Is this the power of capitalism...

Is this the power of capitalism? 98 year old amputees working in Walmart making the joke owners richer either because they need the money or can’t think of anything better to do?

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work is good for him. keeps him active

What would the alternative be under communism?

How did he get a job as a greeter when he cant even wave to people, fucking boomers.

Guy would hang him self because he is lonely because amerimutts don't know either their father or families. So he can socialize a bit with people, while doing one armed sherrif jokes.

>not liking capitalism means you like gommunism

You do realise that the pensions system is a ponzi scheme that Gen X, Y and Z are paying into and they'll never get to use? Fuck everyone that claims a pension. Either work, or live off your own savings, or support from your own children. No kids, no savings, then work till you die, cunt.
At least this old guy gets it. He isn't a shameless lout like Boomers (whos entire life is a wankfest wanting for the day they retire so they can gorge on food and beer 24/7)

if we thought the elderly to shitpost they wouldnt need a job to not go crazy

i see an old man given a purpose he would not otherwise have. easy to craft your own narrative against it when you have zero experience in the real world with these kinds of jobs and these kinds of souls.

When you're that old and have nothing to do.. you get sick and depressed.

When you've got nothing to do, you die

>98 year old amputees working in Walmart
What do you want him to do OP? Smoke a joint, strap an oar to his nub and become the next Michael Phelps? This old man is retired and trying to do something productive and worthwhile. I guess he should just be rotting away at home watching Dr. Phil.

Walmart has life insurance on him, when he dies the CEO get the money as yearly bonus.
Checkmate mother fucker, he's making Walmart more money than you think.

>implying he doesn't do this just to have something to do with his day
retirement kills people, and boredom often drives retirees to take on a light job like this. He probably enjoys meeting people and having a reason to get out of the house. Most people wouldn't understand this because they're basement hermits who never worked or socialized with anyone in their life and will die before 40

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> at least i get to die before the niggers take over

At some point you become a burden and if you have nobody who wants to take care of you by 98, you should pretty much just die.

Yes. If you don't believe in private ownership than you believe in government ownership.

Mean while a nigger gets a free check and gibs me that.
>The power of financial marxist capitalism

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>it’s either capitalism or communism


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estonia i am dissapoint

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cant blame them though, it is almost genetically ingrained in the burger to respond with an "ad gobbunism" each time the capitalist system is even slightly questioned. they did a good job with that alternative?

American old people are abandoned by their families, a lot of them work to staved off the boredom.

I wonder if he get chocolate milk straight from the tap.

This is what happens when you don't save for retirement or get fucked with other unfortunate things

>98 years old
>still able to stand, walk in his own power, and do a job

What exactly do you want elderly people to do? Sit at home and hope their kids call them?

What's an alternative system to those two?

Harold Ramis with Leslie Jones?

Sometimes retired old people need things to do, keeps them healthy. Go to any car dealership, the guys who drive customers around town while their shit is getting fixed are always old retired guys.

Went through a period of unemployment and honestly my brain and body felt like they were rotting so I can definitely understand why some older folk do this. Also it’s extra spending money.

Retired 98 year old's look like shriveled zombies. That man looks at least 20 years younger than he actually is.

Don is living proof that retirement is a stupid concept that leads to an early grave.

There's a middle ground to prevent stuff like in the OP from happening. The government is in charge of certain things but not to the point where they take all private property.
In other words, that man should be retired and his kids should be in charge of taking care of him.

Makes sense, the old people I see like him working these shitty jobs seem pretty happy

Kek. Thank you

>Go to any car dealership, the guys who drive customers around town while their shit is getting fixed are always old retired guys.
My retired 65 year old cousin does this. Doesn't need the money but just likes to drive all the nice cars. Works for the BMW dealership


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He's had basically a hundred years to have children, build himself up economically or develop relationships with friends or ask for donations for a legit cause etc.
My grandfather was a loving father and all his sons and grandchildren support him.
Like where do you draw a line? Does everyone everywhere deserve to live at any circumstances even if it's at the expense of other people who don't know you?
I really respect that he's at least working and not giving up. But really think about it, a hundred years.

Ask him. Not us.

>Taking the bait
but ok
Retirees almost never work out of necessity, especially boomers and earlier who planned for retirement and have families under them for support, they putter around jobs at walmart and disney world for fun

Very sad.

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They stopped doing this in 2000 and actually lost money. Currently being sued.

All his friends are dead. Let him bother people walking into Walmart.

Flex on him with jazz hands

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>making the joke owners richer
Its likely an independent franchisee meaning he is making low to dead center middle class income.

Learn how shit works you retarded communist.

>b boomer
>work for 80 years
>be financially irresponsible
>spend 80 years worth of wages on collectable plates, RVs, and knickknacks
>have nothing saved up to retire on
>take job away from a high school kid or very young adult
>fucking millenials are the worst am I right


My poor child do you know how much of a degenerate marxist hell we live under that 98 year old man had the Jews through fraud print his purchasing power and tax the shit out of him for 70 years last half of that total being under the largest welfare state in history all temporarily propped up by king dollar you sound uneducated with this capitalist nonsense

>Like where do you draw a line?
it's been drawn and obliterated and redrawn endlessly. we're here engaged in that here and draw fire for it
i legit don't know what means anymore

>Taking the bait
worth it for the lulz sometimes

Why would you want to prevent an old person from working part time?

Pre industrial subsistence farming. Everyman works his own plot of land for himself. No (((owners))) or (((bosses))). That or NatSoc.

Walmart is a syndicate owned by Jewish family of incestuous hicks that crypto'd and Dixie mafia'd for years Sam Walton ran tdd he internment camps in ww2 Italians Germans and japs had their property stolen and that like bitch FDR divided amongst his fellow tribesmen

old people like to work


>be 80 years old
>still paying 4th mortgage
>it's capitalisms fault!

I didn’t know the point of life was to work until you drop dead so Chaim can afford an extra yacht. Why aren’t you pulling a 20 hr shift right now?

This. Also and this might sound CRAAAZY to niggers and eurofags but there's a good chance that dude JUST LIKES WORKING. Hence why he is smiling. For some white people we actually just feel uneasy deep down if we can't tell ourselves we were productive in some way through out the day.

>Retirees almost never work out of necessity
>they putter around jobs at walmart and disney world for fun
Yeah, nah. They say they aren't doing it out of necessity because they don't want to admit they're 70 years old and can't actually retire. I guarantee you the majority of post-retirement age people driving for Uber and delivering for Amazon aren't doing it because of how much fun it is. Stop being so gullible.

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>Pre industrial subsistence farming.
Calculate how much land you will need to actually feed your family and have enough left over to barter. Then start the back breaking work of tilling up about 2 acres of land because that is what you will need just to grow vegetables. If you want live stock add a few more acres for stock and feed grain. Now pest control, irrigation and raiders. I grew up a farmer so fuck off I'll stick with my comfy dev job.

>>still paying 4th mortgage
That dude hasn't paid a mortgage payment in probably 30 years unless he fell for the reverse mortgage jew but most don't.

>Is this the power of capitalism? 98 year old amputees

The fact that Boomers and the (((Greatest Gen))) have to spend every last minute of their lives slaving away for Jews in horrible conditions fills with me GLEE. Utter fucking joy. FUCK EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.

THIS IS THE FUTURE THEY CHOSE. They could have overthrown the Allies and sided with Hitler but they wanted to kill their own people for profit and good-boy points.

Self employment is better than making kike investors richer. Unfortunately capitalism and technology pretty much killed small time farmers and artisanal occupations, leaving us in a neo-feudalistic economy where the top 5% control all the jobs and money.

He could do something useful and fulfilling like helping the homeless. Or he could do something fun like taking computer classes or learn a foreign language. The only reason to work at Walmart is a paycheck to survive. UBI is more necessary than ever.

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> He thinks anybody is saving with the shit wages they get

This country is going to interesting places in the next few decades. I wonder how much longer it will last.

Have you ever considered that the man might actually like his job? By the look of it he’s one of those greeters

surely he'd appreciate having you determine what is useful, fulfilling or fun for him.

>It's OK, they like being dancing slave monkeys!
The level of delusion and/or shilling here is off the charts.

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People who actually work for a living can't just stop or they'll fall apart. It's the people that had fake jobs that can retire for 30 years and do nothing with their time.

Bosses making money? We can't have that, can we, comrade?


Nigger I’m gonna be real frank with you. Some people cannot do better than they already do. Some people are destined to be at the bottom in life, that’s how shit goes.

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This, I know a lot of old bastards who are loaded with money who work just because they’re bored

I don't know how easy you think it is to work for yourself but it isn't. Running a business requires keeping commitments and it takes capital to start. He's taking it easy and enjoying himself by interacting with the public. He obviously doesn't have to deal with many niggers otherwise he wouldn't be smiling.

in the USSR retirement age was 45

>helping the homeless
By doing what exactly? Interventions?

It’s the same kind of thinking that leads middle class kids to watch a Ben Shapiro video and identity with the ultra rich.

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Why aren't you helping him with alms?

Guy looks 60-70

This. If he was in an old peoples home sat on his backside all day he would have died a long time ago.

You can tell a woman made this

Retired people who stay active live longer. He looks like he's enjoying what he's doing, while supplementing his income. Only a disingenuous socialist would point to this and say it's a problem.

Mutts are paypigs with a gutted social security system. They take pride in working as much overtime and for as long as possible to please their masters.

city people will never know the joys of a white walmart or home depot. everyone is smiling and helpful. city walmarts are just dumber than shit niggers and spics being as unhelpful as possible

Nigger I never said running a business wasn’t hard. That’s why most people don’t do it. It takes a lot of money, (((connections)))) and smarts. But in the old days the federal government was literally giving away land to people who would settle and all you had to do was know how to farm. The industrial revolution was complete dogshit in that most people are now dependent on kike corporations and patronage like in Rome for a job because it’s not economically viable to be a small time farmer outside the system. Uncle Ted was completely right but until we have a collapse and can right the ship capitalism is just feudalism with more toys.

Says the cuck who has to work 80+ hours just to buy a bag of bread

Yeah retired to nice comfy gulag

Why is it wrong for him to work is he so wishes?
> 45
maybe for military pilots lmao, the rest were working until their deaths

Happy Birthday Don

So why would this old fart want to start a damn business then? Doesn't seem practical.

>he's sad cause I say so

Honestly he looks amazing for 98, is this really his age?

>taking the bait
oh well.
it's possible reject what is arguably modern feudalism without presuming what's going through this guy's head.
he was legal drinking age when pearl harbor happened and might see things a bit differently

Yes the sound of mobility scooters and the smell of leaky feces are what rural folks live for. Pretty much Disneyland.

The one time I went to a retirement home as part of a performance troupe, it was one of the most depressing experiences in my life.
I had to keep a smile on my face the whole time, and it was a real struggle.
Oh, and there's also the smell. It's impossible to get used to concentrated old people smell. It's horrible to say that, but it's the truth.

We love you Don

haters gonna hate

You did it for your family

God Bless You

Work makes you free.

A lot of old people work out of boredom. I know, hard for a Mexispic or nigger to comprehend. Why kill time working at Walmart doing something semi-productive in your fragile years when you can just get drunk off four Loko and drive around in your bass boosted Honda spicvic all day?

Kek I don't have to work at all. Make sure you put your phone away before your break is over so you don't get written up again wagie.

>He could do something useful and fulfilling like helping the homeless
>yang wang.
Fuck off.

The one drawback to industrialization is that now we produce so much food that niggers are breeding like vermin.

>I-I don’t work!
Oh but you do. For Chang and Gupta

Ideally he would be well off enough to not have to work and could spend time with his grandkids or doing literally anything else except working for Shlomo.

But I’m just pointing out systemically how the whole system is dogshit and so far from what the Founders intended us to be- yeoman farmers who weren’t dependent for a job and open to influence by the rich. 19th century America is unironically where we get the term wageslave from.

Man, canadians are getting pretty subversive.

He probably works 4 hours a day 3 days a week. I'm sure he has plenty of time.