With the emergence of Andrew Yang it has become clear that at least a sizable portion of this board's population leans left. You can sit there and yell tranny and shill all you want, but it's pretty clear this board is more ideologically diverse than it gets credit for.
Why was this not as clear before? Well, first the majority of posters are American. Then there is a negative correlation between young people who would hang out on the chans and those who would vote for Hillary Clinton; Clinton was unlikable and not memeable at all. A lot of young people gravitated towards Bernie Sanders when they saw no other option on the left, but Bernie is also not very memeable. A lot of his supporters kept quiet on the chans lest they be shamed and bullied.
Now enter Andrew Yang, the most memeable candidate since Trump. Yang Bangers are proof the left can actually meme, and MIGAfags hate that fact. At this point the Yang Yacht has all the momentum and Trump's Zionist Train is losing steam fast.
Yang's status here is proof that Jow Forums isn't just an ideological bubble or an echo chamber. It's also clear that the support isn't just because muh accelerationism. What Trump was for the rightwing, Yang is for the leftwing. Migapedes are going to get BTFO pretty hard come 2020, they can sense it in the air, and the only refutation they have to Yang is copypasta and Discord tranny ad homs.
Yeah but the party hates yang, remember what they did to bernie they are going to treat yabg worst..
Jack Foster
Look spastic. Nobody cares and no body is buying your shit. Get off your ass out of the fucking basement and you still can't fucking meme. Free money giving is always a fucking ĺoss And your shitty discord plans won't work
Yes, but Bernie is a coward and a pushover. Yang is not. Remember what the Republican party tried to do to Trump? It only emboldened him and his base. Yang is anti-establishment on the left. In reality, both Yang and Trump are centrists.
the is a huge amount of actual faggots on this board. I just had some faggot reply to me that "polyamorous homosexuality is degenerate but monogamous homosexuality isn't" there are actual people on this board that think shoving objects up your shitter isn't degenerate, this is what we're dealing with.
If you don't support the re-criminalization of sodomy laws idgaf about anything you have to say. There are too many delusional homosexuals on the internet
Caleb Lopez
I think you're in the wrong place. This thread isn't about homosexuality. In reality, homosexuals only make up about 4-5% of the population. Trump is okay with homosexuals, btw.
Daily reminder that those obsessed with faggotry are usually the faggots themselves.
Caleb Brown
>With the emergence of Andrew Yang it has become clear that at least a sizable portion of this board's population leans left. Stopped reading right fucking there you fucking tranny discord faggot piece of shit. >Raiding the board means it leans this fucking way Neck yourself as soon as possible you fucking faggot clown, if anything by having an inorganic spam spree on the board you've damaged any support you'd get from people outside your fucking discord circle jerk. Yangtards get the rope and the bullet
Alexander King
>muh muh muh u dont like spiders you must be a spider sexual
you need to be extremely vocal about homosexuality and it's consequences these days because look what it has led to—the normalization of hypersexualization and mental illness in the form of "transgenderism" and no one is willing to fight against it, as you've said, not even donald trump has repealed faggot marriage or barred homosexuals from the military. We need to re-criminalize sodomy laws now more than ever.