What happened?

What happened?

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>recognizing a capital is the same as invading a country

Dumb /sg/tard

He realized that a Jew fucks his daughter daily. That makes Jared superior to him. Therefore, he listens to Jared on everything. Ultimately, it all comes down to power - and he who fucks your daughter has power over you.

He's making deals with people who don't honor the deal

It’s over

Just about had enough

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Recognizing Israel's dominion over the Golan Heights is absolutely huge and a happening.
It marks the first time a military land grab will be recognized by a western power.
This will change the rules, it tells the world land can be acquired military , contrary to the agreement made after the second world war

Attached: golan.jpg (270x187, 10K)

you knew he was a kike before he was elected
why are you surprised?

>Ultimately, it all comes down to power - and he who fucks your daughter has power over you.

You don't think Trump is aware of this? Of course he is. That's why he fucks his daughter daily, so that Kushner has no more power over him than he himself.

Attached: Donald-Trump-Ivanka-Awkward-Cringe-lead.jpg (2000x1983, 296K)


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So much winning

It's all about the benjamins, baby!

Trump is over.
It was funny while it lasted.
Now it's just sad.

>This will change the rules, it tells the world land can be acquired military , contrary to the agreement made after the second world war
What is Crimea for $500 Alex?


Do you remember what Adolf's final solution was?


>That makes Jared superior to him


I regret voting for Drumpf.
Remember when he made fun of politicians changing their priorities once they got to DC?
Yeah, that didn't age well.

>dumb /sg/tard
So you're pro-ISIS I take it?

pol, i know jews are the devil but please tell me why don't they deserve the Golan Heights and more land after they Won the six day war, i mean they won it fair and prove muslims are a military joke.

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>what is Crimea
Rightful russian clay, NATObot.

>as invading a country
He's already doing that in Syria

Crimea was an autonomous region and they voted in an election to go to Russia
some say the election was corrupt but you could say that about our elections
it wasn't a "real" military invasion/occupation like the Golan

Today is some sort of lunar phase and Durum or similar naming sound jewish festivity

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we spend a lot of money keeping them from being obliterated by just about every one of their neighbors at once
it would be nice if they could stop stirring the pot for a minute

>say land was promised to them by God
>had to get the UN to do it FOR them back in 1948
Can't have it, don't deserve it.



because they will enslave you thru the greater enslavement of your nation by means of it's natural fuel dependency, and fuel is what they will control if they acquire all the oil situated in and around Golan Heights.

you think they won't cut down competition? why do you think they're hitting Venezuela? Jacob Rothschild wants to practice fuel monopoly thru Genie Oil

so no, no fucking Golan Heights. this is reaching critical mass, a whole fuck ton of bad shit will spring from out Hell to eat the Zionists before they even die if this keeps happening

They got him.

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100% compromised. He is the swamp that he campaigned against.

T. Genie energy shill

Every time I think he's better than hillary, he reminds me that he's just as bad or worse

Trump sucks Jew dick, like all of Murica.Nothing new.

you can't win land in war anymore

I think last time he was in Israel he got replaced by a robot.

Imagine someone destroying something that you created. Marrying a man's daughter is the same as kicking down his sandcastle and sitting naked on top of it.

He’s overseeing the downfall of Netanyahu
He reversed the Zionist policy of arming/supporting terrorist networks like Al Qaeda, Nusra, ISIS, etc. 180 degrees to deetroying them
He stopped trying to dethrone Assad
He pulled troops out of Syria
He’s trying to pull out of Afghan too

But he says nice things about Israel from time to time therefore HES BOUGHT AND PAID FOR GUYS JUST LIKE THE REST NO DIFFERENCE

I can’t tell if this MIGA shit is some compex larp or if you people really are this stupid. To lurkers, I swear, pol usually isn’t this bad