>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
WH Public Pool/Schedule:
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 3/20/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Canton OH 3/20/19
>Pres Trump @Lima Army Tank Plant 3/20/19
>Pres Trump tours Joint Sys Manufacturing Cntr 3/20/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Lima OH 3/20/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 3/20/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 3/20/19
>SoS Pompeo Joint Press Conf w/Is-ra-hell PM Bibi 3/20/19
>SoS Pompeo arrives in Is-ra-hell 3/20/19
>SoS Pompeo Joint Press Conf w/Kuwaiti FM Al-Sabah 3/20/19
>SoS Pompeo @US-Kuwait Strategic Dialogue &MOU Signing 3/20/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan @CSIS on 2020 Budget &Policy 3/20/19
>FEDChair Powell News Conf on Econ Policy 3/20/19
>Eric Trump on F&F 3/20/19
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania Hosts IWGYP 3/20/19
>HUDSec SleepyBen on PBSNewsHour 3/19/19
>Pres Trump bids farewell to huehue Pres Bolsonaro 3/19/19
>Pres Trump/huehue Pres Bolsonaro Joint Press Conf 3/19/19
>Pres Trump meets w/huehue Pres Bolsonaro 3/19/19
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based and redpilled
First to AWOO
>b-but they said it was Obama's economy...
Imagine Huggers living in your head :3
>The biggest problems, though, revolve around the issue of sovereignty. Israel’s decision in 1981 to annex the Golan (unlike the West Bank, which remains formally under military occupation) caused a diplomatic crisis with America. The heights are still regarded internationally as illegally-occupied Syrian territory. Israel’s leaders in the past have offered to pull back from the Golan, which it captured in 1967, in return for a comprehensive peace treaty with the Syrian government. But any such deal has been firmly out of the question since Syria began disintegrating in 2011.
>An influential group is now lobbying Israel’s government to take advantage of the chaos in Syria and demand international recognition of its control of 1,200 square kilometres (460 square miles) on the Golan. The group includes Zvi Hauser, a former cabinet secretary to the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who has urged that Israel should demand this as a compensation for having to tolerate the nuclear agreement with Iran.
lol raked
Proverbs 22:7 say something different about debt, Vice President Pence.
>sandgroids BTFO
>college marxists BTFO
>markets up
>it's not even 2pm
A wan-derful day!
Dick Cheney (former vice president of the United States)
>Rupert Murdoch (media mogul and chairman of News Corp)
James Woolsey (former CIA director)
>Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury)
Bill Richardson, (former Governor of New Mexico, an ex-ambassador to the United Nations and
United States Energy Secretary.)
>Michael Steinhardt
Jacob Rothschild
>Mary Landrieu. Former United States Senator from Louisiana
This is Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board - Genie via its Israeli subsidiary Effie Eitam owns drilling rights to the Golan Heights
The Trophy: surrender it.
>tfw you havent shitposted hard enough for e*a to be making threat matrices about you
fun fact: funnily enough, there is actually a lot more anti-israel posters on r/donald, but they all get their posts deleted, their account probably banned, too
unlike in /ptg/, where they have to admit they actually do support israel, and then cry about how it doesn't matter, and that it's all 4d chess
Why are ships mad? What happened?
could the pole be george conway?
it would be pretty damn noisy
Thats the kot’s greatest wish (besides the obvious ones)
top kek conservacucks are going to try and go on liberial colleges and universitys those poor fools
Just take my shit up senpai
Why is /ptg/ on the defensive all of a sudden? I thought trump was winning?
Trump also removed most Obama era stuff.
good goyim
golan heights belong to israel
nsa should publish an annual report
You want thousand dorrars instead
Don't bother he'll tire himself out soon.
>he failed college because of a lady sending a chinaman in Canada a hat
>his parents live in America and can't help him
>he can't even reach 30 hours because he has no dorm to post comfortably in
>he has to beg on the streets of Warsaw
>no one gives him charity because he's still an egotistical piece of filth
>he terrorizes the local library with his bad manners and smell
>the librarian has to use pepper spray to drive him out
>he shills for accelerationism yet he denies Poland needing a dose for it
>he would rather do nothing to keep his "comfy hobo life" than to murder the jews and local politicians who plot to rape Poland
>he does this all for free
There's also religious freedom he signed, and a wiki of all acts he signed.
I'm finishing up my second year of schooling at
my local community college with no major declared. I want to leave now but I think I should at least finish up my associates before I leave. I have enough credits to get an associates in (((liberal arts))) at the very least.
>what sort of career potential do these positions have
the biggest draw is the hospital in my town. They are expanding operations and are looking for pharmacy techs. There in high demand because pharmacy techs can move upwards higher in the system.
other than that theres some factories hiring and costco
>raise a family
I have no gf, and not really looking for one atm.
I live in a town with just above 100k population
>Thumbs down for president trump
But I thought trump was a winner? Why is even reddit turning on him?
Aren't them drilling that shit for like...decades?
*makes a le ironic post about how silly you are for not supporting israel*
I am more than one of the posters in this image. It's weirdly touching that he cares so much about my shitposts.
Actually that would buy me a lot of - HEY! WAIT A MINUTE!
Australia is a monarchy, and not the good kind.
hell'o i am repotr for news mister shlongbergstein and i see that u is being good israel loving sodimetes so i giv u goy a chance to be not shut down no more if you reply that you love israel to this post or you will lose the 2020 elector goyim
>Don't y'all be building any factories in Bugmanstan
In group preference by rCe
I don't think they should have to tolerate that shit deal in exchange for recognizing Golan. It's strategically important and they're not giving it back. Same as Crimea.
awoo and don't you forgetti
Thats a mouse trap because spez would delete them in a second if he could which is why that subreddit is a sanitized shithole
Posting here in support of rich jews and other globalists getting oil money from stolen land however has no defence
In that situation, I'd finish up your associates and make the plunge. Good luck!
John McCain was honorable to the end.
He wasn’t all bad, but he was one of the Keating Five and his fascist attempt to protect incumbency by criminalizing political speech through the McCain-Feingold Act is the most un-American pieces of legislation passed in the last 50 years. What’s more, his neurotic and narcissistic need to be seen as “honorable” resulted in him suspending his presidential campaign — the single most dumbest thing I have ever witnessed.
How dare you speak the truth about an honorable man!
Tell me what’s honorable about giving your word to voters over the course of a decade about repealing Obamacare and then breaking your word so you can bathe in a news-cycle? What’s honorable about attacking the powerless or planning your own never-ending funeral, a funeral longer than a presidential funeral, and premising it on your own spite? What’s honorable about never letting go of grudges? What’s honorable about trying to make Hillary Clinton president by spreading a dossier filled with lies to your pals in the media? McCain is dead, yes, but he died a petty, grasping, dishonest, backstabbing old man.
go for a walk, clear your mind
that is incorrect, trump is actually a nazi. go to /qresearch/ and find out why, it's all about that 4d chess
>white moderates have more in-group bias than white conservatives
But that doesn't count!
imagine supporting trump in 2019 I imagine that when he gets defeated in 2020 you cucks will still have generals on this board
Politico hoping the economy crashes
Hey Eva, can you provide your matrices for the following posters?:
TrumpOP, Awoo posters, BakerBot, Joe, the Bongs, Awoobaker, Pajeet/Designated, cross user/Mississippi user who hates georgia, crusaderkun going Judas, shirtfapper, NarutoOP, Chile, drawfag, PA anons, LA times, I LOVE KAC poster, Ivan/Roosya, Patch user, Florida anons constantly talking shit, norkboo kiwifag, Portubro, evapolack, Norway, Brazil, T&T, occultist KAC pirate, weirdo satanist Gadsen Aussie, the aussies, #cruzmissles, sleepyposters, high energy Minnesota, Washington State For Trump, Carson shill, /sg/ shit, Ironic hilldawg posting, Finnshill and minion poster, TNN, NNTNN, NEWSWIRE, VA reminder user, maldraw, depressed primary model wojak poster, "next poster is Marco Rubio, Pastaleaf, Norbot, Hikikomori, Heather poster, Hope smile poster, Singing Norwegian, legon, /sip/ poster, pleb bit salt miner, breakroom, Trumpfacts, Inversion, Truckerkun, That loan Bulgarian, fluffy, Eva, Greg bros, Ivankaposters, IDF girls shill, demographics Kraut, OG waifu hatter, TRUMP.WAV, jeb(!)heads, Trumpeteer, Awoo Alchemist, fake tweet brit, Nazi baker, rusky bot, CzechOP, Yugilass, trucker that makes all the oc, TRISH POSTER, minion poster, lazy MAGA hatter, leaf chink baker, tumor hobbit, squilliam poster, No tomboys before midnight user, Contraception is treason user, NEWSWEEK user, Joe killed Lori Christmas carol user?
yes, awoo supports israel, there is no doubt about it
funny how /ptg/ has to get desperate and paint everyone as a shill(to no avail) when they cannot put up the facade for much longer, huh? literal redditors have more balls than /ptg/
all of this, and so much more
Yes but 'illegally' now they are formalizing their landgrab
barnerd sindals btfo
Holy screenshot bait, Batman.
>trump was winning
So much winning. Aren't you tired of winning yet?
how is he nazi? trump gueved us palastine and money and jerusalem(only jewish holy land)
Didnt Hungary ban gender studies a few months ago ?
How accurate is this? Did Trump just single handedly end the academic indoctrination cult?
Look at all these people who won't be voting for trump in 2020!
>see jobs like "office assistant" and "paralegal" that pay decent entry-level office wages
>learn that these jobs pretty much only hire women
So basically as a man you either need to have gotten a STEM degree or go to grad school to position yourself for a higher-level management-type position, because otherwise your options are pretty limited to shit like construction or the military. Fucking nice.
Of course, they would rather have USA collapse than Trump continue being President.
kek thinking liberal colleges will give a shit about your worthless jew worshipping kikery
I haven't seen this pasta in forever.
Okay now it makes sense.
Too rate gweilo, trophy is mine!
I don't live in Hungary, so I have no idea. Not my country. Not my business.
4D chess, brainlet
I'm tired of him giving away the fence fund money to israel, yes. From what I can tell, this is what /ptg/ constitutes as "Winning"
roast them all comrade
This means they will make it easier to pass.
>t. it happened here when they only paid colleges after people graduate
I swear if I didnt have to go back to work....
They did. DeVos ought to do it too when she gets the chance.
Primary reason they occupied Golan Heights was because they got tired of being shelled from it, ages ago.
why does frog three hand
if this is true it better be fucking retroactive are you fucking kidding these faggots are coming after my parents for me dodging their calls
what the fuck
Can someone summarise his free speech eo?
based and redpilled
Yeah bunch of alt right queers who worship Lauren.
>tfw im not in this list
one day
This is why shills are mad?
>/ptg/ tries changing topic because it has no answer or counter arguments
It's almost as if trump isn't actually winning, and the 5 or so regular posters here have to save face to not look like absolute drooling retards(even tho by still posting here, you admit to as such anyways)
Not very, at the moment. He ask DOE to draw up a plan for it, but hasn't actually done it yet
Wrong. This means that if the student defaults on their loans, the school is on the hook for repayment, not the student. Schools would then be directly financially liable for every $200,000 underwater basket weaving degree that didn't result in a career capable of paying it off.
colleges will lose federal funding if they restrict freedom of speech on campus (and they do)
I appreciate the pics, but u could at least say something with the pics desu
yeah, that's right, we, trump supporters don't need those pesky anti immigration policy twerps! we will get by from all our pro-israel votes!
Its not very effective