Couldn't we just go to Asia and donate a shit ton of white sperm to sperm banks to spread our genes?

Doesn't that sound like a good idea?
>By default you don't have to tak aware of the child.
>women in Asia disproportionatly want blue eyes babies.
>and you might even get paid for it.
So why aren't you in Asia donating sperm for the future of the white race?

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1 post by this ID

>burger wants to make more mongrols to shoot up a shopping mile because no gf wants weirdo hapa

imagine my shock

2 posts by this id

most males will either kill themselves or move to the somewhere else
the women will most likely also go to the sperm banks too or will move somewhere else, most likely the US and have a chance of getting a white boyfriend

Attached: 1529406114550.jpg (640x632, 76K)

>hurr couldn't we just make a bunch of Hapas and erode someone else's culture and nation
Kill yourself, race traitor.

sperm banks for the sole use of roasties to get knocked up in the lab because they couldnt find a 'suiteable man' just arent a thing in Asia.

procreation is a person-to-person thing in traditional societies.

>by default dont have to talk aware of child
Cut the act we all know you’re not white