Attached: 1553069995276.webm (427x240, 695K)
Blowing up your asshole
Jose Evans
Other urls found in this thread:
Evan Edwards
Fuck I hit enter before finishing my post.
The people who defend this behavior are the same type saying you're bad for being right wing. Don't listen to these people, they're fucked in the head and couldn't possibly give anyone sound advice.
Jason Lee
Muh free health care
Zachary Hughes
true, but can you post something a little less disturbing?
Michael Cooper
I'll try.
Henry Nguyen
Dylan Thomas
Caleb Fisher
based and redpilled
Isaac Gonzalez
What happens in the webm? I am about to eat so i am not watching that shit
Landon Butler
Carter Williams
why do you have this saved
Dominic Price
some guy sticks a some glass up his butt and it breaks blahblah
Oliver Gonzalez
>we're forced to pay for their treatment
Fuck this country.
Parker Fisher
Can't even watch this shit, bad enough you had to bring it here for educational purposes, imagine how the children must feel?
Austin Adams
I save almost everything I come across. Minus the blacked spam posts and stuff like that. Never know when it's going to come in handy as redpills.
Nathan Torres
Ah. Its not that bad then. I feared some tranny rotten axe wound
Nicholas Thomas
Sending this to my workmates
>It's Friday you arseholes
>Have a blast!
Charles Murphy
This is more disturbing than ISIS and mexican cartels webms combined
Ryan Brooks
Looks like a Swedish tradition.
Adrian Ross
you should show this to resetera or reddit, most people here already gotten used to this type of stuff.
Oliver Torres
I am not clicking on those webms. Can someone summarise what happens in them? kthanks.
Caleb Smith
Why is it always dudes and never hot girls? Why are men so degenerate? God damnit. I know it's because we're extremophiles compared to women, but why is it ALWAYS men who do this shit?
Nathan Green
Michael Gomez
Why aren’t you at work user?
Or is this what you do on your lunch break?
Luis Gomez
Fuck outta here!
Tyler Moore
I’m glad I can afford an iPhone Xs. iOS doesn’t support webm’s (without farting about. Farting about is what I’m happily not watching).
Elitism pays off yet again. I’m sure Jeremy would enjoy it on his pay as you go.
Aaron Hughes
Who did this and why?And they blame my country for rape and being gross:(
Kayden Morales
Is this what they mean by "de colonize"?
Kayden Watson
>white "men"
Grayson Sullivan
Watch the second one, it's funny and not that gross.
Ethan Martinez
Fake fake fake
Camden Cruz
Connor Adams
>And they blame my country for rape and being gross:(
Frequency, pajeet. There's a handful of these degenerates across the west, while all of your country shits in the streets and rapes their cousins.
And notice how they keep their faces well hidden, because they know their lives would be forfeit otherwise.
Aiden Perry
I can find the actual vid if you want it.
Camden Hernandez
Oliver Gutierrez
based and asspilled
Ryder Gomez
More rapes per capita in the west duh, and theres a report that 53% rape cases in india are fake(because its a non bailable offense in india, so if you register a rape case against a man, he is arrested for like 18 years. So women just lodge rape cases against their ex boyfriends/husbands who dumped them)
Is that reply after watching the video or before?