Why do so many alt-right numales end up supporting Muslim subhumans against Israel, instead of just naturally hating both sides?
Why do so many alt-right numales end up supporting Muslim subhumans against Israel...
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Because muslims don't control msm, finance, politics, college admissions, pharmaceuticals, copyright, military, etc.
Because I hate one more than the other.
And Syria =! Isis
Muslims have killed way more whites than jews have
Most people are able to differentiate between Secular Shias/Alawites and the fundamentalist Sunnis
Hey Mimi
Demeaning a Native American who talks about 9/11 and chats with Patrick Little.
I wonder who could be behind the Denmark proxy.
Muslims have a large amount of control and influence of mainstream media now and a large amount of influence at universities. Of course nowhere near the level of world Jewry but the Muslims and Jews outside of Israel have aligned themselves in the sense that the Jew imports and puts the Muslims into positions into the West to use them as a tool to work against Whites.
We are at the point where criticism of Islam in the West is "islamophobia" and in some places illegal and not politically correct.
Where American tax dollars and foreign aid goes to a bunch of third world Muslim states.
Where Muslims rape and kidnap thousands of British school girls, blow up Ariana Grande concerts, do repeated truck attacks, bombings, terror attacks and leftist and jew politicians wont do anything to limit their migration, yet ban guns and free speech the first time a Muslim is attacked.
Muslims are now in the US congress.
Allying with Islam is insane. The Muslims are an ancient enemy and aggressor against Europeans. They align with liberals and Jews in the west anyway for the open borders agenda.
The reality is to realize that we have to wake up our own people and stick with our own people. Because the Muslims and Jews and all other groups are hoping to find a way and take power in the power vacuum if they can.
Mudslimes are an open and visible threat. It is easy to sort through them. They are easy to manage and predict. Rat kike fucks are our eternal enemy who hides and schemes. They pose a far greater threat and offer a far greater challenge.