This is what's being slid today.
It's happening and you faggots are all busy with slide threads.
>Uh q boomer retard duh
Fuck you shill faggots.
This is what's being slid today.
It's happening and you faggots are all busy with slide threads.
>Uh q boomer retard duh
Fuck you shill faggots.
island and temple was demolished years ago
you guys remember hawaii user tho and the hot dog stand?
those barrels he found?
oh the good ole days
Welcome to the botnet.
>Q thread
>wants OP to elaborate
Seriously only pick one.
Take your pills then get off my board
Keep up the great work OP
It's been filled with bot overload this whole damn day and I kept wondering why and I noticed not one mention of Epstein case. Which was unusual.
Then Q just dropped like 20 photos and links about Rachel Chandler. A lot of shit i had never seen before (some stuff I had from early pizzagate days)
Epstein case hopefully soon to be released with more details and Mueller's and Comeys attorney steps in last minute to keep it sealed???????
And not one thread on this???
Not even one?
day of the rope is coming shill
Just go to the qmap page. Literally dropped 30 posts in the last hour.
Also talked about the standard hotel a lot.
Boom boom room is at the standard hotel. Alefantis used to mention it.
Fuck off kike and take your slide threads today.
Rachel Chandler getting the death penalty for sure
Trump and Epstein are best buddies, he would never put one of his closet friends in prison.
Praise Kek.
Q is legit and shills eat dick.
Riiiight. Fuck off shill
Are you denying Trump has had ties to Epstein? They've known each other for almost twenty years. He's probably one of Trump's most important business partners. There's no such thing as a president that isn't a disgusting degenerate.
are you denying trump banned epstein from all his properties and has never gone to lolita island? shills always fail to mention this.
>Most important business partners.
Fuck off with this stale shit
That's it? 2/10
Haven't seen this many slide threads in ages.
Just checked the catalog page by creation date and just in the last 5 min there have been over 20 or more threads of pure shit.
Someones scared.
Q is real and its time for Jow Forums to admit they were wrong
Yes faggot. Fuck off and go watch the NZ video if youre bored
Q claimed in 21 days the hammer would drop.....yesterday was the 21st day. Of course nothing fucking happened, so now Q is getting boomers to recirculate old pizza posts and the same exact pictures that were on Jow Forums months ago cause their fucking memory is so god damn bad they think it's new info
Nobody cares about John McCain's death. That's like the weakest Q proof.
Tell Trump I said hi
That was a publicity stunt to make sure his supporters never questioned his ties to known pedophile crimes. It seems to have work for gullible boomer scum such as yourself.
Q is real, but he's not on our side. It's a Trojan Horse created by Kushner to make sure Americans stay good sheeple and never question the Israeli influence in our political system. Once that task is completed, Israel will build the third temple and announce a thousand year Zionist Reich. You're just as pathetic as lemmings falling off a cliff. Imagine actually supporting the government, a known entity that's been horrible on White Americans. Trump is shitting the bed because he knows his younger supporters aren't willing to fall for the same neocon talking points the GOP has been spouting for decades.
Getting a little late to be shitposting, grandpa. Take your pills and hit the sack
What a coincidence that the Epstein case happened yesterday.
trump is not draining the swamp. no one is getting arrested boomer retards.
Fuck off little applehead.
he was there
This, Trump conned you just like every other president after Carter has. He rather support the creation of a Jewish superstate over helping the main people who got him elected.
please pay attention. the q assholes were all doxxed in 2017. couple were mods from here.
That was literally fake. And it was embarrassing cus they got called out for their bullshit lie
Holy shit. Summer School. I completely forgot that movie existed.
This. Hail the Saint.
I know right? Then that's even better is I realized that was the dude that was also in the sunny episode about skiing.
been looking for threads on this for 2 days
I see Slovenia is extremely behind in the meme market. Nobody uses advice animals apart from Facebook boomers.
>says board is filled with slide threads
You're the slide thread, nigger
They built another pedo island.
Who the fuck is this guy? Never seen him mentioned before in connection to Chandler
>Q is real, but he's not on our side. It's a Trojan Horse created by Kushner to make sure Americans stay good sheeple and never question the Israeli influence in our political system. Once that task is completed, Israel will build the third temple and announce a thousand year Zionist Reich. You're just as pathetic as lemmings falling off a cliff. Imagine actually supporting the government, a known entity that's been horrible on White Americans. Trump is shitting the bed because he knows his younger supporters aren't willing to fall for the same neocon talking points the GOP has been spouting for decades.
I wouldn't be surprised if Barron is getting raped by "Shota Enthusiasts" on a daily basis. That kid doesn't look mentally stable in the least bit.
> Epstein case about to be unsealed. >Mueller and Comey lawyer steps in to keep it sealed.
>Not one thread on the topic.
And I'm the slide thread?
Fuck off you cock gobler
The very fabric of time has been torn
This was the pose of Cerruonise ( I spelled that wrong) Celtic God of the Forest, the Devil looks like that because priests wanted to convince Pagans that their Gods was evil (the devil was seen as more of a dragon before that .) Christians only know what the Jews let them know.
>Another 30 slide threads were just created in the last 5 min.
How are you idiots not seeing this?
I assume Epstein took this photo.
No one cares about your history lesson leaf.
Q is the OP that will never deliver. How he still has morons he's stringing along is beyond me.
keep your enemies close
implying it's Jow Forums and not shills/bots
there are plenty here who see the long game
actual Jow Forums is always right
Yeah. He's like the actor that time forgot. It's kinda funny.
Have a bump you double spacing fag
>Don't do anything! The good guys won and they're gonna drain the swamp any minute now! Just keep staring at breadcrumbs, peasant
Imagine being this retarded.
Then go back to yang gang threads and whether or not the prime minister of NZ has a dick
doing god's work user
Nice Reddit spacing.
I'm not a discord tranny that thinks they can have his ding dong sliced open and stuffed inside himself on $1000 bucks a month. So when's the happening actually going to happen, retard?
Thanks bro. To be fair, I'm a young genxer and people think i use redit spacing but it's just cus I'm old. I still do double space after each period. Hard to break habbit
Not Reddit. Just older than 30
Is that Johnny fuckin’ Chung next to Clinton? Literally the dude implicating the Clintons in one of the hugest foreign (China) campaign finance violations ever, aka China? This shit is gonna be good....
When it happens I'll be cumming up your ass and you'll feel it happening.
Tfw anons knew about all this 2.5 years ago
Typical low iq q-tard reply. As long as you hate kikes you're alright though.
Of course you are, all Q followers are boomers.
nah its being I got Qarmy to dunk on the discord trannies that made the terrorist in NZ
they thought i didn't know LOLOLOL
what a bunch of dummies I picked up there instructions
bte I'm unbanned from the ISP thanks Qarmy
for busting me out.
the banning of semi autos in NZ something we saw coming honestly with how hard our gun laws are I'm not surprised
as for the pedo Island's we got indictments on the leaders
I mean its not like the'll let us raid the private island but we have raided other islands they own.
they moved retard
moved to fiji on another private island way out of range from aircaft after the Whitehouse blew its lid
way to go retards in the whitehouse you just couldn't shut up could you?
Fiji as odd laws and the king there doesn't want a big raid
NZ has pissed them off big time in the past
its going to get harder now that we indicted the leader and the second in command.
I wouder of tony Robinson still has that second house in fiji that hawaiian could be usefull
the natives are ....
letrs say indifferent to their new neibours
But it will happen regradless becauses just because you civlains have it blocked via google maps i have a clear image on my personal satellite
RC collection
Bro, shitty tranny insults deserve shitty replies.
Fuck jannies, fuck kikes, fuck off topic slide threads.
And definitely fuck niggers.
Baste qoomer. Carry on with whatever the fuck it is you do.
Boomers are literally in their 60's and 70's you retarded millennial.
I should know. My dad sits with his hearing aid on watching hannity at full volume.
There is a petition to keep Epstein's court record close to prevent embarrassment of two VIPs. A mr and mrs john and jane doe.
I do that now. God I wish I had a television.
Ray Chandler's "business," partner.
Order a kid here.
>apparently it's cernunnos
the pictures in my 2 minute google search show him usually with both hands up one with a bull ring and one with a le snek
but it seems you're on to something
lrn to write full paragraphs ya dolt, this is not ICQ
Im raising two white blue eyes boys with my qt wife.
My kids listen to Pierce during homeschooling and mumble "it's the kikes" when eating tacos.
>Mfw I'm not joking
I know. And it's Mueller and Comeys lawyer trying to keep it sealed.
But let's keep just ignore that and look at the latest 30 slide threads that were just created again in the last 5 min
Comey in particular has a reason to hope everyo e forgets about Epstein.
What do the red shoes mean again?
Noice. Hope they turn out smarter than you lol
Just wait until they go to university and end up trans because they associate education with authority
Got it.
Kid diddlers. The pope loves them red shoes too
They should. They already know this place is cancer. So they have that going for them