Let's be honest. All the hype is gone. Not even this board supports this kike puppet anymore. The only people who are going to shill for him are redditors from the donald subreddit.
Sure its oging to be another case of "MUAH LESSER EVIL VOTE" but is this going to work this time? I don't think so.
Whats your plan for a blue american post 2020 user?
Trump won't have a chance 2020
they are going to be rigging the polls like never before.
Truth. No one supports him anymore and there’s no reason to believe he will be different next time elected
democrats just have to be worse than trump to lose and with them going hard left that's doable.
fucking retards
anyone above the age of 24 knows that Trump has 2020 in the bag
you stupid fucking retard OP...
At the moment there isn't a single Democratic candidate in the running who's got a fucking prayer.
>muah hard left
imagine thinking that the average voter gives a fucking shit about politics and all this non sense. Hard left to them simply sounds like "its bad to bully people".
wow all these facts and LOGIC in this post
Who do you think is going to beat Trump?
I want to hear it from you, in your honest opinion
it's too early to say but trump has low approval ratings, has not accomplished many things he promised his base, and has lost a decent amount of his base too. This is all without giving my own opinion of his shitty ruling
he is very fucking far from having it in the bag