
This country was built by black hands. Black people deserve compensation for the unpaid labor.

It’s time to pay up, white boy.

Attached: E11C28B5-E1AC-434D-974E-96F25FFBA2A0.jpg (914x1245, 1.19M)

>built by black hands
said no enduring civilization ever

Built by white guidance, blacks should pay for the civilization fee they got to be part of.

blacks on picked cotton
everything else was built by a white men

Generations of welfare, affirmative action, white guilt and one Barrack Obama. I think you and yours got overpaid nigger.

>not reparations

>Pay up (((white boy)))

I agree

No demographic in history has benefited more from slavery than modern day african-americans. If anyone owes money, it's them.

Then I want reparations or my potato ancestors who worked and died inside crowded factories.

There's a cotton field. Now go pick it!

There's your reparations nigger.

Attached: 2010 cotton field 2.jpg (1600x1131, 511K)