Yellowvests behave like niggers. Why does Jow Forums like them so much?

Yellowvests behave like niggers. Why does Jow Forums like them so much?

Attached: paris---gelbwesten-proteste---haus-in-flammen.jpg (1576x1080, 311K)

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>Yellowvests behave like niggers
You don't really read books right ?
You're not really into socio economic analysis right ?
You're retarded right ?

All Jow Forums heroes behave like niggers.

it's not about judging behavior of those who are with "us". They are protestants performing crusade of tar budgets. So yellow is just one of the colors of the rainbowlution of CIA lemon party gestapo. Brexit serves as symbolic act where britain is granting "independence" to united states of europe. Think of statue of liberty.

Are the protests still legit or just anarchists and shitskins now?


left the board when the socialist west spam started. Glad it is over and went nowhere

they gave us 15 weeks of good reality TV, the best since HWNDU season 1.

France is hell, the land is beautiful but people is garbage

Niggers riot at random and take advantage of any chaotic situation to steal and rape. Yellow Vests do it to disrupt the elite's system of strangulation. I'm sure there are some niggers (anarchists) in the mix, though.

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because anybody who hates jews is cool

Because I am one?
See you on saturday faggots

I'm gonna live stream the protest in Nice where macron will face ching chong president and the military is gonna monitoring it for the first time, sinve last saturday chimpout was really violent. Oh, this city is known to be full of shitskin and have a lot of far-right group.
It's gonna be great.

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will it be broadcasted by the multiplex?

No just a regular periscope
I might do some interview to.

This guy gets it.
You don't make a revolution without burning a few symbols.

agreed with this: these french cunts need to learn what it means to protest and to not act like pathetic niggers.

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Keep up the good fight. If us Americunts could travel easily ($$) to France, we would participate alongside you in your revolution. Godspeed.


Thank you very much, and don't mind the help. A few shitposter can do as much job as a rioter in a context were public opinion is the most important.

Sacre blawoooooooo

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Can they? There's clearly a gag order on the foreign MSM, most burgers don't even know Paris is burning.

It's not difficult to see that the violence and destruction of property are perpetrated by a minority within the crowds, simple analysis from the other side of the problem shows this.
Imagine all of the people marching have the intent of vandalism, the intent to harm the police. Paris would have been razed to the ground by now and we would be looking at state funerals of many, many police officers.
There are, and always will be, bad actors that abuse the anonymity of the large crowd for personal reasons.

The simple fact that Paul Joseph Watson or other «fringe» politcal analyst talk about it can make a lot as this kind of information go from underground to mainstream.
(Yes I know PJW is completely out of touch on this subject (and probably many others) but he have influence, you don't have to like him, just to use him)

>what it means to protest and to not act like pathetic niggers
>Taras, let's make a revolution
>molotov cocktails the country back into a stone age

sure thing, mykola. how does it feel living without hot water?

>They should learn how to accept soros money to deconstruct the state and make the things worst.

notice how the damage to private property was minimal and any damage there was, was collateral despite the fighting that was happening.

and it was not just some fucking weekend get together.

>how does it feel living without hot water?
I get by just fine without hot or running water.

>Yellowvests behave like niggers.
No, antifa behave like niggers, and the police let them do whatever they want just to accuse the whole movement.

That's antifa larping as yellow vests you dumb double digit IQ retard

Why don't they march through the sharia no go zones and tear shit up there?

>how to accept soros money to deconstruct the state
>implying people would risk their lives for money

the people protesting there did not want ukraine to be some authoritarian shithole and they did a damn good job fighting off authoritarian scumbags.

Because the government would side with the sharia no go zone.

God speed frogs, this can be the beginning of new europe.

>these french cunts need to learn what it means to protest and to not act like pathetic niggers

Attached: hohol.png (350x350, 120K)

The niggers among the yellow vests act like niggers.*

Fixed it for you.

>When niggers chimp out it's because they're niggers, when whites chimp out it's to disrupt the elite's system of strangulation


>fighting off authoritarian scumbags
Let's celebrate democracy !

Macron has deployed the army to protect buildings and the Arc tomorrow btw.

ooh fuck.. i had quicky sex with my first girlfriend in le fouquet 20 years ago.. what a shame to see it like that today

Why in the fuck don't you frogs have Le Pen! She wouldn't cover herself for the Muslim scum! MARCH THROUGH THE SHARIA NO GO ZONES AND TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK! FUCK UP SOME CAFE'S.

Fuck up some halal cafes that is

Because it's time to be all like that to everyone who's got it coming

celebrate living in a free country in where you are not controlled by the state, and where you have the freedom to either fuck up or be successful.

>I suck putin's dick for money
the eternal russian.

Attached: Russia_hungry_kids.jpg (1086x792, 110K)

I wouldn't say they are behaveing like "niggers."
I would say they genuinely trying to get a point across to a government that doesn't give a fuck about them.

You can't really control thousands of protesters some are going to act up its not feasible to expect them to be good boys

>Not even getting stomped to death amateurs

Attached: сильная Украина.jpg (620x459, 67K)

The difference is that there are fighting for their future, not for gibs


Come one frog, the first protests were very civilized, worthy of a civilized country. Now you guys went nigger-tier chimping out at private property.

I agree. Macron should crush the little bastards with the help of the military. Weakness is what caused the fall of Louis XVI and it will cause the fall of Macron if he doesn't act with strength against these irrational thugs.

betrayal caused the fall of Louis XVI, and it will cause the fall of Macron.

I agree though the pictures I have seen of Paris seem taem in comparison

>to a government that doesn't give a fuck about them.
it is better than giving too much of a fuck. the best thing a government could do is to not intrude as much as possible.

watching the authoritarian trends trending across europe I have come to understand the value of freedom. A government's job should be to ensure freedom.

Attached: russia protest girl.jpg (1200x600, 210K)

Sadly mostly anarchists, rednecks and gypsies

Who said we don't like niggers?

Mednigger genes

Probably because "muh civilized protests" don't bring anything. The moment protests started to get violent the government shat in its pants and went back on various things. You need to understand how much Macron is a piece of shit that likes to insult and provoke the french people. Those "riots" are just an answer.

Your racism aside, Jow Forums loves the yellow vest protests because the are both social movements groomed by the US and Common Wealth oil industry.

>Are the protests still legit or just anarchists and shitskins now?
Most of the protesters are a mix of left and right wing populists.
Most if not all the rioters are extreme left wing anarchists/antifas/blackblocks, and some radicalized normal yellow jackets.

if you support yellowvests, the mosque shooter, or any violent, uncivilized actions.. you are a violent savage.

i promise you 99% of the yellowvests are just looking to have fun, steal some stuff, and get a cool instagram shot of themselves rioting, they would barely even know what they are protesting.

the reason we have driven a car across the sea of tranquility and returned home to tell the story is because whites have left violence behind... we no longer need it... the pen is our sword.

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Nice fake news screencap.

no they are just lighting shit on fire like fucking niggers.

Attached: French_Fries.jpg (534x401, 47K)

Tame thank only that they are now sending in troop and allowing bullet all death so far has been from gas cannister?

Extremists and vandals need to be shot by rooftop snipers.

>Extremists and vandals need to be shot by rooftop snipers.
Kek wasn't this what turned ukraine from massive protest into revolution?

>fake news
sure, whatever you say sweetheart.

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These faggots callings against violence are perfectly fitted in this brainwashed environment.
How do you break the cage when they manipulate at wish the only non violent tool you have at your disposal?
If elections are a parody, violence is the next, only, way to resist.
So burn down everything French bros.
Give them the only thing they understand.
Burn them all.

>Mosque shooter
Obvious Mossad shit
>Yellow best protesters
>99% sure they just want to fuck shit up
Based on what? Not all the protesting is violent. They just aren't satisfied with Macaroni.

Russian & Ukrainians truly are on the same level of retardation as Serbs and other Serbs.


Yes we are expected to be the only people who wouldn't bother defending their own. This is what they want for us.


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What was WWI and WWII then you stupid fucking faggot.

we can defend our own with the THREAT of violence.
that is why thermonuclear warheads exist.

we should be like a coiled up cobra in the corner of the room, hissing as a warning, but ready to protect our eggs and prepared to strike at any time.

working real good for you so far. Know why the elite got where they are? anyone who tries to air their dirty laundry gets suicided with 3 gunshots to the back of the head.
violence absolutely does work. It's the universal currency. our enemies know this.

They're putting the military on the streets tomorrow, if a single live round goes off things could get very interesting

Civilized protest = non effective

Every time I've had trouble with russians it's the same

>ruskie *pulls some shit*
>also ruskie: I dindu nothing, prove I did faggot hohol fascist! )))))
>*provides evidence*
>ruskie: yeah okay, but can you PROVE I did it? ))))

Haven't met enough ukrainians, but as the average ukr looks just like your friendly neighbourhood russian gopnik, one can imagine.

desu this

well that is true. well my problem is with the protesters themselves because they are pillaging their own city/home. like who the fuck does that?

the way I see it, they lost any moral basis by which to protest therefore I believe it is fair to say that to take part in these protests is to take part in and support looting and pillaging.

It's originally a rural, middle aged, blue collar movement.
The violent crowd in Paris are young and urban, students and unemployed, commies, antifas. Most of them are just dressed in black and don't even pretend to wear the yellow to fit in. Sadly they're the only ones organized enough (the gov is also letting them do it but that's another story) to cause violence that add fuel to the fire but they're too retarded to hit the appropriate targets.