How cucked is denmark?

how cucked is denmark?

asking cause im planning on moving away from this shithole of a country but I dont wanna move to another cucky country and waste my time

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Come to brazil

You need to readjust. try watching some cuckold porn to get acclimated.

bruh come to russia! literally based

We are full

its either cucked or poor
i hope you are ready to embrace poverty if you want to live in a non cucked place

You are Swedish. You live in Sweden. You speak Swedish.

My people used to have that kind of identity integrity when the British Empire still existed and Canada was part of it - genetically English, lived within the borders of England (in the empire) and spoke English.

Now I'm "Canadian" which is not an ethnicity or a language. Completely fractured. Well, I am still genetically an Anglo-Saxon and speak English but I'm living on a branch that has been severed from the trunk, the roots.

It's painful user. Trust me.

Get your ass to America you cuck

We're not much better of, though we can still joke about PC stuff. Media/schools are marxist indoctrination centers like in sweden, and politicians are crony EU slimeballs that sell their country's future for a handful of shekels.

It's not too bad yet, but we're heading in the same direction as you guys.

Fuck off, we're full.



its impossible to emigrate to america if you are white dude

im not your average cucked swede. its like the rest of the swedes in this cuck country are like a different species from me. not gonna sit like a good cuck and let mohammed rob and rape me while the commietaliban goverment take all my money. I rather move to a nice nationalist country and pay taxes their than here

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come here

Denmark is in that second category of countries that are not as fucked as the UK, France, Germany and Sweden but are on their way.

Why should he downgrade to culture that is even more BLACKED and degenerate than his own?

More mimi ples

what a bitch

You just described my thoughts towards Canada. But at least you are still in the homeland of your people, which is also the only Swedish-speaking country in the world, and the only country which is majority Swedish by ethnicity. Doesn't that count for something?

Fuck off, they are full

Come live in Russia. No niggers, no faggots, no agressive towelheads. Also, everything is cheap AF, by your standarts at least

no. cause most swedes are npcs retards who rather have their head cut off by a mohammed than be called racist. plus there are so many shitskins here and im sick and tired of it and im not gonna go down with the ship like a good cuck.

I love russia. how does st petersburg like? dont wanna end up somewhere in siberia

You are fucking worse than SJWs, they are a bunch of brainwashed faggots who doesn't know any better. But you've taken the red pill and want to leave cowardly cause things are getting heated here. Pathetic svennebananon, pathetic.

But it is fucking cold there..... and they make you remove the bayonet off your sks.

yeah I should definitely fight for a bunch of feminist harlots and weak bitch boys. I will be living great while all the retard "redpilled" swedes burns

Stand your ground og slås, din bosse!


Jesus christ. oe not working...

Go into the atlantic and drown yourself cuck.
You cannot leave your people to suffer.

>weak bitch boys
ehm, who's jumping ship now again?

Yeah, teach that fag, nordbro

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Because at least he can shoot niggers here. That’s always fun.

Denmark and Sweden is not comparable at all. Incredible how different the political climate is when our genetics are so close. I don't think you would waste your time moving here even though we are far from a country of poltards obviously. But a lot has changed in the last 5 years, net immigration from shithole countries is down to a few thousands per year, and could flip to net outflow soon if we continue on this path.

OP should be taught a lesson for tucking his dick op his ass and fleeing like a little bitch.

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Stay and fight.
Join our secure right wing network on wickr and find some like minded Europeans.

Write to [email protected] when you have created an user.

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Based lego gets it.
Now go get yourself a gym membership and leave the basement, prepare and embrace the inevitable struggle.


Bench is 140, squat is 185. Just got back from a lift. I’m a fucking beast.

It's not a democracy, but can attest.
Beautiful women, men that look retarded, clean city, no muslims, no fags, nice subway.
It's pretty much the polar opposite of France.

No he can't. Not without getting the chair. He can GET shot by niggers however.

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USA retard
only if white and have bobs vagene us men can use over here. if not stay where u are faggot

kg or pounds?

>its impossible to emigrate to america if you are white dude
You dont wanna come here anyway. Yes you can own guns but if you live anywhere near a city you'll be the only white person half the time, especially if the city is in the west

all the Amerimutts trying to vacuum some whiteness for 56% land

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Metric system ofc, krautbro.

Nah, shit tier country. People have concerned faces all day, the cities are a mix between destroyed and left in time.
The people are nice when you talk to them, but man, living in a place where all you see around is sad faces must suck.

Congrats, btw, user.

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you can come here, but only if female.

That is pretty impressive. Did you juice? Only test or all the other pills, too?

>No muslims
In what Russia were you?

Cz3ch repubkic

Probably in his Putinbot fantasies, Handschar lad

Move to the US. Anone not chipping in for Sweden is not needed.

They rarely wear hidjabs and basically you can never tell for sure if he's s Muslim or not

Eco-fascist keep it clean and natural.

LOL only if OP wants loads of krokodil, vodka, and blacked women

Moscow and st petersburg.
I went there like 4 years ago, I wasn't nearly as redpilled as I am today, but I'm not very keep to miss brown people.
Maybe I was just blinded by how hot all women looked, and how every guy looked like different shades of putin.

Things are bad here but not because of the reasons you've listed. Those problems are more like 90s tier

It's fight or die. Even if you move to Denmark you will have to, just a little bit later.

Then you are pretty much at the peak of your natural potential, I think. Big if true

Are you in the mood to partition Poland again? Need a kickstart for the RAHOWA after all.

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Thanks fren. Around 40% of this municipality voted for the FvD party and the majority of my family did too. Haven't laughed so much since the 2016 burger elections.

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maybe hungary.

Yeah, not progressing at all anymore. Nice to be a demi-god, sucks to be stuck strengthwise.

There is a way you can still transcend, if you know what i mean. :^)

No discernible difference from Sweden Sven.

If you 're looking for uncucked your options are Hungary, maybe Russia aaaand that's it. The west is done.

retard I will fight but im not gonna fund the bullshit that is killing us. when the time come I will fight. but im not gonna suffer 5-10 years of cucks and be taxed to shit

Not worth it, man.

at least you have the opportunity to have guns. in germany you are only allowed to use a fork as self defence

We could. After all that's a routine by now. First we need to make a pact with you and the rest is known

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Get an aryan wife from tinder, take her to a farm and breed her. She will push out 10 aryan children in not time, and you can have your own litlte ethnostate away from the city.

for whom would you even consider tofight? SJW and femnazis?

Fuck off Sven, how about you man up and do something about it?

Yeah, but staying allied this time would be cool. Get China on board and conquer the fucking planet! (((The West))) is ripe for the taking.

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Stay and defend your country, your are acting like a cuck running away.

Come to Poland, you can get a comfy job paying 2000/2500 euros per month with your swedish.

You are welcome to the UK

the decade that shithole eatern europe still lives in

Think Denmark is the less cucked country in Western Europe

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dont forget all the krokodil and cheap vodka you can every want. as long as you dont mind every poliush girl taking multiple bbcs in the many groupsex paid porn sessions they engage in

I did. but everybody around me are such pussies
and even if you make them swallow the redpill they wont do anything or call you bigoted

If you are fash and aryan then come,
otherwise we are full

>being this new

This is true. On the streets of DK I can be an ethnonationalist freely and no one gives a shit.

stfu Per,
its shit here remember? Nobody should come, we are as bad as sweden but worse since our taxes are higher. Also we are very small and have no good jobs. Everyone drives a shittier car and citizenship is impossible to get.

A user*

almost never typing in Danish, Vermund.


Why the fuck is oe not working?!

Fucking gamma. Have you nothing to contribute with?

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Why not Finland, OP?

Least cucked Germanic country. So don't come anywhere near it.

Just come over and get some chick pregnant. Might have to settle for a fat Mexican if you don’t have a lot of time.

muslim to them means afgan
you are not muslim in their eyes either

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Literally sitting around on Jow Forums to grammarnazi other danes. Off yourself, waste.

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Are you fully ethnically swedish, then you are welcome here.

Sweden vs Denmark is a little bit weird.

Sweden Democrats are somewhat 25 behind Danish People's party.
But on the other hand,
Danish communists are also ~15 years away from going Full Sweden mode.

You could say Swedish Nationalists isn't quite there yet.
And Danish communists aren't fully fledged either.


It would take more effort not to, to be honest.
And being Danish you have NO excuse not to master the English language, at least the basics. So how about you remove yourself?