Tfw you'll never have a wife like joi

>tfw you'll never have a wife like joi
why even live?

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but user, marriage has been illegal for years. it's all "divorce" this "family court" that

Who the fuck is Joi and why do I want her as a wife?

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>what married life is really like

Tfw have a Virgin gf like Joi and she was raised in a very traditional Christian family. Took her virginity. Should I press (X) to impregnate?

No you should dumb her for being a fake Christian whore. Sex before marriage is a big red flag.

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mfw reading this

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Lol you some kinda incel pal? Get over yourself, she’s such a good lil female. Does everything I say. Sex was real awkward at first but after I broke in her cute virgin pussy I started helping her learn.

No, I'm not an incel. Actually in a long term relationship currently, and have been previously. That being said, I have no intention of marrying these whores, it's just fun to have someone to warm your bed at night. I accepted long ago women are whores, so the only choice is to be a whore back. None of them get a ring though.

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Na bro it’s all good, I suffered for so long and never thought I’d find someone like her. Then bam she liked one of my friends Facebook posts (was a motivational quote from the Book of Mormon) and I hit her up and asked if she was Mormon too. From then it was all gravy, just apply yourself and have no fear and eventually something will happen man, best of luck to ya

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>traditional Christian family.
Yup, and that's why we will never have it. (((CHristianity))) destroyed us.

WW3 soon

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>I-i’m not an incel! B-believe me!

Yea pal something tells me otherwise, try not to cut yourself on your own edge retard.


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Lmao fuck the Jews, bet they altered the Bible through translation to praise themselves.

Isn't that sasha grey?

Unfortunately for you, it's like back in the day when a kid called you gay. Never understood why that angered people, if you're not gay, it's irrelevant, if you are, you take it in the ass, so you can take a word. I don't blame you for having sex with the broad, that being said, I do blame her for the misleading "I'm a good Christian girl, now stick it in without a ring." My current girlfriend never mislead me, or lied, I knew she had partners before, and she knows I've had partners before. I enjoy her company, but as I said previously, only a pure virgin catholic girl gets a ring, and they don't exist as far as I can tell, I'm far too old to be dating school girls, so instead I enjoy the chase.

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You could, but you're sitting here with your dick in your hand crying instead. Get outside tard.

You don't even know what Christianity is, or what it preaches. Why do you think you have a right to critique it?

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Lmao what are you rambling about incel?