Why did we invade Iraq?

Why did we invade Iraq?

Since Americans hate Muslims so much, why did we give a fuck if Saddam killed his own people?

Why did we give a fuck if Gaddafi killed his own people? (Muslims)

I don't understand the rational, and our reasoning's for invading are all contradictory. If 74% of Americans believe that Muslims are shitty people, why do they support wars that theoretically "help" Muslims?

Attached: saddam-hussein-9347918-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 158K)

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for the juice

9/11 was set up by saudi arabia and israel who wanted us there because iraq wasn't kosher/halal enough. Saddam had to go. The whole operation just made Iraq a hotbed for terrorism though and increased Iran's influence throughout the war torn region.

Oil and Revenge for the Bush family.

>Why did we invade Iraq
>Since Americans hate Muslims so much
>Why did we give a fuck
> If 74% of Americans believe that Muslims are shitty people
Since when did your people's opinions and decisions mattered to your government, probably before pear harbor ?

To politically destabilize the region and fuck over OPEC. Bonus: field test 21st century military weapons and tactics for use at home and abroad.

>OP doesn't know about pre-flood artifacts

PNAC, go watch General Wesley Clark's speech about planned war against 7 countries in 5 years.

I'm a Jordanian American, is it true King Hussein is a British puppet?

Because sadam had gas chambers for six million jews.