever the fuck (((those))) in power want you to push. The soldiers you're killing are fighting for freedom, the third world cave-dwelling muzzies you're killing have more just reasons for fighting than you do, and that's just the bitter truth of the matter.
What are you joining for? For fun? Because your life sucks and you're bored of your job? Because you want to "die for something" because some lead said so in a movie? And then what are they fighting for?
No, you don't need the military, you need discipline and sure maybe the training might instil that in you but you can do that on your own. If you're adamant then maybe join, train, get some free education and then leave
Yes I know what you are saying, you are making good points. But what if as a leadership role, and those in there can look up to you by instilling good moral character, and being adamant like you said, following your own beliefs.
>Stopping ppl from increasing our military
What are you Brits up to?
Is it just me or am I seeing more military ads online?
>When freedom is threatened around the world
Government is self aware
They're coming for you user.....
Definitely not just you. Brit/pol/ has a fucking recruiter posting in there making posts about how great it is and the benefits, etc. Maybe struggling to recruit. I can't imagine this 'diversity' and 'gender equality' thing has gone down well with the men that would have joined or are currently serving.
When I saw your sjw recruiting ads I gagged
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the zog is beating the war drums
iran soon
It's quite bizarre because a considerable amount of the lads in the army (infantry, etc) are vehemently racist, lmao. Working class whites that despise niggers and pakis more than some Jow Forums posters.
Death of a nation
Ya I was in the US Army. I wasn't talking about racial acceptance but your're ads were coddling to much. When the Shik captain got approved to wear his religious head garment everyone was disgusted.
They are expecting their Moshiach soon, so they need Iran taken out ASAP.
The only reason to join the military right now is the training.
Unless you're fighting for whites then fuck your army.
I don't give a fuck about this country unless it is mine.
It having been stolen from me I hate it with every fiber of my being.
I pray to God this whole continent burns in hellfire.
>selling your soul to Uncle Sam for eight years
Lmao no, never again. I would never trade my experience for anything, it was the best and worst time of my life, and I made many friends, but if you know what’s good for you take a loan and go to college. I was in the Air Force and I can’t speak for other branches but being in the Air Force is like being in an evil corporation. Once you sign that contract they have your ass. I was in cybersystems and I spent 14 hours a day six days a week repairing and monitoring shitty government networks for less than minimum wage. Since they carried sensitive data it was of the upmost priority to keep them running, so if something was down either comms was getting shit on or cybersystems was getting shit on, and shit only flows one way. I would drink to self medicate some nights, and even though I am 25 I have gray hairs growing in. Go to college instead, even though I have really good experience on networks and cybersystems application, I probably would be a more mentally stable person and I would most likely be higher on my career ladder.
> 80s era walkie talkies
nothing in the Armed Forces is current technology era. Its logistically impossible
Wasn’t there a study out saying that there were marine corps rifles that were like 10-15 years old? Even though the army and the Air Force get funding I hear the military is such a bloated mess that shoestring budgets in some departments are commonplace.
Meh, we worked with comms a lot, most of it was 21st century tech that was integrated with 90’s software or vice versa. I had a box monitor from the mid 90’s that ran windows eight with a tower that was built somewhere in 2010 that was connected to the networks, used for system diagnostics on the networks. We’d also have to deal with repairs to the networks but parts weren’t around all the time so we’d have to improvise.
>we’d have to improvise
funny, because every fucking REMF POG i've ever worked with that is former military can't do shit on their own without someone requisitioning a standing order for them to unfuck themselves. Just like it is logistically impossible to get a current generation education in technology from a University, the military is no different. The institution is way to massive to function with any agility.
That just naturally happens in all branches. Retards taken straight from high school who think they’re hot shit only to be dumped into the real world of beurocratic shit the military puts them in. Yeah I’m a POG. Yeah I’m in the Air Force. I had it easier than a lot of people. I’m just saying the Air Force as a whole is a complete mess where higher command is disconnected from the enlisted, especially when it comes to day to day stuff that involves my job. They don’t understand how fragile the system is, how long it takes to repair. We ended up getting shafted and we have to fix things with what we had. There’s countless occasions where this would happen and we’d have to unfuck it with shit around base, and when that wasn’t an option, we’d canaballize older systems for parts. It was one big game so the government wouldn’t have to spend money for more permanent repairs.
If you're going to use the military as a stepping stone, do it. It's fun. Even deployments are dope in their own way. Yes you're an evil piece of shit if you join, but the people you're fighting are also evil pieces of shit and the people criticizing you are complacent cowardly pieces of shit. The point is, do what you wanna do. Get that college money and go be an engineer or a doctor. Don't count on being a soldier your whole life.
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really make you think
Bro if ur tryna join the army u cant afford to be thinking all the time.
>mil recruiters on Jow Forums
times of desperation ahead bong