New nationalist movement in Britain?

National Unionism

Attached: nat-uni-flag.jpg (2000x1000, 103K)

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Noise. This was them, right?

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No, it doesn't exist yet. Just an idea floating around my brain.

Sounds like some collectivist commie shit

Given the current climate
A) could work
B) or could be a proscribed organisation by 10am Friday
C) could be SG discord trannies having a LARP
D) nobody told me until just right now, in the OP.
Was this just invented right now by OP (sokay, no biggy) or is there anything more you can tell us?
We are under more scrutiny than a very scrutinised thing being scruted right now though.
What comes after D? Oh, the next post.

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*pic related: Here Be Werewolves (t natz will get it if you don’t)

I've just invented it. I started writing the manifesto a couple of weeks ago and just today came up with the flag.

Thinking the British version of the Estonian EKRE. Not filled out the manifesto fully yet but it's a WIP.

Ah. Be careful just now if you are a real Brit.
Don’t be careful if you’re not - you don’t need to be anyway, the outlaw Parliament is only after destroying us.
Pic related: the countdown has already begun. Endgames will play out soon enough but the outcome, well that’s a conundrum.

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It is collectivist in nature.

If the British people are ever to beat back the degeneracy, bad health, weakness etc etc. we have to be a collective for the good of our people.

So long as it gives me an English Parliament i'm happy to join.

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Why be careful?

Think it's about time somebody took action and not in the autistic way tarrant did.

Don't be daft mate, nobody would go for it.

Also, why a rune on a Christian flag? It just doesn't work. Not to mention using the flag of England as a icon for a movement called "National unionism" is abit daft in itself.

Put some actual thought into it mate.

Do you still believe in democracy? I'm not sure I do anymore?

Don't tread on me you socialist cunt

>British people
There are three (native) peoples on this island.

Catapults? Like siege engines?


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What? You think capitalism is going to save us? No chance


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Nationalism itself is collectivism in nature.

England? Or Britain?

Democracy is a load of old bollocks. Freedom of speech is meaningless that only gives the left power.
It's always family and tradition that gets eroded by freedom, ending up with nationalism being the trod upon.
This never must be allowed to happen again.

I don’t know of that group.
But we certainly will need a snazzy flag to tie to the roof of Westminster soon enough. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together has gone way past sickened & fed up. Military and the legal systems needs some top down realignment and it could be all change very quickly in that case, a lot quicker than say France with its weekly honk off between Yellow geezers and brown noses. Parliament had not got the powers it has assumed. They have broken every part of the common law that empowers them and done everything the king they beheaded did but on a more gratuitous scale.
Pic completely unrelated. A souvenir I got from a nine day (various) hotel party (mostly hotels, I definitely remember several rooms) that happened a few weeks ago. That’s my basic choice in life here - debauch heavily and forget while ruining myself or improve but have to fight the constant shame of not taking responsibility for setting the realm to rights. It’s a niggler of Batmanesque proportions.

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Wrote this for another thread but might be useful to your manifesto

>everyone deserves to have the chance to have a good life.
This is the core flaw in your ideology. Think this through. Think what life actually is, biologically speaking. When has comfortable survival on Earth ever been guaranteed, for any organism? Never. Being an organism is about gathering enough resources to reproduce, and producing as many and as high quality offspring as possible. Every species reproduces to the natural limit given by its environment. How does it find the limit? It doesn't. The ones on the edge just start dying out. Once the population limit that will be supported by the environment is reached, intra-species competition begins. We humans call our version of this, 'nationalism' (forming in-groups to the competitive advantage of those within), and 'war'.

Think about what would happen if there was a one-world government that GUARANTEED every person born would be entitled to be given food and housing, because "as humans they deserve it". The world population would double in decades. And double again. And again. Fed and sheltered, people BREED. It is only competition, suffering and death that stops the planet being overrun by any one organism, including us.

Not only would the planet be overrun, but so would every human community- if tribalism (nationalism) was outlawed, no groups would be able to form, buy some land and protect themselves from the mass ecological catastophe of free food "guaranteed" for every person born. Naturally, any system based on this idea would collapse under its own weight pretty quickly. Because if you can't let anyone die "unfairly", you are basically committing to feed and house infinite humans, forever. Where can the line be drawn by a human power that claims to represent all humanity? It cannot.


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uncuck yourself greatest allied
all europa

Competition, unfairness, suffering, inequality of resource access and early death are literally facts of life for EVERY SPECIES ON THE PLANET, and that's a good thing. It's sad on a case by case basis, and I don't blame you for wishfully thinking everyone could have equal chances, but this is both a physical and biological impossibility, and a suicidal policy for any prosperous human society and the planet.

>but we could enforce birth limits, equality laws...
Whose laws would you rather follow? Natures, or some elite international body of techno-aristocrats? Whose rules do you think would be fairer for everyone? The more laws some human authority is making up, the more unequal society is likely to be.

I'm just a lowly gardener. One day I'll have my own micro-nation, an ingroup against the world I will call my family. Life is an unfair struggle.That's why love and fellowship is so important.

As for who to form your ingroup with- W
why anyone else but your countrymen?

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Britain i presume (that’s what I assume the union bit means, it’s not going to be the lefty usage of the word). But I’m only guessing if it’s all in that lads head right now. I’m not a scanner. Which is a shame all things considered because that would be neato.

Or it's not even human.
Why look to books to explain human nature?
Is it really intelligent to think the world runs on 'idea's' from the top down? Like some light from above?

It does not. It is primal, and works from the bottom up.

I pity the Russians for how the jews destroyed the intelligent natives across all of Russia and enslaved the rest all.

The idea is once we have ENGLAND. That includes Ireland, Wales and Scotland being a part of ENGLAND.

Spread it throughout Europe then eventually unite. England and will become Britannia, Germany Germania and so on.

All will come under Europa.

And what about us?

That I'm not sure about.

New world?

Ah, you want to destroy England. You have a lot of competition for that goal.

Also I wouldn't use that flag personally. A random rune over the English flag isn't what I'd call a natural symbol for Brits.

t. Olorin. Might as well put my name out there to whoever's paying attention.

What about you?

name a bunch of brands that are suitable.

The Rune means heritage or estate. In other words, unite the British isles under Britannia.

IF YOU WANT YOUR MOVEMENT TO BE SUCCESSFUL THEN DON'T FUCKING STICK A PAGAN SYMBOL ON IT! Also, this is already exists and it is called "British Nationalism".

I'll take B please Bob

>The Rune means heritage or estate
It is English (and common Germanic), not British. You are an anti-nationalist and an enemy of England.

Who are these British nationalists? They never seem to be Jow Forumsacks. I only hear about them when I see some degenerate looking skinhead's been arrested for throwing bacon at a mosque. Do they just form in their locals? Everything about them I've seen screams controlled opposition or just idiots.

Esoteric Bowdenism is the only way.

Okay, maybe I didn't think that bit through enough.

Better? Pic related.

The thing is, it's not just about Britain, it's about the whole of Europe.

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You're not wrong. Nationalism is full of degenerate skinheads, that's why we need something new and fill it with young people who don't instantly scream "English baldy"

Then use a swastika. They'll call you Nazi whatever you do

Or something nice and aesthetic and Celtic.

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Sun wheel?

No, just have a cute picture of a robin or something with an inoffensive colour as the back ground.

British nationalism is just an ideology. If you are British and you are a nationalist then you are a British nationalist. An ideology cannot be controlled opposition. I oppose those retards and degenerates.

>I started writing the manifesto a couple of weeks ago


REMOVE ALL SYMBOLS they just scream wignat, we aren’t in the 30s anymore. Unbranded nationalism is the way forwards.

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I just mean they always seem to have a group made up of middle aged skinhead or younger hipster men and tattooed or goth women. Like where do they all find each other. It must be in the pub or metal concerts or something. It's a weird know-nothing kind of nationalism, they seem to believe it is 'bad' and are just doing it to be edgy. I'm just curious how these gangs actually form when it's practically illegal to talk about it.

Be extremely careful user. It's easy to fall into serious strategic blunders trying to create a nationalist organisation/group. Forget about trying to create any sort of organisation with: logos, group names, manifestos, chatrooms, public facing information, high membership numbers recruiting strangers etc...many have had such ideas and it is doomed to failure without flawless high IQ strategy. Instead it is better to create a tight mannerbund with 1-3 other guys that you know or can discover IRL.

Do whatever you want just give us back the six counties for fucks sake

And strictly no forms of electronic communication. If you must discuss things of a dubious nature, choose coded ways of doing it, choosing words from random, frequently rotated books

Why do they fail, yet succeed in slav countries and the med.

We need to wait for the inevitable economic crash before we launch.

We need to learn from them.

Because probably Slav countries don't proscribe them five minutes after they're formed
Also their views seem to be more palatable in those countries

Probably due to maturing under communism.

Britain's had it too good for too long, that's the issue.

split in your new movment in 31 minutes - fucknell - even trotskyists arent that quick
also, saying "all other countries get to be england ... "
- I dont see it brother
why dont you write a book
- one more thing - spook infiltration in ... 3...2...1

>they just scream wignat
Yeah, shut the fuck up. Just don't use the fucking word wignat, it is a subversive term used by retarded Nick Fuentes fans.

Skinheads take pride in being that for life, and its not necessarily anything nationalist even, almost a kind of fraternity for the working class, in fact. A skin from the UK and another from Malaysia would instantly recognise each other as skins and get on reasonably well. As such its not your crowd at all.

>St Georges flag
Weve got a real genius on our hands here lads.

It's not Unionist in the sense of the United Kingdom. It's unionist in the sense of uniting the people for a common cause.

By the way, if we're going to play the insult each others intelligence game maybe you should remember to use an apostrophe when you're omitting a letter.

I'm not clued up about groups in other countries so I can't comment on how they're doing. With the path that you appear to be outlining I think the best case scenario is that you start a group with a bunch anons; have good bants for a few weeks; end up purity spiralling over pointless shit like "what will our logo be?", "what is our position on christianity vs paganism"; realise that random anons are pretty low agency and prefer e-bants and shitposting over the mundane and serious effort and discipline that is required to run an effective activist/community group. Worst case scenario you end up accidentally associating yourself with reckless/dangerous characters who could potentially ruin your life.
Instead try to make a small offline friendship group with those who share your views. Try to find high quality redpilled people. Guys who you don't have to hide your powerlevel with; who you can train with; who have your back no matter what and won't get you involved in criminal shit. The group should cooperate to make each of its members as physically, mentally and economically powerful as possible. This sort of local mannerbund is what our people need to get through the tough times ahead.

Heck, they don't even have to be redpilled. If you have friends or coworkers that aren't basedboys and are interested in going to the gym with you then that's a good start - even if none of you have ever set foot in a gym before.

You're right, we've got to get something going though.

It's infuriating.

>Wanting to destroy the union of nations of the British isle
That's fucking retarded, you are a fucking retard. Kill yourself you dumb faggot. Nobody wants to hear about your meme-tier fucking ideology.

hahaha you absolute retard

>we've got to do something going though
The sort of big dissent movement that you're imagining isn't going to happen because of anything planned in advance by an activist group. Instead it's much more likely to occur spontaneously when the nationalist unrest that's bubbling rather quietly right now hits boiling point in response to a big event. Look at the Yellow Vests in France as a recent example of this.
> It's infuriating.
Be calm and stoical.

looks worse desu

What about pgp encryption