Over the last several years, I've had the opportunity to travel around the USA more so than in the past and have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to speak with people from all around the country.
I'm fascinated about how different our lives, concerns, and cultures are. Any chance any anons here want to just talk about what makes us different? Things we care about or explain how assumptions people make about us aren't accurate?
Something people think about people from where I live that's not necessarily accurate: >Conservative people I meet generally think we're all SJW extremists. In general, however, we just really don't care about what people do in their private lives that don't affect us.
I'm white Male Straight Centrist I guess, I just want legal weed. Single East coast Independent contractor
John Nguyen
Christopher Moore
>that don't affect us Oh, I see now. So you're all idiots just like I thought. Thank you for the confirmation. Have a great day!
Robert Jenkins
>Independent contractor Like landscaping or construction? That's pretty cool. I respect the hell out of people that make things with their hands.
Ayden Jones
Oh and I get shit on by almost everyone about SOMETHING. Gays hate me because I'm white and straight. Conservatives hate me because I smoke weed.
I don't give a fuck what other people do as long as you're not physically hurting people, and I wish they wouldn't give a fuck about what I do too.
Noah Morales
Without irony I would end your life if the opportunity allowed itself.
Landon Flores
White Male Straight Not married Northeast Self employed City
We have a lot of problems with people who are still committed to ancient cultures living in very close proximity, yes. Those cultures don't always mesh well, and it can get hairy.
Our economic policies are also pretty busted yes. Our systems are set up to funnel wealth into an upper class, and deprive opportunity to hard working blue-collar Americans.
We do a lot wrong, but we do a lot right too. No one is perfect and we do want to get better.
Robert Reyes
-I dont care if people morally bankrupt my society Kys
Gabriel Mitchell
fucking feggot. kys you dont deserve the US flag on your shitpost
Interested in what you mean by this. There are things about people's lives (like if someone is gay) that don't impact their ability to do something like bag my groceries. Since it doesn't affect me, I really don't care what they're up to. That's what I meant.
Hunter Howard
White Male Normal Just left my girlfriend because she showed sympathy for dead invaders Dixie Engineer Stuck in niggertown
Xavier Bailey
I don't own a business I just work for them. My voice is irrelevant in those matters. That's like asking a 4 year old to vote.
Jack Long
hey OP, you have the unique opportunity to be a part of American History! Help us!
Lucas Clark
How so?
Blake Young
>we just really don't care about what people do in their private lives that don't affect us. No, of course it doesn't affect you when CA decides to let illegals get benefits, vote, and basically punch you in the face with impunity. That's just the benefit of living in such a great state!
Jaxson Butler
Lol why??
See this is what I mean, I'm hated by every side for SOME reason.
Christian Cook
Hey man, that's what matters. Hard work to put food on the table is what is supposed to be the American way. No shame, my dude.
>Self employed Respect the hell out of this. Starting a fresh business feels like a hell of a risk and it's great to see people doing it. What sort of business do you run user? What sort of concerns do you have for your local community? What matters to you?
Joshua Anderson
I don't get it.
jfc that's brutal.
Jaxson Rivera
>Engineer Cool man, what sort of engineering do you do?
>Dixie Love this. What sort of problems or concerns do you have for your local community? I bet they differ significantly from here, as we're like 2500 miles apart.
Gavin Ortiz
I'll bite for the dataminer
>White >Male >Straight >Single stupid frat boy >Deep South >Student, soon to be software engineer >Urban, live three blocks from my uni with my fraternity
Jaxson Sullivan
>just the cities Oh absolutely. Northern CA, or East WA/OR are -very- different than the cities. There are a lot of cool folks out there. I got pulled over once on my way through Mt Vernon, OR and ended up going hunting with the Sheriff the next day. Probably would have gone differently if I were a white guy but you could tell that the dude just wanted to be chill and keep his communities clean.
Ryder Morris
I'd love to hear about what makes you opposed to that user. What about his posts bother you?
Jordan Gomez
Ultimate Life Motto: Just be chill. Everyone. Everyone just be chill.
Don't sweat it my dude, just keep doing you.
Matthew Flores
Genuinely didn't even think about data mining. I'm just a bored dude sitting on a skype call I'm not paying attention to.
So, I've heard Urban Deep South is pretty different than Rural Deep South? Do you feel you have more in common with other urban folks, or still more in common with rural Southerners?
Jace Sullivan
>Nigger >Big black cock >Live on welfare
Carter Campbell
All good mate. I'm from central florida, but I go to school in north florida(tallahassee, I'm sure you can infer where I go from that). Most of the people at least in my social circle are from the rest of florida, so it's not very southern here. I know a lot of people who ARE very southern and I am in a decidedly southern fraternity, but most of the people at FSU are from south florida and bring that culture with them. But drive 20 minutes out of tallahassee and its the deep, deep south.
And all southern cities are filled with yuppies. unfortunately I'll probably be one of them in a few years