White women are the #1 one cause of the collapse of the West

Not Jews. If it weren't for white women Jews would be powerless. White women have destroyed every empire we've built by being THOTS, roasties, and acting like animals. I'm a legit 8.5/10 Chad (from Jow Forums) and I hate white women...They are shitty mothers and worse wives with no useful skills, horrible personalities, and wombs polluted by drugs and drink.

I'm marrying a petite asian and you should too. The sooner white women are gone, the sooner we can rebuild with our asian brides. You should listen simply because I'm a Chad and higher in the racial pecking order than nearly all of you. This is what Hitler would have wanted. And yes...I'm European, blonde hair, blue eyes, military, and Jow Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:


White men are.
White men let this happen.
White men let go of the controls.

This tbqh, women are just a reflection of their men

Replace them with women that deserve to be loved, black queens

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>White men are.
>White men let this happen.
>White men let go of the controls.

That is partially true. The root of all of white men's cuckery is Christianity. It's pure cancer. But I can't fix white women alone...There are simply too many white knights and beta males. I have to think about the here and now and my future kids...A white wife will probably drown them when she runs out of Xanex and gets into some bullshit drama on Facebook. I can't risk it.

Asians brides all the way.

Racemixing is nigger-tier

>none of his kids will look like him


>That is partially true. The root of all of white men's cuckery is Christianity.

It's gods fault

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sure let us handle the white girls

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Women should just be replaced with artificial wombs and sexbots.

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Post pics that prove you're a Chad or fuck off and stop larping.

Asian girls can't even take this dick. God did not want this to happen.

>Asian brides all the way

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Yeah, Drag queens

Since we cant blame our women ... FUCK JEWS WHO ARE ALIEN

>The root of all of white men's cuckery is Christianity. It's pure cancer.

Stop worshiping a Neanderthal god you pacified cucks

Attached: jesus neanderthal.jpg (474x708, 49K)

whats going on full of kike shills today something big going on, repent faggot

just stop building houses for them to live in

I know man, I actually grow a neckbeard so I don't have to deal with NPCs anymore.

Why do you think Asian men are so beta and cucked? Because their women crush them psychologically and culturally. Just look at Japanese men. I know a few people dating Thai women, and they're obvious af hookers with stinking attitudes - always wanting to go shopping. Small, insecure women that are dating you out of competition with white women, are not a good choice. You can forget walks in nature and doing white things. They just want your money. And they scheme like fuck while you fawn over how cute and innocent they look.
I haven't met a white woman that is thin/ healthy, that is a bitch like people make out. The only shitty ones are the fat/ ugly ones.

No way Christ is Logos and divine reason, not some 'jew' you fucking clowns

any pics of her feet?

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Based and Yellowpilled

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Thanks I want to die now

Look at her! Flawless in every way. Dressed cute and chaste! Could you imagine some fat white screeching whore bitching because her doctor won't prescribe her more Oxy for her "fibromyalgia"?

no thanks. I can't wait to find the perfect asian bride. The thought of some filthy white roastie staying single makes me happy.

True about the fatty white chicks.

Here’s a real Clanger Jow Forums don’t get about Asian girls, it’s NEVER talked about here but it’s something utterly ruining about Chinese and Vietnamese Girls.
Inside almost everyone of them is a demon, they get absolutely fiendish over gambling. It’s how and why most Asian girls who are prostitutes are working as such.
God help anyone who gets romantically involved with them or worse still married.
The day will come where suddenly you’ll lose everything, your house, your business, maybe even your children.
They’ll just go out and forge documents for your assets and cash them in and gamble the cash.
The reason you never hear about this is because they can’t talk about snakeheads.
Also I’m tegards to your children, China have a thriving ghost bride industry. Myanmar and Vietnam are getting their own kids stolen and sold to chinks.
The closer you get to Chinese, the higher the likelihood this will happen to you.

Who said Asian guys are beta? Be Smashgodxxx i.e handsome as fuck able to
slay girls of all races.
Get banned from Twitch for being too alpha. Proceed to make money streaming
Tinder dates on youtube.
Defying the haters saying asians have small dicks and can't get girls on
the regular.
Why aren't you doing the same?
Pro tip: Cause you can't!

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>repent faggot

God made me this way

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Time to join Islam my fellow whites

Muh supreme gentleman

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No you satan did because youre jew

I wont deny that women are fundamentally retarded by and large, but it was Jews that twisted them.
It was us that ceded power to them.

I'm not marrying anyone but I only date thicc Asians. White men and Asian women are made for each other.
Asian men are beta because of lower androgen count. Everything you said about Asian women is false by the way at least for Japanese and Chinese. They just want to do romantic things and will watch anime with you. Yes, they do like walks in nature. Where do you get these ideas? Are you friends all fat old rich boomers with mail order brides or something?

This. All faults in women are due ultimately to our failing to keep them in line.

Who's the guy they're talking about?

what ad umb jewish comment to make. blame women for fault of men boring retard probably has mom issues and watches porn

They were 100% the most effective tool of the Jews. I am married to a white woman and am white myself but I seriously can’t fucking stand white women in general. Out of everything they are the worst.

Well said. No matter how hard each man here works to restore the white race, the white woman will be there to tear it down.

Race mixer

>No you satan did because youre jew

i'm not jewish, and i have nothing to do with satan either

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Instead of asian women we should look to asian men and imitate how they raise their women.

No upper lip on the gook cunt in the pic


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Friendship ended with wheat fields. Rice fields now new best friend.

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You mean aborting them?

>If it weren't for white women Jews would be powerless.
It's the complete opposite. If it weren't for Jews, women wouldn't be pushed into power and given so much influence.

Fuck you. Blonde and blue is the future

Implying this neckbeard will ever reproduce

Why would any attractive white bitch even look at these small dick neckbeards twice? Why would they want little bitches who spend their time complaining about how women should not discriminate against their tiny dicks, manletism and balding?

White women would fuck attractive white guys, minorities and would even women and animals before even saying hello these incels and it eats them inside.