Is there any reason to keep drugs illegal besides keeping minorities/ poor people in prison?
I don’t use any drugs really besides alcohol occasionally but believe weed should be legal everywhere and everything else should be decriminalized. It doesn’t make any sense for people to have access to drugs such as alcohol and tobacco/nicotine which are addictive and pose health risks but have such a strong stigma against other drugs.
I’m by no means pro heroin or anything like that but those who use should be treated the same as someone with any other addiction. More focus should be spent on overcoming addiction rather than incarceration.
True but unfortunately in America at least I don’t see any politician being able to say this without being seen as batshit crazy for at least another 100 years
Cameron Ward
That's some tasty looking crystal, bro
Blake Ortiz
There's plenty of people on the street's wacked out on drugs in western America to say that "yes drugs should be illegal"
Every single homeless is a druggie, so if you want more people pissing in the streets and police to stop giving a shit about stopping misdemeanor crimes like theft than by all means legalize all drugs
I am beginning to suspect fewer people would die if we just declared victory on the War on Drugs and legalized everything. Retards who don’t want to do anything I with their lives are going to piss them away no matter what.