Evan Powell
Nolan Smith
It's a great decision, in fact Israel should be a lot bigger.
Robert Parker
Friendly reminder that Trumpfags are persona non grata. The 4D chess excuse doesn't work anymore. Don't engage with them except to remind them that they're not welcome here.
Henry Lee
Colton Davis
Jeremiah Ross
Old news. Stop making this thread over and over. There's more important things going on right under our noses.
Ayden Ramirez
>meme flag
>our (((noses)))
Yea the Golan Heights is literally under your nose from where you are posting, Chaim
Ian Anderson
Jfk was killed. Why not trump yet? Especially if the Q movement is real.
Jonathan Myers
Because Trump is literally Israel’s dog. Why would they kill their most useful slave?
Ryder Jenkins