Why are STEMfags so brutally triggered by the Humanities, specially by Philosophy?

Why are STEMfags so brutally triggered by the Humanities, specially by Philosophy?

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I'm not, they're doing very useful work for me serving me at KFC.

Just add a point - medfags and nurses (UK they need a degree) should really be counted as STEM - they do a fuck tonne of science and maths.

If this was done, then the STEM balance would be roughly 50:50 male female.

Because most STEM majors are autistic. When they see something that relies on feelings and somewhat subjective data to get results they can't handle it.

STEMfag here

We aren’t “triggered”. We just look down upon you guys. You guys desperately want to prove your degrees are worth a shit, except they’re not.

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STEMfags build the world. Humanityfags burn it down.

Philosophy is not something you need to get a degree in. Having a philosophy is literally the minimum standard for living as a human adult. It's something everyone does.

It's like getting a degree in flushing the toilet.

stem types typically can't into philosophy.
So they shun it and declare it dead.

Both humanities n STEMfags are equally cancerous at my university. Humanities faggots do drugs all day n STEM sperglord jerk themselves off to how smart they are but fail 90% of their exam cus they say its ez n not study for it

Because they are used to propagate bullshit.