When will you faglords realize women are far more manipulative than jews?

Women have learned since the dawn of humanity that they have to use their looks and manipulation in order to get power, since they're too weak both mentally and physically to take power themselves.

They always try to be victims of everything (lately, of "bad body ideals") so that men will feel sorry for them and give them positive special treatment.

There are more beta orbiters today than ever before. That means women try to surround themselves with these cucks only to make these thirsty men do their biddings.

When will you realize women are the ones manipulating you into socialism and globalism, and not jews? How fucking stupid are you to not see this?


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Other urls found in this thread:


Yay another attack on white women

No, this is an attack on ALL women. White, jewish, black, hispanic, asian and more.

alpha males dont have problem with women

this is only a beta problem.

good luck tho

Problem is, most women are manipulative, while only a few men are alpha.

user pol is full of bluepilled tradcucks don't bother it seems the woman redpill is the hardest one for them to take

Jews redpill fine
Race redpill fine
Women redpill uh are you beta virgin incel XD?? All they do is use shamming language since it is a universal truth women are inferior the male by nature ruler and the female subject.

Mans greatest weakness is his love for women we all believe they are paragons of virtue who can do no wrong nice sweet kind etc but tbe truth is their nature is the most evil force on this earth and it needs to be repressed for any society to function in the long term.

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At least I get to fuck women. All the Jews ever do is fuck me.

It seems our ancestors were aware of this truth many today have forgotten

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Well, it's time to stop that. I learned how to stop my lust for real women, so I only look at animated women now. That way you can still get your fix, while completely ignoring real women (which is the best thing to do).

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Fully understand your point, but this does go back to Jews. All the way back to the early chapters of Genesis, to the new testament chapters of Colossians, was it understood that women were meant to be subservient unto man. The Jews from the Frankfurt school altered this, and that's why you're living in this world today.

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This is correct women are far more destructive than Jews when unchained but Jews are the one's who unleashed them onto us and our country

>implying women can't be jews
Most of the JEWS who work for buzzfeed, and huffpo, vice yadda yadda are also women. Yes, female kikes are the worst kikes of all, and female non-kikes, are the worst non-kikes of them all. Lately I'm just not into backing down on the JQ, it's time for those little fucking weasels to squirm. Watch the latest Black Pilled video on early hollywood degeneracy. These kikes have been fucking your kids, ruining your women, and having their way with your country since before you were born (well before). Your father and Grandfather didn't have the balls to rip them out of their homes and kill them, but do you?

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Many of those whom have served Lucifer have been more destructive to man than Lucifer himself. The Jews operate in the same manner as he has.

This is exactly what is happening today as well. Women's emotions ruins any society.

>alpha males dont have problem with women
Not capitalized, it should be don't, and it should be "have A problem with women" Also, you forgot to punctuate the end of your sentence
>reddit spacing
>this is only a beta problem
citation needed
>double reddit spacing
>good luck tho
once again you forgot punctuation.

I give you an F on your 6th grade level writing assignment. Sorry user, you aren't smart enough to pass the 6th grade :( unfortunately that means you aren't allowed to talk to grown ups about political issues :(

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A woman's care based mortality should have no say in government

The primary objective of the government is to enforce the law aka justice someone with no sense of justice turns it into a nanny state policing speech actions etc because they're mean rude or what havw you

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wtf is this reddit spacing? Correcting grammar? Newfriend you must go back.

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Womens' emotions are running wild in the same way that mens' emotions are. There is a set way in which the family unit is supposed to function, but it does not, and that is because the Jews have sought to destroy it. Men are meant to shoulder the burden of society, while women are meant to shoulder the burden of the family. Why do you think it is that (((modern television))) often depicts men as slothful layabouts, and women as hard workers? Both are contrary to their roles.

Attached: frankschool.jpg (1608x1600, 723K)

Close. All this bullshit that we're going through? It's the fault of Jewish women. The proverbial Kyle's Moms. They're annoying as fuck entitled lazy nags prone to excess. Since in Jewish culture, the women control succession, they have more power than they should. So they nag nag nag nag nag until their husbands bend to the will and do whatever they can to constantly feed their wives ever beckoning hunger for material goods and ego validation. If it weren't for those wives, the men would do way less shady shit.

Even the best women should be killed.

>he still cares about wamen

Oh Jeez, tip your fedora Retard, stick to anime girls while me and my other 6ft Anons get sum puss

A woman having a say in society degrades us to our most basic instincts we choose to act on emotion or what the lizard brain/ amygdala says degrading us to animals and causing our great society built using the neo cortex (the logical rational part of the brain) to collapse. Pure hedonism only what feels good acting in the moment etc aka acting like a woman since they have no understanding of the future planning or abstract thought. Letting a woman rule over itself is much like letting a toddler rule over itself. The toddler will say "I wanna eat ice cream everyday" so you feed it icecream and it gets fat, then it complains " I can't run around and play anymore", so you attempt to give it healthy food but it shrieks "NO I WANT ICE CREAM". Women are the same impulsive irrational and have if left to their own devices entirely self destructive bringing down the society men built with them.

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Blaming everything on jews is fucking stupid. They have higher IQ, so that might lead them into more influencial positions in society, but the woman problem has nothing to do with jews.

Can you give me a source for the quotes in that image? Those statistics could really help me in a few longstanding arguments

Jesus Christ.

I’m so fucking glad I have a father. It’s disturbing as fuck to see so many of you naïve kids here only just opening your eyes to the true nature of women.

They’re dangerous borderline animals.

user higher iq jew has been debunked multiple times it is because they are a collective racially conscious group. While everyone else is out acting for individual goals they work in harmony towards the same goal.

The jews have a tendency to stick together and to favour the interests of their tribe rather than thier individual or nations interest. If one jew is high up in a businesses all jews working there are now high up in a businesses.

It is the primary reason for their extraordinary wealth and power throughout the ages. Most people act as individuals seeking thier own goal but the jews are one huge millions strong collective all working for the same interest

They accumilate their wealth by collaborating together and praying on the host population

jews learned their ways from their mothers, goyim.

itt: babby's first critical think

mitochondrially, socially, and traditionally.


Here you go fren

once you understand their lame ass emotional tricks, you won't be easily manipulated. Also, when you realize that women are literal retards who are good for their holes and not much else, they can't manipulate you.

why do you think jewishness is passed down via the mother?

This is true, but too many men are too thirsty to practically do this. That is where animated women come into play.

Truly, it is the final redpill. The (((Pharisees))) and Race redpills wouldn't even be a thing if it wasn't for women enabling them.
Betas are the ones that create society, not the alphas. alphas do not rule in evolved human societies, cause unlike any other animal known, Human men don't respect the concept of an alpha, because Brains wins out against Brawn.
Alphas do have problems with women though, they are the one's getting divorced raped and metoo'd the most.

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Don’t be too harsh. Humans are HARDWIRED to protect women and ignore everything bad about them. It’s like being trapped in the matrix.

The “Women are Wonderful” effect is very real. From beta tradcucks here on Jow Forums to beta numale feminists on reddit. It takes bitter experience or natural talent to ignore/resist it.

One of the biggest problems on Jow Forums is that so many guys can become 40% redpilled but then stop because the whole truth is too painful. So they take hits and pieces and try to “build a better beta” like Jordan Peterson does.

Even the janitors aren’t immune from it. You can scream about niggers, jews, chinks, spics, fags, pinkos, etc. until you’re blue in the face.

But you WILL get your thread deleted or moved for offending women. That’s the power of pussy. Even in Jow Forums.

Jews WISH they had that kind of power naturally.

cringe & soipilled

Enough of this cope. Alphas lead and breed, Betas feed.

That article is incredibly biased, but at least I can use the statistics. Thanks

Betas use to never let an "Alpha" take more than his share. Betas are the ones that enforced single wife marriage. Betas are the one's that have progressed society to this point. The only reason things have gone backwards is due to women being "liberated".

We are not like animals, we are Men. Brawn alone will not save the alphas. Betas were the ones to breed, and we bred IQ. Due to insanity we are letting the women "choose" who they breed with and they are not breeding for brains but for brawn. It is going backwards if this is allowed to continue.

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What many folks don’t get is that women do not HAVE feelings like men do. They ARE feelings. Like a small toddler going from furious to joyful to despair within the span of a minute. They’re just REACTING to everything around them.

In a perfect world all men would understand that women are just holes to breed with and that’s it. But we don’t.

So many otherwise rational men get obsessed with a girl and let her lead him around like a horny lovesick dog. Failing every shit test, inflating her into a goddess of love, cooing over her every tiny mood and hurt. It’s pathetic. Women WANT to be told “shut the fuck up, you bitch” or “piss off” sometimes. They WANT you to prove that you’re not obsessed with them and will effortlessly leave them for other women. As an alpha naturally would.

It's similar to how liberals want to believe the media or the president or whatever is tricking everyone into being horrible. If it's innate it's like going against something as powerful as God so they don't want to define it as being that deeply embedded into how most people are.

People will blame Jews and communists or globalists instead of women because it's too awful to realize women are naturally a nation destroying plague once they gain power.

And you have to feel miserable unless you give into them, which just leads to what is basically slavery. They're like aliens designed to destroy most men until only top tier alphas remain.

Oh God, not another one you. Tradcucks who change the definition of Aloha and Beta to “Good” and “Evil”.

Nobody listens to Betas. That’s why they’re betas. Humans are wild animals like any others you pretentious fool.

Tall, strong, handsome, and aggressive men are typically smarter anyway.

>in a perfect world all men would understand women are just holes to breed with
This women are just a tool to create more men this may not be true but I've heard if a man looks at a picture of a woman in a bikini the tool use part of his brain flares up. Can we please stop personifying and projecting our fantasies and desires onto a tool it's like believing water is a divine being or my sword is a kind caring person.

OK let's assume you're correct. If it's not Jews, then it's women doing all the manipulation. Then who is behind the machinations of the filty kike? The Jewess. Perhaps we should do something about this our true enemy.

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Sweden, of course you're correct.
Fortunately, your women problem is correcting itself.
Unfortunately, the correction requires you to be killed and replaced by jihadis


This. Jewesses are the primary reason Judaism resists destruction. Because judaism is passed through the mother, and because women are less likely to be killed and more likely to pass on their genes, the Blabbler should be our primary target for destruction.

Solid observation. If you’ve ever pondered why liberals unironically hold speeches where they “Tell rapists not to rape” then you understand how delusional they are. That they cannot wrap their heads around someone who doesn’t give a shit or think like they think.

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For thousands of years low status males were unwilling to work 15 hours a day in a field or get their guts ripped out in a battlefield as a member of a beta eunuch underclass.

Women were horrified that they had to be with these low status men rather than fucking alphas in a palace, similar to the way things were when humanity lived in small tribes.

Now that wars are lopsided massacres due to overwhelming technological advantage over ever weakening enemies, and automation is replacing low skilled manual labor once dominated by males, women want to go back to the way things were 5000 years ago.

Kek. True. When women think about sex with men, the fear part of their brain flares up a bit.

Another interesting tidbit is that when men see a physically attractive woman our brains remain stimulated long after she’s gone. When women see a physically attractive man their brains flare up for a moment and then quickly die down again.

Yet we’re expected to think males & females are equal.

>muh alpha male/beta male
That's not a real thing user. In nature, men form tribes with each other. These tribes kill men in other tribes, and gang rape and enslave their women. In nature, the difference between alpha and beta is whether you get first dibs or sloppy seconds. If you believe otherwise you're ignoring virtually all of human history and most of the world today.

>falling for the falling for jew

does that mean khazar milkers are the apex predator

You need to read more. When peoole say Alpha and Beta we don’t mean “You’re either an Incel or a Chad meme”.

It’s simply a shorthand for the spectrum of behavior which are SEXUALLY attractive to ovulating women on one side, and ECONOMICALLY attractive to non-fertile women on the other.

>Yes goy women are the real masterminds and the kikes are their tools. Now ignore us and focus on some screetchy disgorganized thots.

The Tsars should have been much more thorough in their pogroms.

>It is impossible for more than one group of people to conspire for their own benefits

Yes, but you owe nothing to women of your own ethnicity because the determining factor in the success of a civilization is the y-chromosome.

We literally have brown women flooding the USA because they want to get away from shitty brown men. Just boycott white women and bleach a brown bitch and produce a son. The result will be a white y-chromosome and an x that might have some ancient Macedonian or Conquistador genes anyway.

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I have a good friend that is I believe undiagnosed schizophrenic who 3 times in his life stopped talking to me for a time all over woman he wasn't fucking. I think he is about to do it a 4th time because woman are manipulating him again. Guy used to make racist and holocaust jokes now he calls me a toxic alt righter because he wants to impress girls he is not fucking. I have known this guy for 20 years and enjoy hanging out with him but this will be the 4th time he does this. Guy is also aimless, 30, no job, career, college anything. Should I just permanently cut contact off this time?

I understand this, but the point is it's un-natural. What women find attractive doesn't fucking matter in nature. They evolved to be beaten and raped. Human beings wouldn't exist if women actually were the selectors. Without strong authoritative government enabling them, they're basically cattle.

Why are you associating with genetic mistakes?

it's painfully obvious that it's women who are the actors, but they didn't invent the self-destructive ideology that drives them.

true user.

Yes and no. Nature isn’t a nice neat little pattern of progression. Women exist to be beaten and raped.

But men are also wired to prevent beatings and rapes by other men who could hypothetically cuck them.

Hes a good guy when he isn't fucked and fun to hang out with. The guy just got stuck in life 10 years ago and never got out. However he keeps falling for the same trap over and over and I am accomplished now with a career and think maybe it's time to cut it off. I dunno. When you get to 30 it's hard to make new friends which is why the older ones are more important despite them being fuck ups

Women are by nature self destructive however it's not them running things behind the scenes and i know this to be 100% true due to the fact they simply sre not intelligent enough to run anything

Jews use women. Women are manipulative and opportunistic but they ARENT SMART and they have need that makes them seek out authority to tell em what to do think feel.

Jews are smart and they consider themselves gods and manipulate the broad picture vs woman on individual local level.

See how jees need women to run their virus and women need jews to get dopamine. Jews are literally pimps.

Politics in ancient times weren't logical.
>"So you're telling me we must hand over land to these foreigners and allow them to pick one of our sons to behead, because someone who is now dead treated them improper?"
HAHA yes, silly woman, how can you not understand this logical honour?

Yet jews push strong womyn leaders meme all the time.
Wierd they would prefer a leader with less loyality to their people.

And for all that conspiring the Jews and in particular male Jews still control the instruments of financial power and any woman who wants real influence must kow-tow to them and do their bidding. Women may have an innate hold over men but they're too emotional and too inept to actually consolidate it into real power. Behind every woman ransaking betas in divorce cases is a Jewish legal system and behind every woman with political power is a Jewish banker.

that's true, but the women men protect are "their" women. Women's lib kind of fucked them on this point. If the government collapsed tonight, women would be subhuman fuckmeat tomorrow.

Then u went full retard....

Pretty sure he's parodying "even the best goyim should be killed"

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>They’re just REACTING to everything around them.
The toddler analogy is unfortunately very accurate. Children have a hard time "seeing from someone else's perspective" and I've noticed women have this same problem. They see Juanita crossing the border with kids and instantly think of their own family, rather than even consider that they're observing a child trafficker, because *they* are not child traffickers.

If you've ever been around women who get emotional over a story, they almost always say "I was crying because it reminded me of [something in my own life]" not that they're sad for the person in said story.

What is an alpha human for you? Personally.

Many men are not capable of controlling their sexual urges, and so they become easy to manipulate. It's more like many men are very easy to manipulate.


Everyone listens to us, because we run most things. We are not wild animals, well maybe women are, but not Betas. We are literally the only reason why Humans have become anything.

Tall, strong, handsome, and aggressive men are typically dumber. There are smart ones such as myself, but we have Betas ruling over alphas at great numbers. There are Omegas/Zeta males now, which are often mistaken as Betas, but they are not.

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women against men is one of the main DandCs.
Anyone who thinks different is a disgusting traitor or a filthy muslim.
And in case you just say but not mean it, you are a kike.



Small tribes that had an "alpha" figure "leading" them all failed. The tribes where the betas prevented an alpha from rising and the women who properly distributed amongst the tribes "betas" had the greatest success.
The only issue was women. I guess you can consider their "instincts" as a fail safe if Betas don't keep women and the alphas in check.
It won't matter though, as the Betas have found another way.
We see this happening now, Betas are rebuilding society in quiet communities, where the only women allowed are the ones that are obedient.
The degenerate women are dying from STDs and attempting to raise bastard children with the backing of the "state" as a replacement for a husband/father. It's not working, and eventually the society that is trying to make this work will eventually collapse from it's own accord.
Automation is replacing women, and soon to replace their wombs as well, once monopolized by women. Men want to go back to the way things were, but now without the issue of the female question.

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No fan of the female psyche but that pic is utter horseshit. Most men who look like upper right *think* they're only a weekend's workout away from looking like upper left.

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But thats still not vindictive logic where you wish negativity on the person who is Jow Forums. You completely missed the point here

Many men are desperate. Those are the ones virgin shaming and saying things like do you even get laid lmao etc.

To them value of themselves is deduced from being accepted by woman Goddess, they are the ones who get fucked the most by courts. Since they wring themselves into situations where their subservient mindset shows.
They might even show some alpha traits. I know most alpha guys from hs are now in marriage with average girls they made kids with accidently. Slowly dying since they were players and u cant turn that shit off when u get kids and fuck the same cunt yearly.

My high standards often kept me out of trouble and half of college qts yearned my cock just because I told them Im only interested in one of them.

Monogomous societies prosper since men can focus and direct all of the energy they would've wasted pursuing a mate or having sex onto better more productive things. You guys should look into the transmutation of sexual energy if you don't already know about itm

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Why do people think OP girl's butt looks fat? Just curious.

"Most men" source?
Many men work out much more than women, and on a regular long term basis.

The only real issue is that men don't start to fix themselves until they reach their late 20's early 30's. If they did it before, it obviously would have been much better.

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When some anthropologist discovers that only 10% of ancient males contributed to the genetic make-up of modern society, it wasn't because ancient women were picky. It was because those 10% of males belonged to the tribe that killed off all the men in the other tribes. Women merely spread their legs so they would not be killed.

You actually think primitive women selected their men? Do you also think pre-columbian women selected Spanish conquistadors? Did Italian women select Moores? How fucking gullible are you?

Good point.

Women were taken and property troughout most of civilized past. And by civilized I mean all but last 70 years.

He's somewhat right, though.
Women today think that going back to how things were would benefit them, because they're stupid.

The problem is truly self correcting though, but unless all tech is wiped out, I don't think we will revert to whatever we were that far back.

Attached: The self-correcting cycle redpill.png (713x865, 219K)

Everyone online is a he until they've shown a time-stamped picture (full face visible too) of their tits.
And today I'm going to assume a full nude body picture would be required as well, but I doubt that edict has been applied yet, as that'd be weird.
Also, I am always right.

>Women may have an innate hold over men but they're too emotional and too inept to actually consolidate it into real power
yeah, thats why we are ruled and ordered around mostly by women, with our laws being made by women and to accomodate women at the expense of men

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