Drop some hard jewpills and facts about Jews
The end game of mass migration is to turn the brown people against us and Holocaust the white race as revenge.
What is the precise identity of the elitist group behind the conspiracy of the New World Order?
The truthful answer is that the so-called Illuminati are not followers of Satanism nor demonic reptilians; they are psychopathic Zionist Jews and adepts of the saturnic-jehovitic cult of true Judaism. The New World Order is world Zionism at its peak and its depraved conspirators are elite members of that untouchable enigmatic race who exercises so much power over the present political, financial, religious and ideological world. The nefarious schemers who seek to establish their monopoly on political authority, the communication media and the legal field are the descendants of that mysterious wandering people who has historically been behind so many revolutionary movements and so many socio-political upheavals. The evildoers who are behind the plot of the New World Order are not henchmen of Satan and neither are they Luciferians; they are the Chosen People of the very same Judeochristian biblical god Yahweh whose true identity is the malevolent and perverse El/Saturn/Kronos/Anu.
In reality the New World Order has nothing to do with Satanism. The conspiratory Zionists are very cunning and they never reveal their true identity directly. They are cruel illusionists who masquerade as their rivals and do their works of evil under a disguise. The schemers are elusive impostors who infiltrate the organizations of their enemies by means of stealth and blame them for their own villainy. The Illuminati are underhanded conspiratory Zionists who have already taken over the most powerful governments of American and Europe and have installed their warmongering state of Israel in the land of Palestine. The New World Order is an evil force of Anu-Yahweh and is the enemy of our true god Enki.
The Jew is the master of lies.
They aim to turn the west into mongrel mutt nations through miscegenation and welfare and war.
The start war, they foment war.
The Jew loves the holocaust: for without it, nobody would susceptible to accusations of "antisemitism." In some sense, the Jew benefitted from Hitler.
They brainwash cattle goyim into thinking that Israel deserves protection because it is the only western-type democracy in the middle east.
>>Drop some hard jewpills and facts about Jews
Jews are not very different from other religions in the fact that most Jews are just blind followers of some rabbi(the Jewish version of a priest, or mullah), while there are very few who are actually think by themselves.
>(((fellow whites)))
Middle school must be hard, huh?
This place reeks of edgy teen.
Show your flag, Schlomo.
Chinese government tells its ambassadors that Jews control America.
Yet Ireland is just under 5 million and being increasingly invaded by third world niggers and pakis year after year.
Also, you never see them working as waiters.
I'm not jewish, genius. I just think its funny that kids are still doing this. If its such a problem, then why don't you do something instead of jerking off to memes about it.
I'm sure you think that you're some kind of special and know what the normal world doesn't, but its a shame that you channel it in the form of post world war II saltiness that you never even got to experience, all in the name of what? Sounding edgy? hahahaha, Jesus.
I'm sure right now you're frantically typing the angriest response about how i'm a jew or something, too. that's the only thing you kids seem to say like a retard with limited speech functions
....he never said that
wasnt PM at the time
Trying too hard.
bangaladesh is executing jews and israelis cant enter the country
Thank you for creating this thread. Exposing the Jew is our #1 priority. If we don't, we won't have a future. A people can't survive a war if they don't even know the war is happening and don't even know who is orchestrating their demise.
If true (highly doubtful when coming from a jew), that's nice to hear.
**********List of Jewish Tricks**********
The following list has been compiled by me and details Jewish tricks I've encountered while dealing with Hasidics in my area.
The intense analysis of a text, action, or statement that attempts to reconcile apparent contradictions and/or explain conceptual differences.
The accusation that any resistance or criticism of Jews is discriminatory purely based on race alone regardless of the criticism's merit.
Additionally, 'racism' is an important survival mechanism and is essential to promote philia within a sophisticated society.
Placing blame belonging to one group of people on another by deception, usually false-flagging.
Jews even ritualistically shift blame from themselves in a ritual called "Blood Libel", transferring their sins to livestock (and, allegedly, Christians) and then executing them for those sins.
"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"
>Grotesque Imagery
Using language to paint a vile and disturbing image in the minds of others in hopes of associating disgust with the subject at hand.
>Divide and Conquer
Creating in-fighting within the ranks of their opposition, usually by pointing out differences among opposing individuals.
Disguising a criminal, subversive, invasive, and/or violent operation as "Art" or "Free Expression".
When confronted, the argument made is usually that the piece in question is simply satire.
**********List of Jewish Tricks**********
Intentionally triggering survivor instincts in native women so that they become submissive to the newly introduced invasive population, resulting in the intentional creation of rootless and unhealthy offspring.
Forcing different races to live together is actually quite cruel to minorities: they have to compete in a hierarchy of attractiveness that is heavily stacked against them. This breeds resentment, racial tension
>Sexual Liberation
Intentionally supporting overwhelming manipulation of dopamine and oxytocin in the brain through excessive sexual stimulation and masturbation.
>Memory Hole
Performing and/or staging a noteworthy action or event on the same day/time that another major national, global, or social conflict happened (one that does not fit the desired narrative) in order to re-associate a given date with the desired event.
To manipulate a person by psychological means into questioning their own sanity
The fabrication of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justify abuse of others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy or attention seeking.
>Social Propaganda/Engineering
Paying a person or small group of people to act in a certain way or promote a certain idea that is currently unpopular, subversive to the native society, or is downright destructive.
White when it suits them, Jewish when it doesn't.
"Fellow white people" and other variations appear frequently from Jews in the MSM and on Social Media
Stupid goyim nations
>wasnt pm at the time
Pretty weak damage control.
Get ready for the oven kike, glow in the dark Mossad nigger. What are you doing on Jow Forums? Shouldn't you be subverting host nations or eating baby foreskin or something?