Ancient J2/E1 Greeks, Romans, and Iberians were genetically Middle Eastern

before Slavic and Germanic invasions.
explains why they so much more patriarchal than modern R1 ANE-rich Cuckopeans from Siberia.

Attached: 1552610245082 PCA.jpg (1280x1007, 281K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>let me tell you about your race
It grows in all fields

Attached: 1549401145054.jpg (78x87, 3K)

>>let me tell you about your race

Attached: great levant.jpg (1236x1856, 757K)

Romans had close to zero EHG.

>Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Iberians were genetically Middle Eastern



Remove catalan flag from Jow Forums

Attached: 1548368636447.png (500x342, 238K)

modern Greeks are 40%+ slavic.


Peloponnese_N 60.55
Peloponnese_N_outlier:I3920 17.6 {only 17.6% you can see taht the modern east and west sicily are better modeled with the outlier that suggest more chg}
Armenia_EBA 15.3
WHG 6.25
Moroccan 0.3

Minoan_Lasithi 0.780±0.044
Srubnaya 0.220±0.044
P-value 0.909333794
chisq 7.595
Full output


Iran_ChL 0.090±0.071
Mycenaean 0.478±0.103
Slav_Bohemia 0.432±0.077
P-value 0.461783732
chisq 12.820
Full output

Attached: PCA_of_ancient_West_Eurasia_Sicilians.png (1218x757, 146K)


No EHG so Middle Eastern

You don't even need all this shit to prove they were genetically and culturally middle eastern

just by reading some history, you would see they were

Attached: mideast.jpg (3000x1659, 1.98M)

Romans clustered like sephardic jews (CL samples)

Aegean_BA are bronze age Greeks

Attached: sBgJppG.jpg (4452x2349, 974K)

CL25 Roman


based thread


that site is run by a crazed jewish sicilian shitalo-ameriturd who is retarded and bans anyone. Crimson guard could also pass in central asia.

t. been there.

Attached: Mycenaean_&_Turkmenistan_IA_PCA.png (1218x757, 180K)

Attached: Hungary_&_Italy_Medieval_PCA.png (1218x757, 178K)

Attached: xasWt29 Miedieval Slav Bohemia PCA.png (1206x641, 43K)

>>anthroscapethat site is run by a crazed jewish sicilian shitalo-ameriturd who is retarded and bans anyone. Crimson guard could also pass in central asia.t. been there.

Crimson Guard is a moron but the point is study they are discussing.

Attached: 1532804046074.jpg (685x639, 46K)

Attached: Minoans_&_Mycenaeans PCA.png (1218x803, 127K)

Did you have an account on that site?

>Did you have an account on that site?

Got banned of course.

Attached: Migration_Period_GerMed_PCA.png (1218x757, 158K)

What was the name or when did you join it?

I joined it in january this year and got banned too.

>What was the name or when did you join it?
won't reveal

Say at least the join date approximately.

Your wording reminds me of that autistic half Moroccan mutt in France. Why don't you show your geographical location little faggot.

No, it's more accurate to say the cultures and religions were Levantine and Mediterranean.


Attached: Steppe_Maykop_G25 global PCA important.png (1218x686, 96K)

I thought he was that autistic incel estonian.

Attached: Uralic_cline_Global G25_PCA.png (908x658, 37K)

Nah it's this guy in France whose Moroccan dad left him and in order to cope became some weird Berber nationalist.

Every time I see him post on /his/ I wish I could slap his retarded ass.

>I thought he was that autistic incil estonian.

Doubt it, since he is always talking about nafris cucking everyone (never happened).

Attached: 1542833659563 Scythians global PCA importat.png (1210x646, 77K)

Attached: Global9%20PCA%201-2-3%203D%20plot 3D PCA.png (872x699, 117K)

Attached: 1549904380257 global 3D PCA.jpg (884x648, 176K)


What are you smoking you retard?

Attached: 3D global PCA.png (1800x1400, 254K)

Attached: Ice_Age_Europe_global_PCA important.png (1200x630, 67K)

>What are you smoking

>What are you smoking

Genetic studies

Attached: 1551551641447 Neanderthal Denisovan global PCA.png (1366x768, 79K)

Attached: Schu_K16_Natufian_Brown Mota admixture1.png (135x800, 61K)

Attached: 1551553138152 Nenderthals and Denisovans PCA global PCA.png (1366x768, 32K)

Attached: fkmPJPU Fregel 2018 Iberomaurusian SSA admixture.png (481x766, 52K)

Attached: Fregel2018_K_Afr_Sig_ES_1 admixture.png (639x270, 56K)

Attached: Fregel_S77 2018 North African admixture.jpg (1300x246, 50K)

Attached: 1551566374737 Neanderthals Denisovns global PCA.png (7625x9877, 3.19M)

Attached: hnyJwCg.png (591x160, 11K)

Attached: 2018_Krzewinska_Figure2C3D admixture prehistoric important.jpg (770x1039, 302K)

Attached: 18-admixture-ancient.png (6391x2853, 168K)

Attached: 1481544745022 admixture important.jpg (1692x4137, 883K)

Yamnaya was Siberia+middle eastern.

Attached: 8TbQ44f Mathieson 2017 unsupervised admixture.png (607x386, 52K)

Attached: 20r21zc Mota Natufian SSA admixture important.png (107x256, 6K)

Attached: 1428115155493 FST tree.jpg (1180x1150, 234K)

Attached: 1425560409582 PCA.jpg (1582x782, 249K)

Attached: 2gvpr3l Morocco_IAM admixture.png (461x691, 65K)

Attached: el_Maestro2018_K13_Southern_Africa_ESa admixture.png (625x640, 75K)

>implying genes only mean looks
by the way you're blind if you can't tell the difference.
Football is also a bad example because often times you can play for the national team even if you're only 25/50% of that average ethnicity

Attached: north-africa-iberia-admixture-1024x608.png (1024x608, 702K)

Attached: steppe-ancestry-admixture-sredni-stog.png (871x431, 85K)

Attached: Cluster-assignment-of-the-simulated-population-data-following-analysis-by-ADMIXTURE-using_png.jpg (850x529, 77K)

Attached: admixture-khvalynsk-yamna-sredni-stog-cwc.png (610x1537, 217K)

Attached: admix.jpg (208x606, 20K)

Attached: 7s1h2yi admixture.png (818x819, 83K)

Attached: 1545237240280 Kashuba et al 2018 admixture.png (700x508, 31K)

Attached: admixture-ukraine-eneolithic-greece-neolithic.png (421x1680, 129K)

Attached: 1516737419305 MENA admixture.png (2304x1038, 375K)

Attached: 1458396277308 admixture.png (997x581, 68K)

Attached: 1518209352748 neighbor-joining tree.png (412x703, 67K)

Attached: 1540328207854.png (1274x1656, 491K)

Attached: ADMIXTURE-Plot-ADMIXTURE-analysis-at-K-10-of-the-five-Guanche-individuals-that-yielded Rodriguez-Val (850x228, 50K)

Attached: Eight thousand years of natural selection in Europe - take 2-21 Yamnaya admixture.png (201x348, 9K)

Attached: Morocco_IAM PCA ADMIXTURE.png (587x855, 113K)

Attached: 1543944907042 Schiffels et al 2016 3DRIF-26 admixture PCA important.png (946x1100, 479K)

Attached: 1551722294233 PCA.png (1024x682, 171K)

Attached: 1533584718272 Global PCA Iberomaurusians Taforalt Aegean Neo prehistoric Africa.png (968x815, 131K)

Attached: Loosdrecht taforalt_pcawupcn iberomaurusian PCA.png (1169x1569, 372K)

Attached: Iberomaurusian Aegean Neo Global PCA1.png (856x871, 140K)


Attached: zmmx5h Iberomaurusian Taforalt global PCA.jpg (1023x725, 147K)

Attached: Iberomaurusians Global_PCA.png (754x294, 72K)

Attached: Iberia Neolithic qpgraph1.png (363x697, 75K)

Attached: Ancient_Iberia_PCA.png (1218x757, 185K)

Attached: Loosdrecht_f4_PC1_flip Iberomaurusians PCA important.png (613x800, 317K)

Attached: amns6P2 Global PCA Iberomaurusiam.png (569x709, 173K)


Attached: 2hv9usY Fregel et al 2018 Morocco_IAM PCA.png (2116x1408, 416K)

Attached: 1522478879405 Morocco_IAM admixture.png (2312x1208, 329K)

Attached: 1522363287327 Morocco_IAM KEB tree.png (1364x728, 83K)

Attached: marknick1k-e1548566898511 South Africa 2000BP Morocco IAM qpgraph.png (381x834, 36K)

Attached: 2g9Ryrd Morocco_IAM Global PCA.jpg (1627x868, 155K)

Attached: north-africa-genomes-pca-1024x785 Fregel 2018 Morocco_IAM PCA.png (1024x785, 398K)

Attached: 11abv2c Morocco_IAM Global PCA.png (842x750, 66K)

Attached: 1514936149642 Fregel 2017 PCA Natufians Morocco IAM important.png (1412x1192, 190K)

Attached: D1z32lwWwAI_75M.jpg (1878x704, 92K)

Attached: D2FKRtXX4AEi1YQ.png (530x870, 79K)

Attached: 1522563905241.jpg (1114x1280, 101K)

Attached: ncomms14615-f7 Scythian admixtue.jpg (685x240, 37K)


>Football is also a bad example
no it isn't
stop trying to make the whole world is france or england, every single one here is greek and they have their biography
also what is exactly your point? are you saying that IRL are different? you are lying to who, only americans ofc

Attached: World_Map_of_Y-DNA_Haplogroups.png (3000x1900, 1.52M)

Attached: Sarmatians_&_Scythians PCA.png (1218x665, 70K)

Attached: scysarm3p_asharah.png (758x313, 38K)

Attached: scythian-alakul-variation Srubnaya-Alakulskaya pairwise mismatch rate.jpg (1000x413, 39K)