Play around with the neighborhoods you're familair with at to see proof of how much where you grow up matters

Play around with the neighborhoods you're familair with at to see proof of how much where you grow up matters.

Attached: 2wsyrow0f6n21[1].jpg (960x808, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>magic dirt theory
It isn't true with nations and it isn't true with zip codes.

>he doesn't comprehend that classes are segregated by geography


Do you not understand people of similar economic standing live by each other?

People here want to deny this cause it would mean they had some advantage which pisses them off.

>he still buys into jared diamond's memes


>website doesn't even load
good job you fucking niggers

>That pic
Jesus fucking christ, Notes from Underground fucking predicted this, that life would just be reduced to a bunch of variables and formulas

Attached: 1517570763385.jpg (390x455, 68K)

>waah waah QQ i live in harlem and not manhattan
>waah waah i live in compton and not hollywood hills
fuck off, millions of whites live in fly over shitholes and do fine.

People with similar economic standing tend to have similar mental capabilities.

Correlation doesn't imply...

>Actually believing this
Ever heard of regression to the mean?

The life expectancy for white men in flyover states is dropping

Explain ching chongs coming here living in shitty neighborhoods and blowing the fuck out the nigs, culture is vastly more important than geography.

for the millionth time. correlation does not equal causation. money doesnt determine personality, IQ, motivation, or sociability. The behavior manifested by the parents who earned their wealth through a combination of IQ, hard work, planning, and luck was then passed on genetically and environmentally to the children. And those children, more likely than not, grow up manifesting behaviors that accrue monetary benefit, creating this "shocking pattern of inequality".

I had the advantage of having two loving heterosexual parents and not being a niggerfaggot like you. I'll admit it.

According to who? A study maybe? Brainwashed idiot.

>check the county I grew up in
>hourly wage is around $12 an hour
>mine is twenty something
>only around 10% make it to top 20% income
>im in top 60%
>hahhaa fuck yoy
>go fuck urswlf
>yes that aaaaaaaaaaaasswahatisaid

I love it when people ignore that fact niggers are subhuman.
>It’s the lead in the pipes!!1!
>Muh zip codes!!1!
>A bad policy!!1!

>Doxxing myself
no thanks kike

>> see proof of how much where you grow up matters.
I will tell you more: there was a now-lost science that allowed you to know all that will happen in the life of a human based solely on his exact birth date and location.
So you witness a partial attempt to revive this science.