Was he right?
Was he right?
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The only thing the new zealand attacker did was ban guns for white people. Now its illegal to be white in new zealand
>written by a brownie
Sorry, only white people can criticize white people. This fucker is raycis
>by manpoo brownskin
wow shocker, at least its not a kike i spose
>farhad manjoo
Where are they finding these people? Next up will be “Ahmin Zahouse” or some shit
Fuck off faggot
They are going to keep hitting from all angles. From blacked porn to mixed royal babies. All the while moving immigrants into our homelands. Brainwashing our people to not have kids. Making our women prize careers and cats. The entire time agitating us with articles like this. We are enemy number one to them. Onky we are capable of rising up and ending their rule. They have us in a cage and wont stop poking and prodding until we explode. Thats how world war 3 starts lads. Thats the plan.
>opinion columnist
that's it. nothing is real.
This is the state of journalism in 2019.
This is what they want you to believe, just like that frog boiling meme, they don't want you to jump out
The white nigger won't be able to stop himself from charging at the red cape. At the same time, his rage will fail to be sublimated towards foreign wars. His home is on fire.
What is the alternative?
Ok, opinion columnist guy. I think your opinion is stoopid and you have a silly face; Also your name sounds like jew and poo.
Well I guess if a nigger says it then it must be true.
it's true
whites aren't getting genocided, but they are losing autonomy over their own countries.
Everytime. Dadoy look at these numbers goy, nevermind what your eyes tell you. Disregard the history of every multicultural empire/kingdom ever, you wouldn't want to be a racist would you? Now let me and my innumerable relatives move in and inject our way of life into the fabric of society changing it forever, whats that?! "What about my grandkids" what about them goy?! They don't exist anymore because you're paying for mine!
Shoot up a synagogue, opening a discourse on the nature of the Jew. It doesn't matter who you are if you have more than two brain cells to rub together when the jewish question gets brought up you will discover the nature of the jew.
Heh, yeah, "bonkers..."
Only bad thing he did was not burn down the mosques
Ha, ha, ha! Holy shit that made me laugh. Seriously though, fuck these invaders and their JOO puppet masters.
>”You’re crazy! There is NO conspiracy to get rid of white people you stupid conspiracy theorist!”
>written by a person of color enjoying the fruits of forced integration of immigrants
It’s all so tiresome...
>Was he right?
A Muslim writing in the NYT says White people are not being wiped out? Seems legit
>Allow me to tell you what countries are white
well if Farhad Manjoo says it
Fake news
White people are being replaced.
>farhad manjoo
>a brown person imported into a white nation, working a desirable job that will not be magically duplicated so a white native can become employed in it, telling white people that the objectively verifiable goals of replacement migration are a crazy conspiracy.
what a twist!
>Guy literally cites shaun as a source and one of gis arguments is effectively "whiteness will be preserver because of position of class"
When the fuck did they think that it makes sense to add and withdraw a definition of whiteness whenever it's convenient?
>When the fuck did they think that it makes sense to add and withdraw a definition of whiteness whenever it's convenient?
just postmodernism doing its thing. Have no argument? Redefine what you're arguing about until you do.
Also I like how that argument implies that whites wont be marginalized and dispossessed because the 1% that already does that exists, or something.
One of the comments mentioned Hamilton's Rule;
Thanks, this is interesting. It's common sense, of course, but it's nice to see it broken down in this fashion
This. Fucking racist nigger needs to hang. Only whites can shit on whites.
>“The Great Replacement” is a racist and misogynistic conspiracy theory that holds that white people face existential decline, even extinction, because of rising immigration in the West and falling birthrates among white women (caused, of course, by feminism).
"Racist" being a meaningless equivocal word used whenever a white person says anything about race, including objecting to their own genocide. "Misogynistic", objecting to feminism means you "hate women". Funny coming from a raghead. "Conspiracy theory", any theory I don't like. This is a basic fact anyway not even a theory.
>That’s pretty much the whole argument; as a bit of rhetoric, the theory is about as deep as the one pushed by flat-earthers, though without that group’s scientific rigor. White people are not going extinct. As a group, they are only maybe, possibly, becoming a smaller share of the population in the United States and Europe — but how much smaller is a wide-open question among demographers, because the future is unknowable and demography is an imprecise science.
It's not an "argument". It's a statistical observation. It's a simple fact. Associating ideas one doesn't like with lunatic ideas, and complaining of "rhetoric". Ignores statistical data in favor of speculation, knows the data is unequivocal.
>Demography is not destiny, either. Even if, several decades from now, whites do become a racial minority, they will not automatically lose much of their vast economic and political power, because this is America, where inequality is tolerated and an aggrieved and wealthy political minority can hold sway indefinitely, thanks to the Senate and the Electoral College.
You won't *necessarily* be completely powerless *immediately*. Great thanks pal.
>But what “The Great Replacement” lacks in any factual basis it makes up for in digital branding appeal. The white-extinction theory plays well online. It has found its greatest purchase among a certain type of basement-dwelling incel edgelord, to whom it offers both an explanation for self-pitying personal circumstance and a set of convenient antagonists (roughly, the blame falls on race-betraying, sexually empowered women; immigrants; and the Jews said to control the whole system).
Poisoning the well by claiming people who believe a fact are "losers". Freud/Adorno shaming tactics. Victim inversion.
>The Great Replacement is a lie. The country is becoming more diverse, but white people are not losing their grip on America, nor on the world, not by a long shot.
The liar accuses you of lying.
no,3rd world countries population is exploding and is not going to stop.
>The holocaust story is bonkers
>The Jews want you to believe the Germans tried to exterminate them. They didnt.
Think one of /ourguys slipped past ((them)) at the NYT?
i'll keep shitposting from my shed
>what did you do during the great race war, daddy?
But I'm a fully functioning man.
>always been FIT/athletic/active
>love the outdoors
>active sex life for the last 12 years
>in long term (5 year) relationship with pale, red haired, green eyed woman who thinks I'm god-like
>she wants kids, and I'm likely to go all in this year
>was a far-far lefty communist before I joined the USMC reserve years ago and actually spent time talking to real men
But it's clear that we are being intentionally turned into a minority in our own countries.
This is to control us and marginalize our ability to ever lift off the shackles of the elites.
Of course, most non-whites can tell this is in their personal best interest.
At least, by their limited understanding of what may result.
OK Farhad the Faggot. What about all the articles and statistics stating the exact opposite? Duplicitous mudnigger.
>white extinction conspiracy theory is bonkers
>Opinion Columnist
>Farhad ManJOO
>It's just a conspiracy theory goy
>conspiracy theory
I seriously fucking hate leftists
>they dont
meanwhile leftists tell us our grandchildren will be brown, they'll replace us etc but yeah totally no truth to it
brown retards think all white people are represented by the ultra-rich. The success of the 1% is white people's success, even if the average white person is being enslaved to support non-whites.
how is everything racist and sexist?
Does anything mentioning race count as racist now?
>Article by Farhad ManJoo
Can't make this shit up, except they can !
He's wrong.
Whites are in danger because he severely underestimates the worthlessness of their growing population of incels.
ikr?leftards have got some serious cognitive dissonance going on
>diversity hire
>opinion columnist
Can you imagine a bigger waste of time, effort, and money all for the sake of appealing to the church of progressivism?
brown/black/some retarded yellows have a massive victim complex. most of the journalists that write shit like that are either jewish, black, or brown
Our numbers say it all.
This faggot is putting his opinion over hard facts with real numbers behind them.
There are plenty of news articles pointing out this decline and even celebrating it.
No they have been rejoicing the fact that whites will become a minority for fucking years. Even on daytime tv. Now that they realize whites will fight back they are just going to pretend like its not happening and they never cheered it on.
They are scared and they should be.
>not posting the link