Black men have unrivalled acces to black women

So what's with the massive chip on their shoulder regarding white women? Any race is going to have a harder time accessing women of a different race than them compared to their own.

I've noticed a growing number of black men in the last 5 years are acting out because they're being told they can have good access to women of different races and when it's not happening their self-esteem is collapsing leading to coping behaviour.

Muhammad Ali didn't fall for this bait and kept his self worth in the process

Attached: no this can't be happening.jpg (606x1056, 338K)

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They are jealous. Society tells them white women are great when they are just like any other woman

Because they see the propaganda on tv and they genuinely believe that white women love them. Then when that doesn’t play out they get angry and start chimping our. You also have to remember, a massive amount of black culture is based on the legacy of 90s hip hop which is becoming less and less relevant by the year. Black people are just boring now.

You would think that with better production technology and streaming services that legacy would spread more easily and be growing, even fucking k-pop is making strides in the west.

Muhammad Ali is /ournigger/

Attached: 7A760320-48D1-4FBD-92DC-0F0BE838B910.jpg (700x480, 124K)

White womenz is ours 2 racis cracker

What? I work alongside a wigger who dates only Mexicans and hates white men. Nothing is changing

Is there any doubt? They don't make black guys like him anymore.


Attached: 1549987377061.jpg (1367x1855, 310K)

She’s dating Mexicans, that changed

That’s wrong though. Asian, Hispanic and Indian women amongst others prefer white men over their own race.

They’re entitled in general

> and when it's not happening their self-esteem is collapsing leading to coping behaviour.
>not happening
Dude, I know you guys don't go out often but black men are the nº1 option for casual sex for women of every race.

Black men don't understand that white women will always screw you over because they're perfect little angels that can do no wrong

>black men are the nº1 option for casual sex for women of every race.

What happens here then?

It’s literally the opposite. Take your cuck fantasies back to plebbit you faggot.

Funnilly enough, after the country is muttified because of this kind of behaviour niggers start noticing race mixing also kills their race.
There are many blacks here that goes full "Race mixing is black genocide" nowadays.

One of my college roommate was. 6'2 black guy built like an Olympian who was smart and majoring in physics. He tried so hard to date this cute white girl that lived below us and had zero success, got friend zoned.

That same girl was an absolute slut for my attractive 5'8 white friend who had a surfer bro type look. Meanwhile my black friend remained a kissless virgin through college.

Sure thing buddy, that's why I get laid every weekend and half the time these women are complaining about how nasty niggers won't leave them alone. Take a shower and use body lotion you ash-skinned, shit-haired jigaboo smelling like burning tires and sweaty boots. It's a wonder they don't close buildings down for health violations when you people enter a room.

>t. barstool social scientist

Black men have the least social value. Usually poor and violent.

Blacks believe they are now our equals, because they are sleeping with white women. They don't don't understand that it is basically bestiality, caused by the widespread mental illness prevalent in society these days.