>The absolute state of burgerhell
This is fine.
The absolute state of burgerhell
That's gonna be a massive reprimand. You don't use paint rounds like that. It's important to LARP in a training, but "executing" teachers like that is too extreme. You can give them fake head wounds and fire simunition near them, but not at them, and even that is a little to risky and extreme.
Someone fucked up big time.
Also this is nothing. Not even news.
Lmao....this country is so far gone.
>Oh Noes, Active Shooter
>Curl up in the fetal position and die like cattle
Know your role, goy.
I see nothing wrong with this.
>be burger-crat
>play make-believe execution
>get shot
It's the same faggots that staff merc forces that get paid to conduct this tacticool school training bullshit. They're a bunch of fat dumbasses playing toy soldier who don't know shit but are grifting the shit out of public schools.
Depends on the agency. Our county runs everything in house. They use officers, recruits from the local academies, volunteers in the community, and relevant staff.
I wouldn't doubt there's a level of outsourcing. It's sad, the training should be done by those who are more likely use it in real life.
Also, this is why we check for real ammo and other weapons before we train, anything can happen. Esp. if the gun can shoot sim and real stuff.
Instill fear in the populace
Yep. That's probably why this is being allowed to continue. It's hard to govern a population you've made hate you by doing literally everything in your power to impoverish them to serve the rich cocksucking child rapists who own the country.