Search "nz police firearms hand-in", this is what you see. Is one of you jokers running the nz police website?

Search "nz police firearms hand-in", this is what you see. Is one of you jokers running the nz police website?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-22 11-17-52.png (672x492, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>well guys it's been a great run time to turn in your guns

Attached: hahahahahah.png (790x439, 521K)

Jow Forums has secret agents absolutely everywhere

>well guys its been a great run
>no information is available
seems legit

Attached: 1550825722768.gif .gif (368x349, 2.53M)

Just click it, it's the real police form. That no info is probably because of a norobots.txt thing.

Thanks for the link, user.

Attached: Screenshot_20190321-205538.png (480x854, 62K)

Charge your phone. Also the new changes ban semiautos with a detachable magazine of more than 5 rounds. Nothing about rifles or otherwise. This therefore bans virtually all semiauto pistols.
They do seem to be doing a go-slow protest on this. The form is very hard to find.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-22 11-27-59.png (558x334, 55K)

At least they can never take our shitposts from us.

Attached: 1552978189560.jpg (708x480, 38K)


Attached: 1553125116387.jpg (1242x442, 162K)

Posting mine again because the threads keep getting pruned.
Part 1

Attached: Form 1.jpg (809x2944, 525K)

Part 2

Attached: Form 2.jpg (1080x1848, 533K)

cop user please post ITT

kill cops to death

That's some 7 year old level shit.
If you really want to fuck with them you should be creating ones that are realistic. Hundreds of them. That will ACTUALLY cause huge problems. Comedic (not the guy I linked, do better next time) ones will get filtered easily.

Keep this up and they'll be more fake firearm turn ins than real.

Attached: C0C3D5E1-6429-478D-A443-7893FABFC1AE.jpg (736x960, 99K)

There probably already is. There was a ton of these threads earlier today. Theres some really funny ones.

Wow. Btfo’d hard

Attached: 0AF6DD56-CB34-421C-9C83-F3D1EA688CF6.jpg (1024x1024, 108K)

>His picture
CIAnigger straight out of Bane's plane

Attached: 1546807029159.jpg (548x634, 131K)

here is an NZ cop after the shooting. notice his white european cultural tats on his arm

Attached: 1552947668300.png (1735x916, 468K)

names and address and phone numbers here.

every cop has tats. they only hire degenerates.


Mobile fag can confirm.

Attached: Screenshot_20190321-213907_Chrome.jpg (1080x1920, 587K)

our government is this level of a joke in every aspect and in every department. we're like retards playing pretend

That man is a fucking moron. wewlad.

>0.22-inch cartridge
It's almost like these rules are written by people with zero exposure to firearms

What's he going to do when the muzzie horde comes to rape his wife and daughters? He going to hit them with rocks? Fucking loser.

All cops are race/class traitors, slaves to the ZOG. Corporate pigs get the first bullets.

See pic. I guess we can make Jow Forums threads using any phrase and instantly get results on the first page of Google? Sweet.

Attached: hmmmmmm.png (761x951, 227K)

Do better. find real people and addresses. Search for schools, businesses, universities that list employees you can then find more info on to make the forms legit.

Something happens when I reverse search any image I see here. The first results are ALWAYS Jow Forums threads. It makes me think the resluts are based on either
A) your cookies/cashe
B) how recently the search parameters popped up on the web.

Lol they shoot you before you can hand them your gun. On second thought I would too.

Do you play Descent?

I've been saying this for a few time, they're studying this place.
They want to be able to meme just like how they're using mass media.

This is fun

Attached: AD9EE17A-607D-4BAD-BD86-7A43DE61CF18.jpg (750x1244, 171K)

Attached: 9C134F5C-F7D6-4923-A4F5-7472072E1974.jpg (750x1231, 159K)


Pro tip: you can upload 1 GB of text into the text box at the end. I did a couple with 150-200 MB of garbage.

Hand them over and watch

I think I love you, desu

Just beat me to it

Good plan fuck thier servers

Livestream it.

thats some seriously bad coding, i wonder if h4x0rs will be able to root it further.

I’m going to use this paper as source text

>Military Style Semi Automatic
No. Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing. Fucking lefties.

>Jow Forums has secret agents absolutely everywhere
Completely true. If we could actually agree on anything, we would be a force to be reckoned with.

Fucking destroyed.

Attached: 1533938796224.gif (322x242, 1.37M)

Attached: 1529552086490.jpg (554x527, 57K)

>white paint pen
Check’d and kek’d

Lol Jow Forums has already done some damage.

Attached: 1553221333429.jpg (1080x1225, 224K)

Time to use vpn

>caliber of firearm

Attached: Dying Laughing.jpg (991x902, 60K)


holy shit dude, a fucking holocaust meme. this whole thing stinks

>I'm scared of misuse of my weapons
well maybe seek help then. state should take his kids to safety from him. his obviously dangerous to himself and everyone around him.

Attached: Riker_laughs_at_Q's_plan_1552512613131.jpg (1375x1032, 756K)

Attached: gun musket.png (683x774, 36K)

Could be worse mate. At least you're not in England.


Sure why not. That you Darren?

Attached: sketch-1553224067473.png (1080x1440, 1.53M)




>implying he wouldn't welcome them with open arms
It worked lads good job.

I don't know we are all pretty fucked

Okey dokey :)
Protip, BTW lads.
Buy an sks.

Doesn't this seem like an extreme overreaction?

I mean, I can understand mentioning it in a speech or two, but this shit is way over the top insane. It's like "yo we had a massacre so now we get to do whatever we want"

You guys need to stop. The police are LITERALLY SEETHING!

Attached: literally seething.png (853x761, 55K)

NZ has a very weak public engagement with politics. They tend to think that they're so small and comfy that they don't need to bother with all of that, it's just a formality. This makes them very vulnerable to subversion and takeover.


Attached: CommentPhotos.com_1407266915.jpg (406x260, 66K)

Lads, you wanna meme form better -
FAL numbers start with a letter, and have 7 numbers after eg:

IIRC they are up to either T or U
Anything that doesn't match that format is autofiltered out

That was quick.

What the 0800 number???

are sks not included in the ban because they can be clip loaded?

Oh most definitely. They have better things to be doing, like arresting teenagers for facebook posts or disarming their fellow countrymen. Productive!

Attached: 1466154689400.png (852x854, 1.14M)

So far seem like they aren't.
You could also add a thumbscrew to secure your mags.
That bypasses the detachable magazine ban.

Gun turn-in number is not there, damn

Sorry m8 wrong page


Sounds like California style bullet buttons are the way to go, then. At least for ARs.

Yeah man.
30 round "attached" mags, here I come!


Okie dokie, ty kind sir

>Risk of misuse
And who exactly was going to misuse your gun, John?

No probs bro.
Remember to use a kiwi VPN if you wanna submit meme forms.
And remember to follow this format for FAL numbers!

The convenience doesint outweigh the risk of misuse.

>i.e. I don't trust myself to not resist the urge go on a shooting rampage.

>not locking that number up ;)

the jews, rachel

>police are seething
This has only hardened my resolve to continue my false report plan.

Attached: 1498514481141.gif (800x430, 564K)

They are filtering incorrect FAL formats.

My ID changed, but I'm the one you replied to. I dont play any vidya anymore, what made you think I did? I might be willing to pick up a PC game if it relates to my shitposting.

Check this shit out