Everyday you're surrounded by normies and bombarded with lamestream propaganda, and if you're in college you've had to resist the constant attempts to indoctrinate you. How do you do it Jow Forums? Is it possible to get bluepilled and cucked if you've already swallowed the red pill?
How do you resist the propaganda Jow Forums?
literally just identify it and move on
My own unwillingness to care shields me. It's like even if it does get past it I have zero will to believe it and thus it flushes out. I like to think I utilized my laziness to my defense.
The worst part isn't resisting the propaganda. The worst part is being surrounded by people who don't.
The worst part is being a nigger and learning what the word “father” means.
Don t consume MSM and encourage others to do the same.
The Only way to win, is to not play.
Also try to only drink filtered non fluoridated water, as well as not using fluoridated toothpaste. A weekly swish is all you need.
I hate everything. Good luck selling it to me.
I don't know what's real anymore.
Jow Forums rhetoric is retarded and gay and unproductive. Alt righters are basically just zoomers who don't even know what the fuck is going on, swallowing each others memes and shitposting about things they can barely understand, they're barely even fucking old enough to vote
Everyone in my country is a fucking idiot far leftie, and my government is becoming tyrannical, I have no rights, everyone hates me because I'm a straight white male who doesn't like the tenants of Islamic religion
I fit nowhere. I am just a punching bag for basically everyone. I'm so depressed. All I want is a nice strong centeristish community who listen to each other and act reasonably, but that makes me a villain
What is the point in even standing up for myself anymore
Clown world
I am sad
I see the slow death of the White race, through wars and mass-immigration. I see the jew lies about everything, especially about NS Germany, their righteous struggle against (((bolshevism))) and the holohoax.
I know that my side is right, regardless of kike MSM propaganda. White nations must remain White.
I completely ignore msm now except for when I want to know what narrative (((they're))) trying to push. I hate nearly all journalists now after being bombarded with their constant lying.
I feel you. Everyone is retarded. Pol is actually extra retarded with TWO extra chromosomes. The world is excessively complex. If you aren't in a place to make a difference, just enjoy your life for real.
Its pretty easy to see through bullshit if you figure everything is bullshit. Just got to sit and think about things instead of being a reactionary retard that immediately, 100% believes everything he hears/reads the second you hear/read it.
read this jemaine clement's voice. there are a lot of people who think like that mate
I steep myself in history and admire great historical figures. Alexander, Augustus, Constantine, Justinian, Charlemagne, the Normans, Richard III, Isabel and Ferdinand, Charles V, Jan Sobieski, Prince Eugene, and so on. Everyone after the enlightenment sucked.
Resisting alt right propoganda is what everyone here fails at. They eat it up and became radicalized.
Propaganda that promotes the truth is good.
im too stupid to know the different...i reply to what I like and mostly to posts I dont like
Not focusing on the present having lived in the past, the contrast is too apparent for it to trick me into sleep.
I’m just heee for the nigger and kike jokes.
Even though it is constant propaganda, the reason it doesn't work is because they are wrong. The best they can do is try to convince you that you are the bad guy or there is something wrong g with you.
Oh yeah don’t forget being Christpilled. Orthodox Catholic Christpilled mind you.
100% believe in inevitable triumph over apostasy, Marxism, Judaism and Mohammedism. Always ready for holy war.
fucking this right here.
Its the biggest of blackpills
Yes. Yes indeed.