@ 1330 NZDT (UTC+13) tomorrow for 2 minutes.
Women are suggested to try wearing a hijab tomorrow to support the Muslim community.
Picture of news report here in NZ.
New Zealand moment of silence tomorrow
Other urls found in this thread:
new zealand was a mistake
They say it’s optional but then public ally shame you
Id go outside and fire off a few cmags
whos this tranny
Her name is CockLips but I’m not sure how that translates
>Hijab with exposed cleavage
Is this happening here as well? We usually are in step with each other.
Oh kek, my mother would slaughter me.
Calling it now, someone will be playing Remove Kebab on loudspeaker
This whole thing is so ritualistic and bizarre, like a state religion. But the absolute worst religion that can possible be conceived
> Moment of silence
For law abiding gun owning kiwis
Enjoy getting replaced
Make sure you wear one tomorrow.
Nike brand.
fuck sakes, man.
>moment of silence commences
>halfway through a man shouting allahu ackbar can be heard
>everyone panics and 37 people are trampled to death in the chaos
Why the islamiphobia libcucks?
It could get worse apparently.
> In the Commonwealth a “two minutes silence” is only used on Remembrance Day to honour those who died in combat, while in Israel it is used on Holocaust Remembrance Day. I am not sure if the selection of one over the other is supposed to have any significance.
> The second announcement is to play the Islamic call to prayer via state broadcasters over the airwaves during the two-minute’s silence.
> Allah is great.
> I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
> I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
> Rise up for prayer.
> The state broadcasters are TVNZ and Radio NZ.
> This same government removed the name of Jesus Christ from the Parliamentary Prayer to ensure “that the prayer would no longer be specifically Christian in nature.” Parliament opened with an Islamic prayer in Arabic when it sat this week for the first time since the massacre.
> Many public institutions have also issued guidelines for behaviour and dress at events tomorrow. Many private organisation are encouraging their female staff to wear hijab (headscarves), a sign of religious submission. The following was sent out by the University of Auckland:
>women are suggested to wear a hijab
Please tell me this is a fucking joke? How the fuck are you nz cucks putting up with this shit DEMONSTRATE PROTEST
>circle your local mall blaring this shit
Why disturb the elderly on thier daily walk?
Well that makes me fucking angry
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
God help the few good people left in NZ. May they gain the courage to stand up to this madness
i'm so fucking mad, we're gay as fuck
Is this what peak cucking looks like?
No fucking way...
This is bs right.
Right .
An user should blast AMERICA, FUCK YEAH during the moment of silence just to rile them up lmao
Now thats acceleration, Fucking based New Zealand.
She's a reporter for Newshub. I forget her name sorry.
I'm sure the NZ public are not taking in this Islamic call like a brainwashing, but as a sign or attempt of respect to the Muslim community.
The average NZer doesn't understand fucking squat about the Quran, but they want to do their best for their Muslim friends and colleagues.
@ 1330 NZDT (UTC+13) tomorrow for 2 minutes Blow your car horn for a Free NZ
Leftist I swear
And the roasties will do it too KEK fuck it all
Gross ape
Glad Mr. Tarrant exposed what HUGE Cucks Kiwis are.
Drive around with the Playlist tracks at full volume
that faggot fucked up
They need more education my based Kangaroo fucker.
islam is fucking based desu
i'd rather be pals with a chill muslimbro like hassan minhaj than any of y'all slimey crackas
That's because you favela monkeys are used to savages swinging machetes around
Which channel? Also nice upload you fucking clown.
>expecting an english speaking pair of two islands, separated from a larger more important landmass of english speaking people, to not cuck
Fucking christ these people are pathetic, what an absolute fucking joke.
Will they stand in silence for the people murdered on the tram in Amsterdam? The attempted bonfire on the kids in Italy? What about Hindus murdered in Kashmir?
Always found it weird that even hardcore leftists don't give a shit about Hindu sovereignty or the crimes committed against them. The left really have aligned themselves with Islam over everyone else.
>Two voices will call out in a silence all will hear
TVNZ1 and Radio New Zealand National.
Freeview channel 1 and 50/51?
shove it up your ass for we shall pass
Leftists love playing dress up, or as they call it "cultural appropriation"
See Trudeau and the cunt nz PM
So fucking stupid. You think dressing like a Muzzie shows solidarity, but I guarantee all of them are thinking "how cute, the dhimmi thinks it's my friend."
Says the faggot country who turned in all their guns because muh fee fees. Fucking faggot, no bigger cuckolds than Australia. Aren't you supposed to be blocked from Jow Forums?
Nah, I know about the Takbir shit. Also figures this photo would be from fucking New Shub.
Quisling in simulated Nazi uniform. Why?
I mean I get mourning the victims and all but Jesus christ does everyone have to convert to Islam to remember the victims?
Jesus this is far worst than Trudeau. This isn't "If you kill your enemy they win" this is stright up "We had an aussie come and shoot up a mosque and now we have to become an islamic country to free ourselves of guilt"
Welp, it seems our shooter did not realize how crazy this would drive the kiwis. This is insanity and cuckery never seen before from any nation. This is far, AND I MEAN FAR, beyond canada and EVEN SWEDEN!
Welp if more "happenings" occur, I would put the insanity of the NZ goverment to blame.
we're sorry please send us 1,000,000 more muslims for each victim of the attack inshallah
NZ roasties wrapped in burqa giving apology bj.
Nah mate, I can't hold a camera phone correctly.
Or this accelerometer is just fucked.
>Christchurch is going to be renamed Mohammedmosque in your lifetime
Such a blackpill, that in the upcoming race war, we will still have to fight our brothers.
This. what the fuck is going on?
like the whole country became islamic over night
i hope you kiwibros report back how many girls are wearing this hijab shit
this is peak narcissism. soon kiwis will be beheading themselves to virtue signal.
Can we pls become an Australian state?
Shouldn't they dress up as japs then?
We're both cucked, m8.
Get a megaphone and blast “remove kebab”
No, no.
It's this.
pls dont infect us
women love this submissive shit though
this will open them up to converting to islam and get fucked by arabs
you know one of the oldest tricks in the muslims book is
>you cant question us until you read the koran, wear our clothes and practice our religion.
They have been pulling that since 9/11
>Women are suggested to try wearing a hijab tomorrow to support the Muslim community.
>Picture of news report here in NZ.
You can't make this shit up if you tried.
lol, we didn't even have this for the chch earthquake
Anons might like to go for a drive and play THE EXACT SAME SONGs full noise
it's like there's a contest right now to see how far NZ can open it's asshole, mouth and pussy for Islam in hopes they don't start stabbing people in the streets like in Europe.
The terrorists have won
You could have made fags throw themselves off buildings.
Any kiwis with balls to break the moment of silence with a megaphone shouting FUCK ISLAM?
based and goatpilled
someone should show up with some amplifiers on the back of a truck and blast GAS GAS GAS during the silence
How long before NZ converts to Islam??
I think we've found the Sweden of the south guys.
What do the men wear?
this idiot wears a hijab but still full chest out this is why women dont deserve rights
if it's anything like the other times we've had these silence things then nobody will give a fuck.
I think I was using a 9" grinder during the pike river one, no disrespect to those dudes but it's not like the workshop is just gonna shut down.
Schools will be forced and some faggy auckland offices
that's low-key conversion to Islamic state
fucking aye
Lmao, the shooting was more effective than I could imagine.
>Literally the second Arab Spring taking place in NZ.
>15 years from now Shariah rule is enforced by government officials and authorities.
Burn it all and let's start over.
Stastically speaking, there are likely some terror cells operating here. SIS probably can't do shit now cause it would be racist to nab them. So this is really the only way. inshallah m8
more like a Chinese spring
we hardly have any muzzie and the boats can't reach here
something like 14 guys were blocked from trying to travel to syria during the isis thing. I think half of them are try hard convert fuckwits like that one dude trying to come home
Take a horn and go to the streets. This shouldnt be that illegal...
I see your nation calling for their women to wear hijabs, not slave away at sweatshops.
Suicide vests
Wearing a hijab on television is not low key
Is that Justin Trudeau?