Have these snow niggers done anything worthwhile ?

Have these snow niggers done anything worthwhile ?

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Has india?

I thought about it 3 minutes and didn't came up with a single thing. Damn they suck

the ross rifle is ok i guess

Yes snow nigger

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Cucked snow niggers

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Careful now. You could cause a street shitting war that we will lose!

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>T.butthurt gay Canadian

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They invented basketball

champion snipers


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> We

thanks for inventing yet another niggerball sport, canada. because one wasnt enough

T.butthurt igloo

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Leafs are faggots but at least they know how to use a toilett you curry nigger.


Lay the fuck off our little Canadian brothers. One of the few countries left in this fag world who still love and respect us. Glory to the [former] Empire!

But fuck around as much as you like with those insurrectionist Quebecers. That's cool.

Igloo is coming up with childish insults but can't come up with the reason for their existence

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> German nigger believing the meme stereotype
Imagine my shock

First tell me yours igloo

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Swachh Bharat mission, google it anons

It's taken over 5 years and you guys are still cleaning the poop up

Lel 9 year old butthurt gay Canadian can't even ....
Honey , should I call your mommy to calm you down , eh?

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You can call her after I go proudly take a shit on my toilet

Poo in loo, Rasheesh.

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Lel you don't have the reason for existence
Top kek

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> German nigger acting like a low IQ retarded monkey nigger
Imagine my shock

Ghandi cunt! Whatchogot?

Some pajeet called during dinner and saved me $30 off my phonebill.

Question still stands. What have the snowniggers done?

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Is this your ex?

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Lel the most cucked one and only made for niggers .

Canadians invented the zipper. Some these pajeets can take their pants off easier before shitting in the streets. So you're welcome.

Mate don't encourage them. They're like seagulls only less white, if you feed em it will only attract more of them.

>i called the monkey the nigger so the monkey brain has to call me a nigger now
You are literally shit flinging curry nigger monkeys.
Throwing with cow poo, that is your "culture".

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Nothing says inferiority-complex loser like responding to every single post with a lame comeback. Go wash the turd off your keyboard, Pajeet.

>Lel imagine the greatest invention being a zipper
Truly a cucked snow nigger

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Yikes. When your primeminister stops reading gay poetry I hope he rangebans you mapel slurping cucks.

The street shitters occasionally get butthurt and it makes everyone happy and when everyone is happy we momentarily forget how bad things really are. This is a valuable contribution to the social economy of this honeypot.

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We built the nuclear reactors you curry chomping niggers used to enrich the uranium in your nukes.

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>And yet you are here witnessing everything I say and replying to it
Go back to eating borger , mutt .

Anybody can replace that . What else you have done snow nigger ?

> borger
You poofags are alright

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> Again believing meme stereotype and making up own garbage story
You niggers have gone beyond cuckoldry

Extraction and purification of insulin, the snowmobile, Alexander Graham bell worked in Canada alongside Canadians while he invented the telephone, the electronic microscope, plexiglass, etc etc, need I go on? Canada was a once great country. It's decayed and rotted away ever since we adopted out current constitution in 1982. In my opinion Canada is already dead and us Leaf's are living in the belly of it's rotting corpse. Modern day Canada is deserving of all the hate it receives on this board but to deny the fact that it was a once great nation founded by incredible men (read about Samuel de Champlain and John Cabot) is to fool yourself

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I'm sorry, what exactly has India done for Canada again? Tech support and used car sales don't count, after all "anyone can replace that".

Go die in your igloo

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They collected a shitton of syrup

> Not knowing it is called that way just like the loicense to make fun of Britbongs
Go back to plebbit you kangaroo fuckers

Bunch of shit during WW1 and 2. Netherlands sends us flowers every year to thank us

It was a general question igloo
What have you done in general not just for India
Absolute state of snow niggers

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No not really. They're basically just another American state.

It was just for Americans to make them fat

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I see what you did there

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You literally went and searched for this
Absolute state of gay Canadians

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>t.pajeet who wasn't allowed into Canada

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You are quiet triggered for a "mene stereotype", Ranjit streetshitter.
You worship toiletts instead using them and fling with cow poo.
What a "rich culture".

>Canada can shoot people from a long distance like a coward

We became a superpower by 2020

Didn't your country lose a war to a bunch of emus?

Muh Vimy Ridge.

I kind of love the fact that this thread is pretty much just a Canada vs India shitpost deathmatch.

I mean, where else in the world? Oh golly, what times we live in.

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>What have you done in general
Supposedly, the world'slargest plasma injector for producing fusion power is operated by General Fusion out of Vancouver.

1867 holy shit that is embarrassing.

Vimy ridge.

> Mene
Germany is gone into full on garbage mode
> Taking one example and now it represents entire country
Only expected from low IQ retarded niggers like you

What wars have you fought in again user?

Do you know of anything that Canada has done worthwhile ?

Canada is a successor state to Britain's interests in North America.
So yeah, Canada did do it, and so did Britain.
Just like technically for the first few years of the US War of Independence there wasn't a United States, but the US is the successor state to those previously British colonies (one I still consider to be in open rebellion against the Crown btw).

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>24 posts by this id
Imagine being this cucked

Hosted the Olympics 3 times

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This is my thread so I am replying to everyone .

Damn I wish I was in that thread

>the absolute state of this thread

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It would have been considered great in the earlier times as now it is not that great especially with the events of host country involved in doping like the Sochi 2014

Posting in store prices

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Absolute state of Australia

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Who gives a shit lmao

We gave you a few nuclear reactors that you used to build nukes. We also gave Pakistan a Nuclear reactor, sorry about that.

Canadians have built & designed supersonic state of the art aircraft, the Canada arm, the M1 Garand, the Telephone, Insulin & the international 24 time zone system...although more than one of those things were invented by Scots living in Canada.

I will let that one slide because I know you guys are gonna be our tokenniggers in WW3. Based poos stretchering injured Bruces off the battlefield since forever.

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.280 Ross was and still is a great cartridge.

Based pajeet roadting leafs

Love maybe, respect? I dunno, Britain is barely respectable in that particular era.

That said, as a descendant of John of Gaunt, I wish Britain Victory in its future struggles that it most certainly will face.

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Just post the inshop prices and put an end to the horror, fleep


> That awkward moment when you are hiding under a memeflag