The face white people make when you take away everyones guns

Your next burgers, no more semi ar-15s for

Attached: 20190322_131433.jpg (308x308, 65K)

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sorry, NZ soggy cunt, I lost all of my fully semi-automatic ar-15s in a tragic boating accident

JEsus Christ, asdfjk;
There's NZ out with a whimper, another nation falls. fuck me i want off this ride

The guy that assassinated Pim is already out of prison.

Attached: pim fortuyn.jpg (650x330, 37K)

10% sure anyone who tries, dies

Attached: tommy-mair-jo-cox.jpg (736x451, 78K)

what an abbo cunt mate

fuck brexit and fuck wypipo

No you don't faggot, stay and fight. If you kill yourself or recede out of society to live in the woods or in your room, you're wasting your own potential.